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Question of the Week = What are your comfort foods?

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Question of the Week - What are your favorite comfort foods and do you have

a favorite memory attached to it or is a new food that you love, etc.?


The more that respond, the more inspiration we all get from each other.


Hope to hear from lots of you!




I'd have to say Tom Yum Goong. Nothing like a steaming bowl of noodle soup when

I don't feel well. My second favorite would have to be beans and rice with spicy

salsa and corn tortillas


I have few fond memories of my mother's cuisine. The women in my family were

notoriously bad or indifferent cooks. I didn't know you could make soup until I

went off to college, I thought it only came in a Campbell's soup can.





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Give me that old Vanilla Wafer Banana Pudding thing Granny used to make.

If not that then I will settle for coconut or banana cream pie. I'm

putty in your hands after I get my fill of one of those desserts.

I'll mow the lawn, take out the trash, prune the rose bushes and so on.



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Ok comfort food, I have to say there is nothing that takes me back as much

as hot chocolate and sweet corn bread. I was raised by my Grandparents and

I remember walking in after school, it was cold and rainy, my nose and ears

red from the cold. I would walk in and see the fire from the gas space

heater and smell the hot chocolate and the sweet corn bread, I couldn't get

my coat and gloves off fast enough!





On Behalf Of Lise

Monday, September 22, 2008 9:37 PM


Question of the Week = What are your comfort





Question of the Week - What are your favorite comfort foods and do you have

a favorite memory attached to it or is a new food that you love, etc.?


The more that respond, the more inspiration we all get from each other.


Hope to hear from lots of you!



I'd have to say Tom Yum Goong. Nothing like a steaming bowl of noodle soup

when I don't feel well. My second favorite would have to be beans and rice

with spicy salsa and corn tortillas


I have few fond memories of my mother's cuisine. The women in my family were

notoriously bad or indifferent cooks. I didn't know you could make soup

until I went off to college, I thought it only came in a Campbell's soup






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, " wwjd " <jtwigg wrote:


> Time for another -

> Question of the Week - What are your favorite comfort foods and do

you have

> a favorite memory attached to it or is a new food that you love, etc.?


> The more that respond, the more inspiration we all get from each other.


> Hope to hear from lots of you!

> Judy





Potato boiled with lots of garlic, then mashed with extra virgin olive

oil. A good accompaniment is spicy tempeh and a green veg.

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Hmm if I am feeling ill then it is Heinz tomato soup (only time I eat it! I find

it too sweet normally)


Otherwise I like something the family calls Durham Hot Pot which is basically

layers of potato and onion (seasoned with salt only), finish with a layer of

potato put water in and stick in the oven (medium to high heat) until the potato

is soft and cooked through!


Oh and sometimes the only thing that works is Belgian Chocolate Ice Cream

(Haagen Daaz being the best LOL)


The Dragon

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Lol, I'm the same way, except it's vanilla and cinnamon for me. Best.

Smells. Ever. :)


Donnalilacflower wrote:

> I really should get a brown pillow case and sprinkle cardamom and cinnamon all

over it. I would probably sleep like a baby until it got into my eues. LOL

> I love those two scents and they remind me of my Gran and Mom always in the

kitchen baking with these spices every chance they had.

> I started baking now that the weather cooled down. I plan on doing a lot more

very soon.


> Donna








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When I'm feeling down I LOVE macaroni and cheese. My fallback has always

been the kraft box stuff, the kind with the gooey cheese. I've been

experimenting with nutritional yeast cheese more lately, and I've found that

I like it more each time, and that it usually tastes better the second day.




On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 10:37 PM, Lise <iteach wrote:


> Question of the Week - What are your favorite comfort foods and do you

> have

> a favorite memory attached to it or is a new food that you love, etc.?


> The more that respond, the more inspiration we all get from each other.


> Hope to hear from lots of you!

> Judy


> I'd have to say Tom Yum Goong. Nothing like a steaming bowl of noodle soup

> when I don't feel well. My second favorite would have to be beans and rice

> with spicy salsa and corn tortillas


> I have few fond memories of my mother's cuisine. The women in my family

> were notoriously bad or indifferent cooks. I didn't know you could make soup

> until I went off to college, I thought it only came in a Campbell's soup

> can.


