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speaking of whole foods.. ginger beer

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Speaking of whole foods, anyone who loves ginger ale must try the ginger ale and

ginger beer they have at whole foods. It is called Reed's. There are 6 kinds, I

have tried the Jamaican ale and the Jamaican beer. They are both to die for. the

difference is the beer is a little stronger, it has a bit of pizzazz in it lemmy

tell ya. I am addicted.

Not the cheapest stuff in the world, but if you love ginger ale, you must treat

yourself to a 4 pack of this stuff. Here is the website, but I get it at whole

foods. After looking at this I am gonna try to get the other kinds too:









Thursday, September 18, 2008 2:22 PM

Whole Foods



That store is huge and just beautiful inside. I get lost in it.

I shop in Whole Foods Redondo, they all know me by first name, order things

for me. It's like a little neighborhood store to me, I'm a creature of habit.





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