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Question of the Week - Favorite Summertime activities that involve food

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Time for another Question of the Week -

For those of you living where it is the hot days of summer time. -


What are some of your favorite activities that you enjoy this time of year that

involve food?




What are some of those ways you enjoy cooking the different foods and some

recipes for us, please?


Example, cooking out, camping, picnic's, cooking/baking inside, etc............


Looking forward to some wonderful inspiring answers.


Happy Summer Days!




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Food isn't a focus in our lives. In the summer we eat mostly fresh

fruits and vegetables, and do potlucks at poolside gatherings, the

beach, river outings. Also keep busy tending the vegetable garden. I

must sound very boring LOL ~Beth~




wwjd <jtwigg

Time for another Question of the Week -

For those of you living where it is the hot days of summer time. -


What are some of your favorite activities that you enjoy this time of

year that

involve food?




What are some of those ways you enjoy cooking the different foods and


recipes for us, please?


Example, cooking out, camping, picnic's, cooking/baking inside,



Looking forward to some wonderful inspiring answers.

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We love the fresh produce in abundance in the garden, produce stands and grocery



Here in the south, we love to buy green peanuts, which just means young tender

peanuts, still in the hull, from local produce stands. We take them home and

boil them for a couple of hours, in the shell and just in boiling water. Then

add salt to the water. Add more than you would normally need, but because they

have to weep thru the shell to get to the peanut, it take a stronger

concertration of salt in the water. Cover and leave the pot on the hot burner,

but turn it off. After a couple of hourse the salt will have seeped in thru

the shell to the peanut to make it just right.



Other favorites includes cooking up fresh shelled lima, field peas, and purple

eyed peas together. Boil them in a little salted water and a drop of oil and

you'll be in for a bowl of good eats.


Swiss Chard, Kale, Collards, Mustard greens are favorites to cook here. Swiss

Chard being our very favorite. We steam it in a frying pan with a little oil,

sliced thin garlic cloves, 1/2 c. water (at most) Cook up those garlic slices

over some med heat until tender. Stir in the washed and diced up greens of

choice. Put into your skillet with the cooked garlic. Cover your pot with a

lid and ocassionally stir it.


Squash - Yellow - I dice it up and sprikle with some garlic salt, salt and a

sprinkling of I can't believe It's not butter " spray. Toss it all together in

a glass bowl and cover it with a dinner place and steam for 5 - 10 minutes

depending on how much diced up squash you have.


We do love soups, sub sandwiches, fresh fruit salad, breaded and baked or

certain fried meat substitutes.


At campfires, we roast Worthington Vege-links or Big Franks. Have chili,

shredded cheese, diced onions, veganaise, dill pickle relish, ketchup and

mustard with horseradish in it. All for toppings for the hot dogs served in



Ketchup Chips, pasta salads with dill weed lots fo crunch veggies and beans,

Cool Veggie Pizza, Jalopeno Cheddar Squares, Homemade pizza, tossed salad and

Ice cream with Hersey's chocolate syrup and nuts sprinkled over it.


Sometimes we make veggie melt panini's on our panini maker. There recipe for

this sandwich is in our sandwich recipe files.


My Quick and Delicious Vegeburger recipe that is in the files, we love and make

a few times a month. We cook it in the in a hot skillet.


Cold Thai Noodle Salad and Mandrin Orange Romaine salad is great with a poppy

seed dressing..


Well I'm off to bed.


Happy Sunday Morning everyone. - Did anyone see any of the shooting stars

this past week? It was to cloudy here, unfortunately.












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> What are some of your favorite activities that you enjoy this time of year

that involve food?


I love coming home from work and getting a good sized basket. I put scissors

and string in it too, just in case tomatoes or other plants need to be tied up.

I then make the 'rounds' and start filling the basket while walking around my

garden. Recently it has been various summer squash, acorn and butternut winter

squashes, different cucumbers and snap beans, purple hull peas, tomatoes

(Carbon, Principe borghese, Stupice, Glacier, Momotaro, Brandywine, Kellogg's

breakfast, Sun golds), long asian and purple beauty eggplants, peppers

(jalapenos, thai, pequin, scotch bonnets and gratefully some sweet ones

too....), corn, basil, shiso, amaranth....chard too, chard is a real trooper and

produces all 4 seasons for us. At the end of the round, the basket smells and

looks wonderful. Some days it is really heavy too. Then I wonder what will I

make for dinner. It is easy, one look at the basket and dinner basically makes

itself. However, while I am making dinner I often have to go back to the garden

to go get the herbs and spices that go with dinner. Like a little fresh oregano

or marjoram? a few leaves from the dwarf kaffir lime of some lemon grass? Can

you visualize FRESH?



> and


> What are some of those ways you enjoy cooking the different foods and some

recipes for us, please?



