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OT Thoughts on Ithaca, NY Help

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I've just been lurking lately but I need some input from other veg

parents. We've visited Ithaca, NY twice and the whole family just loved

it. We talked longingly about one day moving there. Now we suddenly

find ourselves with a possible opportunity to move to Ithaca, NY thanks

to a job transfer.


It's not a perfect situation. My hubby would wind up with an hour and

15 minute commute (although, he already has this right now). Also,

I've got a four kids in all, but one is a junior in high school who

would be moving to a new school for her senior year.


I'm wondering what other people think? Any people living in Ithaca or

formerly living in Ithaca have any thoughts? Is Ithaca really the

wonderous place that it seemed to us on those visits or are we creating

a mythical, wishful, vegan reality?


I'd love to hear any thoughts.




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My daughter has lived in?Newfield (a stone's throw from Ithaca)?for 9 years.?

From my point of view, if you can stand the winters, it's a nice place to live.?

You have the best of both worlds...culture at your fingertips, beautiful

country, and have privy to the largest book sale in the country which is held

every October.? People come from everywhere just to attend.? And, of course, you

have Wegmans, which is the most amazing grocery store on the planet...especially

since Ithaca is a college town and they have to cater to a lot of? different

ethnic groups.? Worth the move just for Wegmans.?I could cheerfully spend an

entire day there.


The year my first grandson was born ( January, 2003) the snow on the sides of

the road outside her house had to be a good ten feet high (her house is located

at the highest spot in Newfield which means severe wind and cold).? I'm a smoker

and I'd bundle up to go outside...wind would be howling, snow would be blowing,

and there I stood, fool that I am.? In retrospect I really should have tethered

myself to the deck railing.? You really had to be there.


I sometimes entertain thoughts of moving there when I retire and I guess if I

stocked the larder and could stay in November through March it would work.? I

just have a real problem with winter and every year I suffer until spring.? This

needs repeating...winters can be brutal and often are.? AWD vehicles are a must!







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Hello Katie, I have lived in the Ithaca area all my life. I live in

Freeville which is a stones throw from Ithaca the other direction from

Newfield (where my husband grew up). Ithaca has diversity of every

kind which is unique because of it's quite small size. The snow is much less

in the town proper then out side of town because of the lake. I drive a

Camaro and have for years I guess I am just used to the snow....I have no

Idea where your husband is getting a job but there are plenty of small towns

around Ithaca and the commute is only minutes and there is the TCAT bus that

runs all over the county. It is a beautiful area look up Ithaca and see what

you find..winter is a little dreary but there's hockey, skiing, parks, all

kinds of recreation things for the kids and adults not to mention the plays

,musical,and lectures and many other outings provided by the colleges day

and night. If you want it, all you have to do is look for it and it is

probably there...good luck


On 10/21/08, Katie <kmangan33 wrote:


> I've just been lurking lately but I need some input from other veg

> parents. We've visited Ithaca, NY twice and the whole family just loved

> it. We talked longingly about one day moving there. Now we suddenly

> find ourselves with a possible opportunity to move to Ithaca, NY thanks

> to a job transfer.


> It's not a perfect situation. My hubby would wind up with an hour and

> 15 minute commute (although, he already has this right now). Also,

> I've got a four kids in all, but one is a junior in high school who

> would be moving to a new school for her senior year.


> I'm wondering what other people think? Any people living in Ithaca or

> formerly living in Ithaca have any thoughts? Is Ithaca really the

> wonderous place that it seemed to us on those visits or are we creating

> a mythical, wishful, vegan reality?


> I'd love to hear any thoughts.


> Thanks,

> Katie







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Hi Katie,


I moved to Ithaca for about a year and a half.  It was all I could stand.  I

thought it would be a neat place to live but I didn't like it for long.  It's

like there's two Ithacas and I'm sure if you're a student at one of the colleges

it's great, but if you're there just trying to make a living its kind of tough. 

There weren't many jobs there and the ones that were there were low-paying. 

There's not much of a night life and it's so cold in the winter you don't want

to leave the house anyway.  But if you like hiking and outdoor stuff it's pretty

and they have a nice flea market every Sunday.  Good luck whatever you decide. 

I decided to move back to Atlanta and haven't regretted the move back at all,

it's been five years now.








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