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Hi Jeanne Fastest shipper for miso???

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Cold Mountain has a site and I consider theirs one of the best - no fish

anything. There is also Westbrae, which is veg.

BUT, remember, miso that gets warm is no good at all nutritionally. The bacteria

that are essential for fermentation die off.


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What are the web addresses for these?







Wednesday, August 12, 2009 8:31 AM

Hi Jeanne Re: Fastest shipper for miso???



> Cold Mountain has a site and I consider theirs one of the best - no fish

> anything. There is also Westbrae, which is veg.

> BUT, remember, miso that gets warm is no good at all nutritionally. The

> bacteria that are essential for fermentation die off.

> Shen




> ---



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Thankfully there are different kinds of miso and we've got the internet search

engines or I'd have gotten a few unwelcome surprises now and then.  Here's the

link to one of the veggie safe miso's from Asia Mex. I've used them a lot

before. My last shipment from them was a little slow but I think it is because

there was about 100 pounds of glutinous rice in the order and it had to go by a

different carrier. They used to include a free stuffed animal - the last one was

a large octopus which my dear Ursula (very old dog now) immediately



One of these days my stomach had better learn to read Chinese and Japanese,

since so much of my favorite food comes in bottles and jars written in those

languages. Like koi. That's a fish, right? Add a j so it is koji and that is ok

for food because they are grains.


And heaven forbid I send Carl to the Chinese food places.I did get lucky once

when I was with him. They understood my body language and the cook came up with

the supurb idea of holding up foods and I'd shake my head yes or no. 


http://www.asiamex.com/proddetail.cfm?CFID=33893929 & CFTOKEN=29214651 & ItemID=634 & \

CategoryID=33 & SubCatID=68





Here's the white miso from Asian Food Grocers that I have been using. Also no




Nori Komi Furikake has no fish in it. Ebi Fumi Furikake Rice Seasoninghas fish

in it, so that's on the no list. Here's a site about soya and soy products which

is really helpful. BUT I still always end up having to google the exact brand

and type of miso before ordering since so many have fish in them, even brands

I've used for a while. Argh. I'm dying for miso soup and lots of garlic, some

green peas, sliced carrots and maybe some rice noodles. Whimper. You know you're

really jones-ing for a bowl of miso soup when you're tempted to lick the


Oooooooh, or a bowl of white miso with garlic, some onion, finely shredded

seaweed (which I'm also out of, darn it) and spinach with noodles. Why why why

did I give my favorite Chinese soup bowls (covered, blue, heaven) and porcelain

spoons (whimpering loudly) to the only grandson who appreciates Asian food?

Boooooooooooo hooooooo.


Or heartier red miso and slurping noodles from the cup while the cats glare at


Maybe I can convince a friend in Atlanta (my EX writing partner) to go to the

Korean/Mexican grocery somewhere up there.


Blech,. I'm going back to bed. Want to know whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I am out of

nori? I very stupidly left the package sitting on the counter whilst saying

farewell to the husband person and the cats attacked it, fought over it and

ended up eating the entire sheet. Tofu isn't safe around them, either, nor is



I do have some of the miso with fishies in it, which I bought without coyping

the image and blowing it up and googling the ingredients. The eldest cats get a

bowl of it every day with a tasteful handful of kibble floating on top. Since

the eldest is 24, almost 25 and her son is 23, maybe miso has some benefit to it

which Western science hasn't investigated. (The dogs like it too.)


Well that, an incredible vet, good health care, love and being house cats.


Hugs, don't catch the bug, Jeanne in GA









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Thanks for the info and blst, I gorgot about it loosing its nutritional oomph in

heat and it's still hot down here. I found a couple of sites with a miso powder

that I'll probably get for my preparedness stores. Thank you again, Jeanne in GA
























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Oh lord no, they don't sell that pinko commie hippie stuff down here. (rolling

eyes)  I can't even get bok choy, parsnips, tofu (Wally World used to carry it

till they tried selling the molded junk to me), cellophane noodles, lots of

other stuff that's gone mainstream. I found a package of nori at Wal Mart once

and thought the clerk was going to throw up. We do have rice milk and soy milk

now and some really ancient rubber masquerading as vegetarian cheese. Thank

heaven I have a source for cheese made without cow guts (rennet - enzymes). I

have been sworn to secrecy about that, since they also have non-pasturized milk

from cows that go where they want and have names. (also known as family pets).


Sam's Club started carrying baby salad greens (mache), so the husband person is

well trained and will grab a container of them if he sees them while filling the

cart with cat food and litter. Drats. That reminded me that I haven't made

dressing yet and he's having monster salad for dinner. (Basically everything in

the fridge except for the cream of carrot soup I have dibs on.)


OH, Wal Mart has wasabi too, which shocked the dickens out of me. No pickled

ginger, which is ok since Carl doesn't like ginger and I love ginger but not

pickled. If they stop selling ginger root at Winn Dixie, I'm going to need to

plant it or something. Ginger tea is the best for unhappy tummies and I do a

combo of candied ginger and fresh which isn't half bad.


He's here, so I'd better go make his dressing, get his drink, hand him the

remote and tell the cats to leave Daddy alone. Not that they'll listen to me.


Hugs, Jeanne in GA






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