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Attn- laura New to the Group/Pesto Sauce

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I love pesto, nice to see your recipe and that you are new in the

group. Did you look at the recipe file area? I use it all the time.




, Laura Sulik <lsulik



> Hello,


> My name is Laura and I'm new to the group. I've been a vegetarian

for only 2.5 years and I know I still have a lot to learn. My

biggest challenge has been finding new and interesting dinner ideas

to keep the meat eating members of my family satisfied. Sometimes

they enjoy my meals and don't miss the meat, other times they'll run

out for a burger while I eat my " bird food " as my husband likes to

call it, or other times I simply have to make two separate dinners. 

It's all good natured teasing, but still, I would love it if we

could all enjoy the same meals together more often.  I've started

browsing through the group recipe file and I've already spotted

dozens of dishes I cannot wait to try. 


> Here is my contribution: 


> Pesto Sauce


> 4oz basil leaves, stalks removed and torn into pieces

> 1/2 tsp salt

> 1/2 tsp ground pepper

> 3-4 cloves garlic crushed (or 5-6 if you're a garlic lover like me)

> 2 oz pine nuts

> 6 Tbsp Parmesan cheese (I use shredded)

> 3/4 olive oil (or less or more depending on your preference)


> Put everything except oil in the food processor.  Blend it into a

paste, transfer the paste to a bowl, whisk in the oil. 


> I've adapted this recipe from one that I found on line. Originally

it called for some Romano cheese too, but since I'm not a fan, I

just stuck with the Parmesan and added more to compensate.  Also,

I've tweaked it a bit here and there to fit my needs.  It probably

isn't an " authentic " pesto sauce anymore but heck, it sure is tasty.

Even my picky 15 year old wolfs it down. He likes to use it as a

dipping sauce with bread.  It also goes great over noodles, but my

favorite use is mixed in with spaghetti squash. I often use

spaghetti squash as a substitute for pasta and I love it with a bit

of pesto sauce mixed in.


> Usually I make a double batch and freeze the extra. It freezes

great. I also buy extra baguette bread and slice it up and

freeze that too. That way, when I have company coming at a moments

notice I can pull the pesto and bread out of the freezer and I'm

good to go with a fun snack. After it thaws, of course. 


> Be forewarned though, if you have a spouse or significant other

make sure they eat some too so you cancel each other out breath-

wise  LOL! You will have garlic fumes rising off of you in billowing

clouds with this sauce.  Enjoy :-)


> Laura






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