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Linda cigarettes

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It is the worst/MOST DIFFICULT habit to break ! those craving just pop out

of no where lol in the morning while having coffee, after dinner with a glass

of wine etc. It's still difficult for me esp when you still have a smoker

in the family (my daughter's mother in law) She just found out she has to

have a biopsy done on New Years Eve cos they found a spot in her Lung. I see

her Christmas day...running outside to have a cigarette. I really feel for

her, I know she's very worried but I guess the craving just takes over if you

don't have the will power...you have want to quit...

So happy you did Donna



_thelilacflower_ (thelilacflower) writes:





Cigarettes! That was the worst habit to break. I don't smoke cigarettes

anymore. Yay! I'm not going to ever call myself a non-smoker, I'm a recovered

smoker. Who knows what the future holds, those are a day by day struggle.

It's been about 10 years and I still crave them.







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Wow 5 packs a day ! I thought I was bad with 2 packs...thank goodness that

is behind us now. I cringe when I see people gathered outside of their work

smoking together, I think to myself that use to be me ! eeekkkk! LOL

" Sugar " is my struggle at the moment...Salty stuff I loved but I had to

give it up my fingers get so swollen and Doctor's order. I'm fine now that I

given up salt along with Chocolate, my weakness lol I have a very sensitive

stomach now.

I love rice, I eat it with almost every meal :) ( may be my problem) being

Japanese it's something you don't even leave out in any meal LOL I just can't

get the hang of brown rice.


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Hang it there girl ! We can do it ! It took too much for me to finally

quit and I really don't want to go through it again ! Man ! did it take a toll

on my personality LOL they called me the " monster " I was a grumpy old fart


We should have a support group for ex smokers LOL j/k

Ok...recipes please :)

Linda lol

_thelilacflower_ (thelilacflower) writes:


I do feel I quit for good this time but you never know.

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Well I did quit for 10 years and started back for 4 years and now it's 10 years

off them again.  I do feel I quit for good this time but you never know.

I know the benefits of not smoking and I just have to talk to myself about it.

Now sugar is another thing...LOL  I do have that in control.  That's another

life long struggle.  Oh and potato chips.



--- On Mon, 12/29/08, zeni11 <zeni11 wrote:



zeni11 <zeni11

Re: Linda cigarettes


Monday, December 29, 2008, 10:22 AM








It is the worst/MOST DIFFICULT habit to break ! those craving just pop out

of no where lol in the morning while having coffee, after dinner with a glass

of wine etc. It's still difficult for me esp when you still have a smoker

in the family (my daughter's mother in law) She just found out she has to

have a biopsy done on New Years Eve cos they found a spot in her Lung. I see

her Christmas day...running outside to have a cigarette. I really feel for

her, I know she's very worried but I guess the craving just takes over if you

don't have the will power...you have want to quit...

So happy you did Donna



_thelilacflower@ _ (thelilacflower@ ) writes:


Cigarettes! That was the worst habit to break. I don't smoke cigarettes

anymore. Yay! I'm not going to ever call myself a non-smoker, I'm a recovered

smoker. Who knows what the future holds, those are a day by day struggle.

It's been about 10 years and I still crave them.



************ **One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail,

Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

(http://www.aol. com/?optin= new-dp & icid= aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolco




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I stopped smoking in 98 and haven't even wanted one since and can be around

smokers with no problem. I smoked 5 packs per day and quit cold turkey.

You are right, Donna. Sugar is another thing, but all my vitals are like a

20 year old, so I am not changing the sugar part. I do consume 5 pounds per

month. I gave up salty things like chips after my accident. I just don't

love them anymore. I will have some occasionally, but not often. Now,

rice!!! That is my downfall!!! I love rice for breakfast, lunch, and

dinner. I am about to make soup using brown rice I cooked yesterday and a

bunch of vegetables and vegetable stock and then I will get into my spice





On 12/29/08, Donnalilacflower <thelilacflower wrote:


> Well I did quit for 10 years and started back for 4 years and now it's 10

> years off them again. I do feel I quit for good this time but you never

> know.

> I know the benefits of not smoking and I just have to talk to myself about

> it.

> Now sugar is another thing...LOL I do have that in control. That's

> another life long struggle. Oh and potato chips.