> Lise



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My grandmothers spagetti!

Oh and mashed potatoes too.






wwjd <jtwigg


Monday, September 22, 2008 8:46:26 PM

Question of the Week = What are your comfort foods?



Time for another -

Question of the Week - What are your favorite comfort foods and do you have

a favorite memory attached to it or is a new food that you love, etc.?


The more that respond, the more inspiration we all get from each other.


Hope to hear from lots of you!






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Potato skins with lots of grated cheddar cheese, chives and sour cream.

I could live off this.





, Debra Phillips

<dphillips2ac wrote:


> Potato soup....seasoned with lots of pepper.







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Probably chai latte's are my comfort food - maybe my addiction.  If I could only

have one food it would probably have to be potatoes.  You can do so much with



Until I went to college I really hated food.  I almost had to be force fed.  I

came from a family of good cooks who loved food - I'm Southern.  I'm the

opposite now.  That was before you heard about anorexa and before skinny was in

fashion; and I certainly was not not eating for outward appearance.  I got so

tired of hearing how skinny I was.  I don't know why I didn't like to eat; but

during my high school years my grandmother was head cook in the school

cafeteria.  And my family would do anything to make me eat. So my grandmother

let me make out the school menu as long as it went by government standards - she

always had approval.  I was fairly popular in that respect as classmates would

put in their bids for what they wanted to eat.  I usually had cherry cobbler for

desert on Fridays.


I've went through so many stages with food in my life, going from one extreme to

the other....living to eat was one.  Now, I " m trying to eat more consciously. 

Food is more of an art form with me now.  I love beautiful dishes and kitchen

appliances, and organic, and learning about and using various plants and herbs,

etc.  I was always building up to this; but it's been a long process for me.










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Not a food, but real good coffee, with cream from the farm down the

road, and a touch of DaVinci Amaretto flavoring syrup. I like to

snuggle up with it and a good book, on cold winter days.


¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:- Terri

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´


Genesis 2:15 The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the

garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it.






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, " wwjd " <jtwigg wrote:


> Time for another -

> Question of the Week - What are your favorite comfort foods and do

you have

> a favorite memory attached to it or is a new food that you love, etc.?




Lentil stew with vegetables


Mashed potatoes


Kale potato soup (with lots of garlic)


'Pa amb tomaquet' (our 'national' dish), rub toast (sliced baguette

bread works best and it is the most authentic for this) with a peeled

garlic clove (this step is optional), rub with a halved tomato so the

juice gets on the bread and all you have left is some tomato skin,

sprinkle salt on the rubbed toasted bread, then drizzle olive oil,

that's it! This is how we 'dress' our sandwiches, either this or all

i oli!

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I will eat an omlet for breakfast, brunch or dinner. I whip up the

eggs with water insterad of milk, they get foamy and the water mixes

better than milk. Then I will fill the onlet with Jack or cheddar

cheese and steamed vegetables. When it's done I grate cheese on top,

put a lid on the pan and take off the burner for a few minutes so the

cheese is melts. Then I will top with salsa.

It's a full meal in itself.


Tina the lurker but this question has been so much fun I had to reply

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Hi everyone,


A lot of my favorite comfort foods have already been named in the

answers I've been reading. But let me share one of my all time

favorites, Bear Mush! This dish goes back to my childhood when Mom

would serve this to my brother and I either for breakfast or sometimes

dinner on cold winter evenings. She'd mix brown sugar in the whole

wheat mush and serve it to us with warm milk. . .mmmmmm so yummy!

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It took me awhile to think what my comfort food is. Then, as I was

making breakfast this morning I realised...


peanut butter and banana sandwich on flax seed bread with coffee


Paula (who is eating her comfort food right now)


, " wwjd " <jtwigg wrote:


> Time for another -

> Question of the Week - What are your favorite comfort foods and do

you have

> a favorite memory attached to it or is a new food that you love,



> The more that respond, the more inspiration we all get from each



> Hope to hear from lots of you!

> Judy


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Mashed potatoes with whole kernel corn on top and lots of margarine.


No gravy but a roll is good too.








Time for another -

Question of the Week - What are your favorite comfort foods and do you have

a favorite memory attached to it or is a new food that you love, etc.?






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