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Tea Drinkers *Ed

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Oh, I KNOW!  there's just so many sites out there for finding teas!  You would

not believe how many are " bookmarked " on my computer already!  LOL!  I am right

now trying to " cut back " on my tea acquisitions, because I have so many!  We

don't use them up nearly fast enough, but since the loose ones are in glass jars

and in the dark cupboard--they keep fairly well, anyway!


DH and I are looking to have to move sometime in the next 3 years (for his

work), and when he is " sent " to another place, we will have to move our teas as

well.  I didn't get rid of any of them when we moved here, but I know we can use

up quite a lot of teas in the meantime and cut down on our packing somewhat. 


On the other hand, if we run out of a really FAVORITE tea, I do usually look to

replace it with more of the same.


I guess my tea collecting is similar to how some people " collect " wines.  Some I

keep lots of--and try to not run out of...some are special but when they run

out, there's no more because it's not readily available.  Some are just mementos

of special events--vacation trips, holiday teas, and so on.  I love looking for

the teas and I also like remembering " where I found this one or that one " .  

Every place we go has the possibility of discovering the next " favorite " tea!


--I'm enjoying a " cuppa " right now--it's " Apricot " black tea and really yummy

with soy milk and stevia sweetener!


--Laura B., from Illinois




    Posted by: " Ed Regal " eregal ecregal

    Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:20 pm ((PDT))



Laura - Google is your friend!!


Do a quick search on " plum oolong tea "   and you should come up with a bunch

of places that carry it - in tea bags as well as in bulk.


Hope that may be of some help to you?



With the Internet, the answer is out there - the problem now is to figure

out what the question is....

Somewhere in the world, two aardvarks are humping.








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