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My Intro

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Hi! I'm Annie, and my DH and I live in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of

Virginia. I have Parkinson's Disease, and am on medication for it, and it seems

to help. I have been vegetarian for years. I am 56 years old, happily married,

and we have one daughter, also happily married, and pregnant with her first

child, living in the same town as we do. My husband is not totally vegetarian,

though he has flirted with it in the past.


We have 8 dogs - and it is CRAZY around here! We've got Sweetpea, Darcy,

Oliver, and Archimedes (4 Pomeranians), and 2 rescued dogs - Alice (a Pomeranian

mix) and Madison (a hound dog mix), and one inherited dog, Mickey (a terrier

mix). We are also keeping Sadie, who is a boxer/pit bull mix, for our

son-in-law, because the townhouse they moved into does not allow dogs that big

in it.


I have a delicious soy spread or dip that I will post the recipe for, as soon as

I can find it - we are in the midst of a major re-allocation of space in our

house. Our daughter and son-in-law have been living with us for the past year

and a half, and just over the 4th of July weekend, finally moved out into a

place of their own. And a lot of their stuff got commingled with our stuff, so

it is kinda hectic and chaotic right now, and the kitchen is in an uproar,

because Chris, my son-in-law, loves to cook, and so he does on his days off, but

he is not real good about putting stuff away after he uses it, and so the

kitchen looks kinda bad. Stuff gets left out on the counters, etc. etc. And I

need to give it a good once-over and get things back into position. And clean

out the fridge so I know what I've got and what I need. Also re-doing the rooms

upstairs, with the possibility of moving my studio (I am an artist) downstairs

into our finished basement area. So everything is in upheaval.


As for myself, I have joined Weight Watchers because I need to lose weight.

Yes, you can get overweight on a vegetarian diet. I've set 33 pounds off by

Christmas as my goal this year, and once I reach that, I'll select my next

weight goal for 2010. I have a lot of weight to lose. I'm going to start

walking soon - I need to use my cane to walk, and I'd like to take one of my

dogs along with me to walk on the Huckleberry Trail - a beautiful walk through

the countryside, on a paved and marked route - with markings every 1/4 mile. My

first goal is to walk half a mile out and then turn around and walk half a mile

back, making it one mile. My long term goal is to walk 5 miles a day. I think

that as I lose weight, it will be easier and easier on me to walk further.


I am looking forward to meeting you all and to reading your comments and

recipes. Thank you for having me in your group.




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