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Laura-: Question about crumbles

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Hi, Laura!


Lol, not liking mushrooms never occurred to me :) By the way, it's

really fun to read the way you're thinking through the recipe that you

want to create--Thanks for sharing that! Good luck with your DH getting

his numbers where they should be. I'm glad he has a dr. who talks to him

about diet!





L.B. wrote:

> Hi, Mo!

> Thank you for the suggestions. I myself would like the mushrooms in

things, but my DH is the one I am mainly " searching the products " for. He has a

real aversion to anything too obviously " mushroomy " or " tofu-y " --or, for that

matter, " eggplant-y " in foods. I have used all of those and a few other from

his list of " questionables " , but I have to be really careful and not make it an

obvious thing.


> I think, for example, that I might be able to make some kind of tasty

patty with port. mushrooms, ex. firm (frozen-thawed-crumbled) tofu, cooked

lentils and/or other beans, maybe some grains, and maybe ground walnuts, some

seasonings, some " browning liquid " (I use a syrup made of stron coffee in small

amounts to give a " brown " flavor to some things), and maybe some kind of binder,

like egg...but I'd have to experiment with how to grind/mix it all up and how to

cook it. I don't have a food processor, either, and using a blender yields a

too-smooth pudding-like mass...I want something more chewy and textured, but not

obviously grain/nut crunchy, and not " squishy " like mushrooms, nor totally

> mealy-mashy like beans.


> A batch of patties, already made up, frozen and ready to grab out of

the freezer and sling into the pan--THAT would go a long way here. Whenever I

want to make myself something that DH considers too " far out " for him to want to

try, then he can be welcome to grab a " bean-burger " or whatever--and have

himself something that reminds him of the familiar--at least to some extent.


> It may be a bit easier in the near future to get DH to " try " some of

these things, because he just had his bloodwork done. The " numbers " are up a

little bit and the doc. wants DH to " work on his diet " & to get re-tested in 6

months. DH now has more incentive to move away from meat-eating even more than

he felt he did before. I won't know about my own " blood work " for a week or

more--I had it drawn last week, but they lost the sample and I have to go in to

get it re-done tomorrow! GRRRR!


> There may even come a time when my DH will try things with mushrooms and

tofu in them--and know it's in there. Right now, I just have to go with what he

can agree to and keep looking for what options are available.


> Thanks again for the suggestions!


> --Laura B., in Illinois





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The D in the DH can be used to pop in whatever adjective your H is being at the

time that the post was being made.

 'Do what thou wilt, but harm none'. Each individual is responsible for

discovering his or her own true nature and developing it fully, in harmony with

the outer world.





diana scott <dianascot_33


Friday, September 5, 2008 8:31:15 AM

Re:Laura-: Re: Question about " crumbles "



I thought DH was dear husband.









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