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New member and a lasagne recipe

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Hi Becki

That lasagne sounds delicious. I'm going to make one tonight that's what

prompted me to say hello. I myself live in Hertfordshire and me and my partner

are also vegi, me for the last 21 years and my partner for the last four. I went

to the difficult vegan side for about a year, but found it rather restrictive

and slowly turned back to vegi. Anyway enough waffling from me just wanted to

say hello. Good luck with all the goodies on offer..

Take Care







bubblybits <bubblybits


Saturday, 17 January, 2009 15:39:23

New member and a lasagne recipe



Hi everyone, thanks for letting me join. My name is Becki, I'm 23 and

I've been a lacto-ovo vegetarian since I was 5. I live with my partner,

also a vegetarian, in Wales and love cooking. I would feel guilty if my

first post didn't have a recipe in it so here's my favourite recipe for

lasagne. Its a bit basic and there are no exact quantities because I

make it so often I usually just know how much of everything to use but

I hope you like it.


First, I roast a selection of vegetables. Exactly what I use depends on

what is in season but courgettes, red peppers and mushrooms are

particularly good. I season them with a little bit of oil and some

salt, then put them in the oven at a medium temperature until they're

just starting to brown.


I make my own cheese sauce by melting butter in a pan then adding about

the same amount of flour. i then gradually add milk, mixing constantly,

until I have a smooth but fairly thick sauce. To this, I add grated

cheese and some paprika until the sauce has the level of flavour I want.


To assemble the lasagne, I take a greased dish and cover the bottom

with roasted vegetables. I then put in a layer of pasta covered with a

layer of cheese sauce and so on until the dish is full. I finish with a

layer of cheese sauce and sprinkle grated cheese on top before putting

the lasagne back in the oven for about forty minutes on a medium heat

depending on the depth of the dish.


I would love to be able to make my own pasta for this dish as well but

have never been able to get it quite right.










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