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Tea Drinkers (re: Chocolate-flavored/ Chocolate-containing teas)

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I had to run to the cupboard to look at what the names were and the brands they

came from for the chocolate teas I have right now.  There's always room for

more; so many teas--so little time!  LOL!


There are at least 2 brands that I've found that I like a lot.  Here are the

links to the companies that make those teas with " chocolate " flavor or actual

chocolate in the tea itself:


http://www.yogitea.com/  --I  have had their Mayan Cocoa Spice and Mexican

Sweet Chili (it has cinnamon, cocoa and a bit of chili-pepper in it).  They are

both really good and " warming " .


http://www.kalahariusa.com/  --Two of their teas I've had of the " chocolate "

line are Raspberry Truffle and Cherry Vanilla--You would not believe the

luscious chocolate-y

flavor of either one!  They are SOO good!


    There's the herb which can be grown (and easily grown!) from the mint family

that tastes like chocolate and mint--known, obviously, as " chocolate mint " .  I

have a jar of these leaves that I harvested from my home-grown plants.  I've not

seen these in places where herbs are sold in bulk, but it's not out of the

question.  It's not a true " tea " and has no caffiene.  It's good, though!


    I have also seen black chocolate flavored teas in differnent places.  My

favorite comes from a small but extensively-stocked tea shop in Champaign,

Illinois, and it's called " Raspberry mint " .  How it happens to have a

distinctive chocolate flavor with the raspberry and mint--I don't know, although

it may have some of the herbal chocolate mint mixed in--there are also raspberry

pieces in it.  The proprietess of this small shop has so far resisted going on

the web and does not " ship " .  She has a HUGE clientele, however, and my DH and

me, being former loyal local customers, still find a way to stop there whenever

we go anyplace within a 70-mile radius of Champaign, IL.


      I found from somewhere else, and I don't now rememeber where a " Chocolate

Creme " flavored black tea that is also excellent with chocolate flavor.  If

you'd do " google " searching for various tea companies or for " chocolate flavored

tea " , it might come up with lots of options.


     --Laura B., in Illinois--a " tea-fancier "  



    Posted by: " Audrey Snyder " AudeeBird audreylynnsnyder

    Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:53 am ((PDT))


Whoa -- chocolate tea?? Who makes it? Where do I get it???


Very excited,

Audrey S. :)


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 6:28 PM, L.B. <elbee577 wrote:


>   Hi!

>     I have a LOT of teas (LOL!)  I tell folks I " collect " teas whenever we

> travel anywhere.

> I bring home consumable souvenirs such as teas, home-made soaps, and small

> bags or

> jars of dry beans or rice.  Strange, huh>!


>     At one time, my tea " collection " filled 2 wide cupboard shelves and I

> counted over 100

> different teas and herbal " teas " .  I love flavored black teas, some green

> teas and a few " white " tea types and flavors.  I found a flavored recently

> called " Cream of Earl Grey " --it had a vanilla and " cream " -like flavor under

> the familiar Earl Grey aromatic flavorings.  I like it a lot!


>      I also found a wonderful " Plum Oolong " bulk tea quite some time ago

> from a Whole Foods--they don't carry it anymore, so once my Plum Oolong ran

> out, I could not replace it.  It had the most exotic, flowery/fruity,

> complex yet mild tea flavor I've ever had.  Sad to

> not have any more of it!


>       Another herbal " tea' I love for bedtime is " Linden Flowers " herbal

> tea.  I have another that's Chamomile and " Lime " (Linden also) flowers, and

> another that's Chamomile and Spearmint--these all 3 are really RELAXING and

> as good or better than anything I know to help one wind down and sleep

> REALLY WELL.  Most of the times I've had it before bedtime, I've slept like

> the proverbial baby thu the night!  Linden seems to be the most relaxing tea

> I've tried.  (I have heard Lavender is similar in effect, but I've never

> tried it.)


>      Finally, I really savor a cup of hot " Rose " tea, Chocolate Mint

> (flavored black tea or the Herb itself-- " chocolate mint " , which makes a tea

> that tastes just like mint-chocolate!  And there is Lapsang Souchong

> tea--smells tantalizingly like a smoky campfire on a briskly cold day--but

> tastes mellow and " woody " , with something like sassafrass with a hint of

> cedar!  My DH can't get past that campfire smoky smell--but the tea itself

> has a surprising flavor that I just love.


>      Ok, no clear-cut favorites, but overall, I am a tea-drinker and, now

> that it's been mentioned, I think I'll go to the kitchen and make a " cuppa " !


>      Good night, All!


> --Laura B., in Illinois

>     Posted by: " mrswalp29 " mrswalp29


>     Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:16 pm ((PDT))


> Hi everyone! I thought it would be fun to know everyones favorite tea

> and brand of you have one. Mine is Candy Cane aka Peppermint

> Steph







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