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Question about crumbles *(to Debra Phillips)

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     Thank you again for the suggestions.  I am sure the crumbles from the

health food store that I used to frequent (which is 2 hrs. from where I live

now) was not organic, so I would tend to not try it unless it was.   I pass thru

that city every couple of months or so, so it is possible I could find out if

they " ship " .  They are a small operation, however, and it would be easier to try

the larger of  the 2 health food stores in Springfield, IL, which is only about

45 minutes from here.  THEY do make special orders, as might the local

" Mom-and-Pop " health food place in our own town.


     If I know what the product is like to begin with, I also have a source for

a bulk order from a group of people who go in together from a couple of

wholesale catalogs at our local YMCA.  I have ordered a case of (IMHO) the BEST

extra-firm organic tofu ever from that outfit.  (Wildwood brand--it comes in

LARGE blocks and is really, really GOOD!)


    A note to add here:  I tried " Quorn " for the very first time last night and

have to say I was VERY pleased with it.  I'm not sure if I " reacted " to anything

in it or not, because of other circumstances I dealt with and other foods I also

ate yesterday.  But judging by taste alone, I really did LIKE it, and, frankly,

I had been skeptical.  The only kind of " Quorn " we have anywhere in this town is

the boxed " naked cutlets " that look and taste like chicken.



     I  came home late-ish and was in a hurry to make something for a supper,

since my DH was going to be even later and would eat with his co-workers before

coming home.  I stopped at the health food store and decided, " Why not now? "  

(Since I didn't have to contend with DH AND try a " new " food at the same time.) 

I bought a box and added it to a skillet of sliced mushrooms, multi-colored

sweet peppers, and purple onions, with some herb seasonings and a bit of salt. 

I cooked up a small pan of cous-cous to put it on and then browned the " Quorn

cutlet " in the skillet, adding the sauteed veggies last.  As it cooked, I

chopped it into smaller pieces....it smelled good; it even looked a little like,

well, what it was supposed to " replace " in the stir-fry.


    It tasted good and I like the texture.  I even told my DH about it when he

got home.  I also told him I would " try it out " on him sometime--but, going by

his wishes, I would NOT tell him ahead of time he was going to get a " faux " item

in his food.  I would just mix it in, and he said that would be all right.  (He

does surprise me at being willing to try some things, but he gets weird and

adamant when it comes to a few foods--tofu, for one and

mushrooms, eggplant, turnips and spinach for a few others.  He has had them, but

only " hidden " and un-mentioned in different foods in the past.  I can be SNEAKY,

too!  LOL!


    So now, I would try Quorn again (the cutlets) to make sure they are okay for

me to eat, since I do like them.  And next, after that, to see where I can find

other products from that company.  It's a process...and slow, but there is some

progress here.


     As to the " Worthington " brand of foods--I don't think I have EVER seen them

anywhere near here, not even in health food stores.  Does WHOLE FOODS carry

them?  I have not tried them, either. 


     Thank you for the suggestions.  It has been helpful to read them.


---Laura B., in Illinois



Question about " crumbles "   *( reply to " rosetalleo " )

    Posted by: " Debra Phillips " dphillips2ac dphillips2ac

    Wed Sep 3, 2008 4:31 pm ((PDT))


You mentioned the store where you used to shop carrying some frozen

crumbles....Any  chance they might do some type of mail order? I've heard of

bakeries and online food companies actually mailing products--somehow--that

require refrigeration or a freezer. It was just a thought. Also, have you heard

of Worthington Vegetarian Burger? It is processed, so you might have the type of

reaction you're trying to avoid, but it comes in a can, it tastes good, it has a

long shelf life, and it has the texture of ground beef. I can get it past family

member carnivores (LOL) and they never know the difference! The can doesn't say

organic, but it " s just another thought. Have a good evening....and good luck.

Best wishes.








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I find Worthington products online and at larger Wal-Mart stores, but have only

made purchases at Wal-Mart Some larger Kroger stores also carry this brand

of products. It was at Kroger that I first discovered Worthington, but the local

Kroger stores around here stopped carrying the brand a few years ago. This just

isn't much of a vegetarian area, I guess. Wal-mart can do that store-to-store

purchase at times as well. If you'd like to take a look at the products online,

try:    http://www.vegefood.com/ushopabc.html




Oh......all these recipes sound so good! It makes me hungry!






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Please tell me what is a DH?



....and the greatest of these is love. 1cor13:13







L.B. <elbee577


Thursday, September 4, 2008 8:17:18 AM

Re: Question about " crumbles " *(to Debra Phillips)



Thank you again for the suggestions. I am sure the crumbles from the

health food store that I used to frequent (which is 2 hrs. from where I live

now) was not organic, so I would tend to not try it unless it was. I pass thru

that city every couple of months or so, so it is possible I could find out if

they " ship " . They are a small operation, however, and it would be easier to try

the larger of the 2 health food stores in Springfield, IL, which is only about

45 minutes from here. THEY do make special orders, as might the local

" Mom-and-Pop " health food place in our own town.


