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Hi Jeanne OT fire ants, bugs, etc.

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We have fire ants, too. Cute little suckers. I first encountered them while

hanging laundry out for my late MIL (before she died, that is). I stepped near

the bed, they came out to express their displeasure and my leg felt as if it had

been dipped in napalm. JJJJJJJJJJimminy Cricket it HURT. I was howling, jumping

around, trying to dust the little ba....... insects off my leg, getting bitten

on the hand, and so on.


MIL thought it was hilariously funny. Carl ended up taking me to the ER when the

welts swelled up impressively and it got a bit hard breathing.


We also have mosquitos who are undoubtedly akin to the bugs described in

Revelations, minus the demonic faces, but I'm not that sure, come to think of

it. When grandson number I can't remember, moved in with us, he got several

mosquito bites. Poor pale little piece of mosquito meat. They swelled until he

looked like a smallpox victim. He itched and moaned and bit.....kvetched until

Carl went to the store for benedryl cream for the itching and benedryl tablets

to shut him up. Well, he got the kid some pocky (a Japanese sweet), gummi worms

and a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew. I gave him access to the internet and he

bragged to his buddies about how badly he had suffered under the sucking

probiscis'sss  or probisci or whatever the plural is for mosquito sharp sucking



Aaand the heat. For many parts of the country, air conditioning is a luxury. Try

living without it down here. You Will DIE. There is a reason that you see lots

of people sitting outside on their shaded porches fanning themselves rather than

mowing yards, building  storage buildings or whatever. IMO, after living down

here for over 30 years, no Southerner goes to hell. We've already endured the

heat of a southern summer, so where's the incentive?


If you do come to live, the phrase " Well, bless her heart, " doesn't mean what

you think it means - rather just the opposite. We Southern ladies don't say

things like " That scum sucking slimeball weasle fart, may he rot in.... "   But do

try it out before moving down here. You need to have the mental visual of you in

hose, heels, white gloves, hat and proper female go to church attire whilst

supping your tea with the pinkie extended. Got that? OK, now let your voice

absolutely drip with sugar (pronounced sug ah). Bat your lashes and repeat after

me, " Well, bless her heart. "


BTW, it Ko Kola, not Pepsi. Carl has to smuggle the diet Pepsi into the house

down here, lest someone think he isn't a proper southern boy. (pronounced boi).


Ya'll be good now, you heah? Jeanne in GA






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