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Question about crumbles * Mo

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     Hi, Mo!

        Thank you for the suggestions.  I myself would like the mushrooms in

things, but my DH is the one I am mainly " searching the products " for.  He has a

real aversion to anything too obviously " mushroomy " or " tofu-y " --or, for that

matter, " eggplant-y " in foods.  I have used all of those and a few other from

his list of " questionables " , but I have to be really careful and not make it an

obvious thing. 


     I think, for example, that I might be able to make some kind of tasty patty

with port. mushrooms, ex. firm (frozen-thawed-crumbled) tofu, cooked lentils

and/or other beans, maybe some grains, and maybe ground walnuts, some

seasonings, some " browning liquid " (I use a syrup made of stron coffee in small

amounts to give a " brown " flavor to some things), and maybe some kind of binder,

like egg...but I'd have to experiment with how to grind/mix it all up and how to

cook it.  I don't have a food processor, either, and using a blender yields a

too-smooth pudding-like mass...I want something more chewy and textured, but not

obviously grain/nut crunchy, and not " squishy " like mushrooms, nor totally

mealy-mashy like beans. 


       A batch of patties, already made up, frozen and ready to grab out of the

freezer and sling into the pan--THAT would go a long way here.  Whenever I want

to make myself something that DH considers too " far out " for him to want to try,

then he can be welcome to grab a " bean-burger " or whatever--and have himself

something that reminds him of the familiar--at least to some extent.


      It may be a bit easier in the near future to get DH to " try " some of these

things, because he just had his bloodwork done.  The " numbers " are up a little

bit and the doc. wants DH to " work on his diet " & to get re-tested in 6 months. 

DH now has more incentive to move away from meat-eating even more than he felt

he did before.  I won't know about my own " blood work " for a week or more--I had

it drawn last week, but they lost the sample and I have to go in to get it

re-done tomorrow!  GRRRR!


     There may even come a time when my DH will try things with mushrooms and

tofu in them--and know it's in there.  Right now, I just have to go with what he

can agree to and keep looking for what options are available. 


     Thanks again for the suggestions!


--Laura B., in Illinois

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