If I know what the product is like to begin with, I also have a source for

a bulk order from a group of people who go in together from a couple of

wholesale catalogs at our local YMCA. I have ordered a case of (IMHO) the BEST

extra-firm organic tofu ever from that outfit. (Wildwood brand--it comes in

LARGE blocks and is really, really GOOD!)


A note to add here: I tried " Quorn " for the very first time last night and

have to say I was VERY pleased with it. I'm not sure if I " reacted " to anything

in it or not, because of other circumstances I dealt with and other foods I also

ate yesterday. But judging by taste alone, I really did LIKE it, and, frankly,

I had been skeptical. The only kind of " Quorn " we have anywhere in this town is

the boxed " naked cutlets " that look and taste like chicken.



I came home late-ish and was in a hurry to make something for a supper,

since my DH was going to be even later and would eat with his co-workers before

coming home. I stopped at the health food store and decided, " Why not now? "

(Since I didn't have to contend with DH AND try a " new " food at the same time.)

I bought a box and added it to a skillet of sliced mushrooms, multi-colored

sweet peppers, and purple onions, with some herb seasonings and a bit of salt.

I cooked up a small pan of cous-cous to put it on and then browned the " Quorn

cutlet " in the skillet, adding the sauteed veggies last. As it cooked, I

chopped it into smaller pieces....it smelled good; it even looked a little like,

well, what it was supposed to " replace " in the stir-fry.


It tasted good and I like the texture. I even told my DH about it when he

got home. I also told him I would " try it out " on him sometime--but, going by

his wishes, I would NOT tell him ahead of time he was going to get a " faux " item

in his food. I would just mix it in, and he said that would be all right. (He

does surprise me at being willing to try some things, but he gets weird and

adamant when it comes to a few foods--tofu, for one and

mushrooms, eggplant, turnips and spinach for a few others. He has had them, but

only " hidden " and un-mentioned in different foods in the past. I can be SNEAKY,

too! LOL!


So now, I would try Quorn again (the cutlets) to make sure they are okay for

me to eat, since I do like them. And next, after that, to see where I can find

other products from that company. It's a process...and slow, but there is some

progress here.


As to the " Worthington " brand of foods--I don't think I have EVER seen them

anywhere near here, not even in health food stores. Does WHOLE FOODS carry

them? I have not tried them, either.


Thank you for the suggestions. It has been helpful to read them.


---Laura B., in Illinois



Question about " crumbles " *( reply to " rosetalleo " )

Posted by: " Debra Phillips " dphillips2ac@ dphillips2ac

Wed Sep 3, 2008 4:31 pm ((PDT))


You mentioned the store where you used to shop carrying some frozen crumbles....

Any chance they might do some type of mail order? I've heard of bakeries and

online food companies actually mailing products--somehow- -that require

refrigeration or a freezer. It was just a thought. Also, have you heard of

Worthington Vegetarian Burger? It is processed, so you might have the type of

reaction you're trying to avoid, but it comes in a can, it tastes good, it has a

long shelf life, and it has the texture of ground beef. I can get it past family

member carnivores (LOL) and they never know the difference! The can doesn't say

organic, but it " s just another thought. Have a good evening....and good luck.

Best wishes.



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I can't get a lot of that stuff here in Anchorage, but that is something to look

forward to.  The Walmart store about a mile from me is a horrid mess being under

construction, but supposedly when it is finished, 18 months from now, it will be

the worlds largest Walmart and hopefully I can get some Worthington products




--- On Thu, 9/4/08, Debra Phillips <dphillips2ac wrote:


Debra Phillips <dphillips2ac

Re: Question about " crumbles " *(to Debra Phillips)


Thursday, September 4, 2008, 8:13 AM







I find Worthington products online and at larger Wal-Mart stores, but have only

made purchases at Wal-Mart Some larger Kroger stores also carry this brand

of products. It was at Kroger that I first discovered Worthington, but the local

Kroger stores around here stopped carrying the brand a few years ago. This just

isn't much of a vegetarian area, I guess. Wal-mart can do that store-to-store

purchase at times as well. If you'd like to take a look at the products online,

try:    http://www.vegefood .com/ushopabc. html




Oh......all these recipes sound so good! It makes me hungry!



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I've never bought them online, but I have reviewed the website where's it's

possible. You may want to check into that. Since I haven't purchased them

online, I have no idea what the online version of the company is like to work

with (payment types accepted, how well they are at filling orders, how long they

require to ship the products, cost of shipping and handling, etc.)..  Anyway,

just a thought.







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