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Hello, my name is Elaine. I am 27 years old, living as married with my

highschool sweetheart. We are proudly child-free and love our freedom. I go to

school full-time and will finish my psychology degree in a few months. After

that I will get my alternative teaching certificate to teach special education.

Currently I work in a special education classroom in a high school. I love it!


I am a pagan of 9 years, and have flirted with the vegetarian lifestyle before.

For spiritual reasons, I am now committed to it for at least 6 months. Call it a

long-term fasting. Once Beltain is here, I will consider re-dedicating myself

for another 6 months. I am not a vegan; I will continue to eat eggs and cheese.


I am not a total newbie to vegetarian cooking, thankfully! I love soybeans, all

veggies, and whole grains. I am still perfecting the art of cooking tofu,



Which brings me to my first question....when I go to a Chinese or Thai

restaraunt, their tofu is lightly browned on each side, and has a distinctive

texture. When I get hard tofu at the store, and I try to brown it, I end up

using too much oil and it burns. What can I do to fix this issue?


Blessed be,



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