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Sleep & vegetarian food

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Hi All,


Regarding one members observation that vegetarian food promotes healthy

sleep--All foods are not the same. Foods can be classified in a way based on

their effect on our consciousness. Some foods promote laziness, inertia, doubt,

Wild behaviour and pessimism.In Sanskrit these qualities are called

TAMASIC.Examples are-Alcohol,Drugs, Refrigerated and frozen

foods,Overeating,Mushrooms,stale food,canned food,leftover food,Putrefying

food,Unclean food,Foods that grow below the ground(except carrots)Food obtained

by stealing. Darkness,Such foods make people who eat them Tamasic,conversely

they prefer Tamasic foods. Theirs is a descending  spiral of Karma.


Foods which promote excessive action, Selfish actions witha purpose, speed, are

called RAJASIC foods.Salt,Sour,Sharp tastes promote Rajas.Also meat,Red

meat,Fish, Eggs,Garlic,Onions,Tobacco,Coffee..Foods obtained by Violence(meat

too)....Protocol,appearances,dishonesty,ends justify the means,I,me myself

attitude.The Rajasic eater is purpose driven ,but for himself. Thought,

Word,Deed are not the same,thinking one way,saying another, and doing

another.Pain alternates with pleasure. Pleasure is the main aim in life,Desires

take away their consciousness and balance.Rajasic food distracts the mind. It

excites passion. Salt excites passion and emotion. Giving up of salt helps in

the control of the palate and thereby the mind. The will power is also

developed. Snake bite and scorpion sting will have no influence on a man who has

given up salt. Onions and garlic are worse than meat as they produce much

passion and desire and destabilise the

balance.Glamour,revenge,Passion,Pleasure are their hallmarks.Food of a

passionate nature produces restlessness in the mind, evil thoughts,

excitement,thrill, craving now for one and then for another, pain, trouble and

disease. The Rajasic man always plans to prepare various kinds of preparations

to satisfy his palate.Such foods promote RAJAS,overcactivity,selfishness and

pleasure seeking ways. and conversely Rajasic people prefer Rajasic foods. As

Desires can only make you only temporarily happy, they consume

more(environment?) but are satisfied less.They create Karma and suffer from

it.The good deeds are few and outnumbered by selfish actions.They may believe in

God,but believe more in themselves and their actions for results.They enjoy the

fruits of their past good deeds but their selfish actions create more bad Karma

which sinks them.


Foods which promote Harmony, Peace,Health, Goodness and balance are called

SATTVIC foods. Fresh foods,Unpreserved, obtained lawfully without harming

animals are Sattvic in nature and make the eater Sattvic,conversely sattvic

people prefer sattvic foods. The eater is purpose driven,but for common

good.Sattvic people act without a selfish purpose.Only duties matter and the

results are left to God.They work for satisfying the needs of themselves and

others.No glamour or fanfare.They are happy and satisfied  with what they have

and work hard in righteous ways for the benefit of all.Simplicity,Silence and

Purity are their hallmarks,They uphold society with harmonious families and

unselfsih actions.

Grains,cereals,Juicy fruits,Oleagenousfoods,Freshly cooked food,not preserved

for more than three hours, food offered first to God and guests,foods cooked and

served by someone who loves you,Foods that promote healthy growth of

tissue-Sweet foods,VEGETARIAN food, Milk and products from happy contented

 cows are the only animal products used. They burn of their bad debts(karma)

with their good actions(sacrifice) and create a surplus of it. They work for the

welfare of all as their faith in a higher power is absolute and they believe

that HE supports them and fulfills their needs.

The eating of meat and alcoholism are closely allied. The craving for liquor

dies a natural death if meat is withdrawn from one’s diet. The question of

birth-control becomes very difficult in the case of those who eat meat. To them

mind control is next to impossible. Mark how the tiger, eating meat, and the cow

or elephant, living on green grass, are poles apart! One is wild and ferocious

while the other is mild and peaceful.

Sattvic foods are easy to digest and promote harmony and good sleep. They also

do not produce bad odours from digestion(good for meditation, food for the

Yogis). People evolve from Tamasic to Rajasic to Sattvic natures.

Key words for Googling and Wikipedia:Sattva, Rajas,Tamas.

Warm Regards







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