I enjoy grilling a lot. This year i have been learning how to do it using pecan

wood. We had a lot of branches cut due to the high winds and had a huge pile of

it to use up. I chop the branches and start with a fire in the grilling pit.

Once I get a lot of ambers I put the veggies in. As far as what to grill, corn

(soak it with the husks first and grill with husks) eggplants, peppers, squash,

baby onions, go in directly, unpeeled, with the skin oiled. Sometimes i slice

the zuchs if they are large. I do potatoes and snap beans in aluminum foil

pouches and I include herbs, some lemon rind, and olive oil. Same with carrots

and beets when we get them. I also grill seitan and tofu in many different

ways, and there is a sheep cheese called halloumi that is special for grilling.

Veggie Kebabs are very nice too, and there are so many marinades for veggies,

tofu, seitan. Let's not forget the mushrooms! no, we are not growing those,

but they are worth a trip to Trader joes just for the portabellas.


After the feast is over i get a nice little pan of hard wood ashes from the

bottom of the griller that I put into my compost pile to increase the potassium

in the soil. Hard wood ashes are good source of potassium and I sure like the



I also camp and backpack. I have shared backpacking recipes here and they are

in the files. I will share more when i come up with more, we have not done our

yearly backpacking trip this year yet.

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Well we are enjoying fresh home grown tomatoes and chillis, having eaten the

peas and beans we we grew and I am filling up on salad and spicy soup :-)


The Dragon (aka High Priestess Enchanting Even weave)

Current stitching - RSPCA Perfect Pets, Map of Durham, Cat Ornaments, Green Man

http://tempewytch.blogspot.com/ - stitching/house

http://tempewytchdiet.blogspot.com/ - diet/angst




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I enjoy picnics anywhere really at the beach, at the park, in the woods, heck on

the front porch! LOL Oh and cookouts! I miss my Uncle Jimmy's Memorial Day

Cookout, he often had well over 300 people show up on the farm, me and gramma

would shell peas for days getting ready (still something I love to do), shuck

corn was fun too, but the boys did more of that.  Gramma would even let me have

a winecooler while I shelled peas and just listeaned to the older women gossip

and chat like hens.  I loved that so much, they are all gone now and my aunt

while she can shell peas, she doesn't she has a learning disability so she was

allowed to do pretty much what made her happy.  Sometimes we picked peas

together or one of our favorite things was walking the sandy back roads in

Florida picking wild blackberries and watching Gramma make pies and jellies.  We

picked so many one time she made us go up the road to this little old black

woman who lived alone and give

her a whole brown bag full of berries (we had put into freezer bags for her)

and later that week we went back up with some jam for her.  She was amazing, had

a picture of president Kennedy on her wall and made some of the best sweet tea! 

I was maybe 12 when we did that for her.  I never did see her after that summer

though, but we still picked berries.  It got so bad my grandmother made us wear

grandpa's old shirts because we had berry wars and got stained so badly!! We

always managed to bring enough back for pies though! LOL (We aren't stupid and

it was me, my aunt (sometimes), my brother and our two friends.  I still love

picking berries with the kids on mom's land, now we also get elder berries as

she has an abundance of those.  I love going and checking on the fruit trees and

her garden and helping her out.  She's a master gardner and so I am learning as

much as I can while I can as she has lukemia and while she is in remission there

are no

guarentees and we don't take our time for granted anymore.  She has taught me

how to feed calfs that have been orphaned, milk goats, make butter, garden,

cook, and to appreciate hard work.  She has no AC to speak of and every summer

she makes batches of canned peaches, fig, peach, and elderberry preserves.  If

we are lucky she makes pickles too! lol  I love eating all those preserves on

thick crusty rolls or french bread with fruits, butter, wine or mineral water, I

love nutella so we usually have that on our sandwiches too :), a few different

kinds of cheese in small amounts.  I love veggie subs, so sometimes I have green

peppers, onions, olives, lettuce (usually baby spinach or the like as I'm not a

big fan of iceburg), thin sliced tomatoes (i only like them on sandwiches),

sprinkle a little oregano and olive oil and vinegar....oohhh Europe taught me to

eat like a king on a peasants budget!! (Ok so did my deeply southern gramma, and


daughter mom LOL)  I feel so spoiled thinking of all these things I loved to do

and still love to do.  Just the heat and being pregnant we have limited it more

than usual.  Oh and how could I forget my great grandmothers potato salad

recipe!! To DIE FOR!!  I can eat the whole thing myself. lol  Ok, I'm done

rambling, well for now anyway. :)







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I surf and always make sure I have water and cut up fresh fruit on hand with me

in a cooler.

Summer is my very favorite time of the year, the weather and the produce.



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My daughter and I work in the garden together. Whatever produce I bring home

from the farm, both kids and I will work on getting it taken care of-either

freezing or dehydrating or just preparing to eat. We spend lots of time either

in the garden or kitchen.


Michelle in NV

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