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Hello Nancy cigarettes OT

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I am just so glad you were successful in quitting. Stress can do a lot of

things to people so I can understand that feeling but I am glad you have

resisted it. Out of the mouths of babes.......good for your

granddaughter......she may have saved your life.


My mom tried and tried to quite smoking over the years. I took one drag off

of a cigarette when I was about 12....with some older kids. I hacked, I

coughed, it burned my throat......I got sick at my stomach....it was horrible.

I honestly could not, and still don't, understand why anyone would want to put

their lungs, throat and body through something so totally unpleasant. My

mother had always told me that I could smoke when I was old enough to buy my own

cigarettes.......trust me.....by the time I was old enough to smoke, I had

absolutely no interest in it and was constantly trying to get my mother to stop.

I am so thankful that my kids listened to me about this as they were growing up.


I feel like someone has always been looking down, watching over me. I had 7

children in 4 different decades.....two in the 60's (1965 and 1968), two in the

70's (1974 and 1976), two in the 80's (1983 and 1988) and one in 1990. So much

more was found out over those years about not smoking or drinking while you were

pregnant then what was known in the 60's. I feel extremely fortunate that none

of my babies were subjected to nicotine or alcohol before they were born. I

was doing all of the right things and didn't even realize it.


Thank you again for your words of kindness and comfort. This has been one of

the two worst Christmases in my life. I know that this is going to stay with

each and everyone of my grown children and my other grandchildren for the rest

of our lives.


I have had one person, whom I told about how Brittany died, to tell me that

she told her grown daughter, who never wears a seat belt, about Brittany and she

has started wearing it now, and my oldest daughter said the husband of one of

her friends has started wearing his seat belt after hearing about what happened

to this precious child. So.....hopefully, this will continue and maybe

Brittany will have a part in saving dozens and dozens of lives......I hope so.

There HAS to be something positive come from this pain.


I hope it makes people think twice about smoking AND about wearing their seat

belts.......please, don't make your families go through this kind of pain.

Nancy C.

East Texas



Hello Nancy...


I am so sorry about your Mother, Father, Aunt, Uncle and also your

Granddaughter. Not to be horrible but that probably would have cause me to

light up

again, horrible huh ? every time I tried to quit smoking stress or anger made

me start up again but I look at my Granddaughters and think what would they

do without me ? That very comment my Granddaughter made about " drugs " made me

want to quit...thank goodeness for that " Look " everytime she saw me smoke

made me feel so small.

When I took my oldest granddaughter in for a cold, the Doctor looked at me

and said " Did you know not only are you smoking but your Granddaughter is as

well ! I guess she could smell it on me and I felt horrible ! sorry, I could

ramble on about this but I promise you, I will never ever start that nasty

habit ever again...

Again, I am so sorry Nancy and thank you for this post, I hope it makes

others think twice about smoking...

take care...

hugs Linda






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