> Donna


> --- On Mon, 12/29/08, zeni11 <zeni11 wrote:



> zeni11 <zeni11

> Re: Linda cigarettes


> Monday, December 29, 2008, 10:22 AM


It is the worst/MOST DIFFICULT habit to break ! those craving just pop out

> of no where lol in the morning while having coffee, after dinner with a

> glass

> of wine etc. It's still difficult for me esp when you still have a smoker

> in the family (my daughter's mother in law) She just found out she has to

> have a biopsy done on New Years Eve cos they found a spot in her Lung. I

> see

> her Christmas day...running outside to have a cigarette. I really feel for

> her, I know she's very worried but I guess the craving just takes over if

> you

> don't have the will power...you have want to quit...

> So happy you did Donna

> Linda


> _thelilacflower@ _ (thelilacflower@ ) writes:


> Cigarettes! That was the worst habit to break. I don't smoke cigarettes

> anymore. Yay! I'm not going to ever call myself a non-smoker, I'm a

> recovered

> smoker. Who knows what the future holds, those are a day by day struggle.

> It's been about 10 years and I still crave them.

> Donna


> ************ **One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail,

> Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

> (http://www.aol. com/?optin= new-dp & icid= aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolco

> m00000025)



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Hi Linda......

I am so glad for you and for your family that you made that very hard decision

to give up tobacco. While I have never smoked, I lost my mother, father, and a

very favorite aunt and uncle to lung cancer. My mom was only 58 and my Uncle

Lewis was only 62. When I was in classes to become an Emergency Medical

Technician-Intermediate level, we discused drugs and their usage many times.

One of the things I learned is that nicotine is MORE addictive than

heroin......that is worth repeating........NICOTINE IS MORE ADDICTIVE THAN

HEROIN. Most smokers don't know that.....and they don't usually know it for

sure before they smoke that first cigarette. My parents were both life-long

smokers. My mom started smoking at 18 (that was a cool thing to do in 1944)

and my dad at EIGHT years of age (who on earth knows why...he couldn't even

remember why). My mother tried and tried to quit....for years and years. I

saw her struggle with it.


She was diligent about having check-ups. She had a full check up in October of

1983.....nothing was spotted on her lungs. She started coughing a lot by late

December of 1983 and made another appointment with her doctor. A small dime

size spot was found no the upper lobe of her right lung. The doctor recommended

waiting for a month or two. She waited one month and went back....the spot was

still there and the doctor wanted to wait another month. She didn't

wait.....she found another doctor immediately. Then the new lung specialist did

a biopsy of the center lymph nodes in her chest and they were postive. She was

diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer in March of 1984.....and she never smoked

another cigarette but by then, of course, it was just too late. (I hate all

tobacco products.)


She underwent chemo and radiation almost up to her death on September 18th.

The cancer metastsized to her brain causing three brain tumors. Her

oncologist at Baylor Medical Center in Dallas told me that the dime size tumor,

that started it all, had probably been on her lung for at least 10 years but

was so small it did not show up until something triggered it's growth in

November or December. My sweet, precious mom lived 5 months and 22 days after

the cancer diagnoses. I held my mom in my arms as she took her last breaths.

Trust me....dying is not like they show in the movies.


Until December 5th when my 21 year old granddaughter was killed in car accident,

holding and watching my Mom die, while I could do nothing to help her (I wanted

so badly to give her the very breath from my body) were the worst minutes of my

entire life. After we buried my Mom......it was all I could do, for years and

years, not to pull every package of cigarettes off of every store shelf I

entered and stomp them until nothing was left but the smashed bits that were too

tiny to hurt anyone. It was truly a struggle not to do that but I knew that I

would just be arrested for destruction of property so I just cried instead.


The good thing is that when you quit smoking on November 11th, 2006.....my

daughter, Catherine's birthday, by the way..... your lungs started to heal from

the nicotine. By now your lungs are so looking much better. I am so very

proud of you. None of your loved ones will, I pray, ever have to go through

what I went through because of tobacco. I absolutely would wipe every tabacco

plant out of existance if I had the power to do that. Congratulations for 2

years of being in charge of your body and not letting tabacco run you. What a

wonderful feeling you must have bursting out of your very soul for your triumph

over nicotine. You go, girl!!

Nancy C.

East Texas
















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What type of trouble are you having with brown rice? Maybe I can help??




