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Mock Goose

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This comes from Rose Elliot's The Bean Book. We loved it! I made a basic

nutritional yeast gravy. There weren't any leftovers!




Serve with some sort of " gravy " or apple sauce.


6 oz. split red lentils

1/2 pint of water

1 tblsp lemon juice

optional : 1/2 oz low fat spread



For the " stuffing "


1 large onion, chopped

2 ozs wholewheat/meal fresh breadcrumbs (I used panko)

1.5 tsps dried sage or 3 tsps fresh




Cook lentils until all the water has been absorbed.


Add lemon juice and season if required.


Set oven to Gas 6/200C/400F


Meanwhile, to make the " stuffing " , saute the onion in a little water or veg

stock for about 10 mins. then add it to the breadcrumbs and the sage. Mix well.


In a non-stick ovenproof dish, make a layer of HALF the lentils. Spread the

" stuffing " on top , and then top that off with the remaining lentils.


Dot the top with the 1/2 oz of spread if you wish and pop into the oven until

the top is crisp + golden.


serve with steamed new potatoes and a steamed green vegetable.

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Guest guest

LOL - While I haven't a clue what goose tastes like, I do know this is easy,

quick and tasty. Reminds me of a french meat pie, if you've ever had one. I want

to try using french lentils next time; I don't know that it would make a


Cyndy (in GA)

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