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Why Artificial Meat?

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When asked that question, my usual response is " Because no animals were killed

in the making of this product. "


I personally do not like processed foods and limit the family to processed meat

substitutes to maybe two meals a month (normally when my husband cooks).  When I

ate meat, I did not object to the flavor- it was good.  But my conscience as a

healer, minister and environmentalist was always bothered by it. 


The final straw came when I went to cut up a chicken for dinner and found myself

in tears.  I was crushed by  the thought of this creatures life before it became

my dinner, and was riddled with pain of heart at the indignities and pain that

creature suffered just so that we could consume its corpse. Its death was

probably the best thing that happened to it.  At that point, I decided to simply

stop being a part of the process and that day we completely gave up meat as a

family.  (We had already cut back to fish or poultry three meals a week anyway)


I have found that unlike most non-vegs, being a vegetarian is usually a choice

of care and compassion, either for the Earth and those who dwell on it or for

ones family, friends or self.  It is a thought out process and a conscience

decision, not just a going along with the crowd but a yielding to a greater



So in my opinion, meat substitutes represent choices on the flavor pallate that

allows one to further inhance their dining experience, not just a crutch to

change over to a vegetarian lifestyle.


OK, that was my two cents worth, and in today's economy I am sure that it wasn't

worth even that much.


Peace to All.






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