On 12/29/08, zeni11 <zeni11 wrote:


> Wow 5 packs a day ! I thought I was bad with 2 packs...thank goodness

> that

> is behind us now. I cringe when I see people gathered outside of their

> work

> smoking together, I think to myself that use to be me ! eeekkkk! LOL

> " Sugar " is my struggle at the moment...Salty stuff I loved but I had to

> give it up my fingers get so swollen and Doctor's order. I'm fine now

> that I

> given up salt along with Chocolate, my weakness lol I have a very

> sensitive

> stomach now.

> I love rice, I eat it with almost every meal :) ( may be my problem) being

> Japanese it's something you don't even leave out in any meal LOL I just

> can't

> get the hang of brown rice.

> Linda




> ---



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A electrician I met randomly that came to do a repair told me with tears in his

eyes that he had quit smoking after 28 years with a treatments of electronic

accupressure on the ears. Don't laugh! He had tried to quit repeatedly, with

patches, gum, cold turkey, etc. and failed until he went to a man in LA who

treated him twice, and completely cured him.


The electrician told me he never in a million years believed it would work, and

went for the treatment out of sheer desperation. He told me the first time the

cravings were gone for only a week, so he went back for a second treatment. That

one did the trick. He claimed he'd had no cravings for a year, and found it

completely unbelievable that he'd finally quit.


I went to see the man myself, not for smoking but for chronic pain. He told me

he learned the treatment because a friend of his had it done in St. Louis and

had quit smoking after 30 years. He is actually a retired dentist, also wealthy

from real estate, but became fascinated, and actually does it to help people,

not to make money. He discovered the treatment had been developed by a French

doctor at UCLA, and went to the source to learn how to do it.


So far, they've had the greatest success with smoking. Not so much other

addictions, although they are treating alcoholics, heroin addicts, etc. to see

if the same pressure points can effect all kinds of cravings.


If anyone in the area is interested, email me and I'll send the info.

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My grandfather was a POW during the Korean War...killed the guard who

was assigned to execute him and escaped, the whole nine yards.

Bravest man I ever met. Yet he could not break the hold that

cigarettes had on him. Watching him sneak outside to " get some air "

(aka smoke) after triple bypass was enough deter me from ever picking

up a cigarette as a teenager!!


-Jacki in FL



, zeni11 wrote:



> It is the worst/MOST DIFFICULT habit to break ! those craving

just pop out

> of no where lol in the morning while having coffee, after dinner

with a glass

> of wine etc. It's still difficult for me esp when you still

have a smoker

> in the family (my daughter's mother in law) She just found out

she has to

> have a biopsy done on New Years Eve cos they found a spot in her

Lung. I see

> her Christmas day...running outside to have a cigarette. I really

feel for

> her, I know she's very worried but I guess the craving just takes

over if you

> don't have the will power...you have want to quit...

> So happy you did Donna

> Linda


> _thelilacflower_ (thelilacflower) writes:





> Cigarettes! That was the worst habit to break. I don't smoke


> anymore. Yay! I'm not going to ever call myself a non-smoker,

I'm a recovered

> smoker. Who knows what the future holds, those are a day by day


> It's been about 10 years and I still crave them.

> Donna






> **************One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL


> Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

> (http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-

dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolcom00000025)




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Now, don't jump on me but when I had my parrot, I fed him brown rice along

with vegies, fruits etc...then I also feed my dogs brown rice along with

carrots and chicken etc...I think I got to the point in my mind It's food for

animals LOL sorry !!!!! I have tried it. Maybe if I made it like Fried rice


may help...

hugs Linda


_mcdaub_ (mcdaub) writes:





What type of trouble are you having with brown rice? Maybe I can help??




On 12/29/08, _zeni11_ (zeni11) <_zeni11_

(zeni11) > wrote:


> Wow 5 packs a day ! I thought I was bad with 2 packs...thank goodness

> that

> is behind us now. I cringe when I see people gathered outside of their

> work

> smoking together, I think to myself that use to be me ! eeekkkk! LOL

> " Sugar " is my struggle at the moment...Salty stuff I loved but I had to

> give it up my fingers get so swollen and Doctor's order. I'm fine now

> that I

> given up salt along with Chocolate, my weakness lol I have a very

> sensitive

> stomach now.

> I love rice, I eat it with almost every meal :) ( may be my problem) being

> Japanese it's something you don't even leave out in any meal LOL I just

> can't

> get the hang of brown rice.

> Linda




> ------------ ---- ---- -


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Marilyn Daub

_mcdaub_ (mcdaub)

My Cats Knead Me!!!

Vanceburg, KY


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]





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