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Shamu stew

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FU Shamu, and the wave you rode in on

by Ed Naha | Sep 18 2007 - 9:54am |

article tools: email | print | read more Ed Naha


Just how deep does Bush's " I is Sparticus " attitude run in this

government? Apparently, it even thrives down in Davy Jones' Locker.


This month, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco

gave the Navy the thumb's up to turn whales' innards into tapioca via

sonar blasts off the California Coast by stating: " The safety of the

whales must be weighed, and so must the safety of our warriors. And

our country. "


Uh, our warriors? Are we talking Aquaman and a super-buffed The Little

Mermaid, here?


The underwater sonar tests are part of the Navy's anti-submarine

drills and they screw up sea life Big Time. In August, a federal judge

in Los Angeles suspended the experiments. They're planned to go on

through 2009. The judge, Florence-Marie Cooper, said that the sonar

blasts could harm nearly 30 species of marine mammals, including five

species of endangered whales. She said that the Navy's protective

measures were " woefully inadequate. "


Oh, yeah, the Navy estimated that 466 permanent injuries to whales

would occur.


Now, I'm not someone who chains myself to trees or takes a rubber

dingy out to stop submarines, but this whole " we're patriots, we're


war, suck it up " stuff has gone beyond lunacy and is hovering

somewhere between obscene arrogance and orthodox dipshitism.


In Bush's America we are told to care about one thing and one thing

only: Bush's funhouse mirror vision of this country. Lady Liberty has

mutated into something hovering between General Custer and Attila the

Hun and our noble eagle has transformed itself into a vulture. The

world is ours for the taking, so quit your blubbering.


The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals had Judge Andrew Kleinfeld sink the

whales by declaring: " We are currently engaged in war, in two

countries. There are no guarantees extending from 2007 to 2009 or at

any other time against other countries deciding to engage us, or our

determining that it is necessary to engage other countries. "


Aside from the Judge's penchant for gobbledygook, he's stating that

these anti-submarine sonar drills are presently geared towards

detecting subs from Afghanistan and Iraq. What are they made of,



Navy spokesman Captain Scott Gureck said the ruling " allows us to

resume active sonar training for our carrier and expeditionary strike

groups. " Yeah. Those camels in water wings can sneak right by ya, if

you're not careful. And rumor has it that bin Laden is now in league

with Captain Nemo.


Now, in the past, the Navy conducted similar tests while using

lookouts and reducing sound levels when whales were spotted. Under

Bush? Let 'er rip, Captain Ahab. These tests will affect the Channel

Islands National Marine Sanctuary and the annual migration path of

gray whales. The Navy's response: " so? "


It's not like the Navy doesn't know that they're destroying nature.

Back in 2002, the Navy admitted that its sonar caused the beaching of

16 whales in the Bahamas in 2000. A report signed by Navy Secretary

Gordon England said that the autopsied animals " had experienced some

sort of trauma likely to be associated with pressure, an intense

acoustic event, or an impulse, that led to their stranding and

subsequent deaths. "


In 2003, autopsies of beaked whales found on beaches in the Canary

Islands showed that the sonar tests caused the equivalent of what

scuba divers refer to as " the bends " in the mammals.


The tests, run by both the U.S. Navy and NATO forces, have caused

beaching of whales and dolphins throughout the world, from Hawaii to

Greece to Florida.


What's the point?


Everyone wants a safe, secure world...but at what cost? If America,

once admired globally, succumbs to a sense of Nouveau Manifest

Destiny, the rest of the world is sure to follow. Hey, world, not only

can we do the pre-emptive war thing and kill innocent men, women and

children; we can kill animals and destroy habitats as well. Are we

macho, or whut?


Case in point: a couple of weeks ago, up in Washington state, five

members of the Makah tribe killed a gray whale using harpoons and a

rifle usually used to kill elephants. The Makah argue that it secured

the right to hunt whales in an 1855 treaty with the U.S. It is their

tradition. I can only assume, back when the treaty was signed,

elephant guns weren't mentioned.


Oh, yeah, that same week, Stanford University released a report

stating that gray whale numbers are still dangerously low and a

proposal for a South Atlantic whale sanctuary was defeated in the

first vote at the International Whaling Commission's meeting this



But, as usual, America leads the world in ignoring, uh, the world.

Last month, a federal judge said that the Bush administration violated

U.S. law by failing to produce a study on the impact of global

warming. The last U.S. assessment was published in 2000. BushCo. has

until next March to fabricate something.


Meanwhile, two weeks ago, 69,000 square miles of Arctic sea ice,

roughly the size of Florida, melted away in six days.


" If you had asked me a few years ago about how fast the Arctic would

be ice free in summer, I would have said somewhere between about 2070

and the turn of the century, " said scientist Mark Serreze, a polar ice

expert. " My view has changed. I think that an ice-free Arctic as early

as 2030 is not unreasonable. "


According to the U.S. Geological Survey, this ice loss will mean that

two-thirds of the world's polar bear population will disappear within

50 years.


The European Space Agency just released findings that, per their

satellite photos, showed Arctic ice has shrunk to the lowest level on

record. It's so low that the Northwest Passage may become an open

shipping lane.


And NASA scientists have just concluded that global warming will lead

to more devastating thunderstorms in the near future.


But, BushCo. creates it's own reality, right?


So, let's pour some more blood and money into Iraq, shall we?


Let's rattle our sabers at Iran.


Let's warn Syria we're watching their nuclear program.


Let's have General Mayhem testify before Congress and state that we're

winning in Iraq because, er, we say so.


Let's have our President fabricate a list of countries that have boots

on the ground in Iraq. ( " And I'd personally like to thank Upper

Slobovia for their elite snow-shoe squad. " )


Let's have former Secretary of Defunct Donald Rumsfeld state that he

doesn't follow what's going on in Iraq because he's " been very


doing a series of things: setting up an office and hiring staff,

arranging my papers to give to the Library of Congress (and) setting

up a new foundation. "


Let's see compassionate conservatism in action, as in this Iraq-based

exchange between CNN's Wolf Blitzer and Republican Rep. John Boehner:


BLITZER: " How much longer will U.S. taxpayers have to shell out $2

billion a week or $3 billion a week as some now are suggesting the

cost is going to endure? The loss in blood, the Americans who are

killed every month, how much longer do you think this commitment, this

military commitment is going to require? "


BOEHNER: " I think General Petraeus outlined it pretty clearly. We're

making success. We need to firm up those successes. We need to

continue our effort here because, Wolf, long term, the investment that

we're making today will be a small price if we're able to stop al

Qaeda here, if we're able to stabilize the Middle East, it's not only

going to be a small price for the near future, but think about the

future for our kids and their kids. "


As I write this, this month's " small price " includes 39 Americans

dead, for a total of 3,781 since the invasion began. Iraqi fatalities

may total over a million.


Is it any wonder why this current government doesn't care about

animals or nature? It doesn't even care about human life. It cares

about ideology. It cares about empire. It cares about slogans. It

cares about photo-ops. It cares about fantasy.


So, dig into that Shamu stew, kids. Flip those Flipper burgers. Crank

up that " Country Joe and the Fish " CD. And buy that seafront property

in Arizona, now.


Welcome to the lean, mean Homeland.



" NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may

have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this

without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor

protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President. "

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Wow I don't know who this guy is but I like his style! :) Do Iraq

and Afghanistan have navies? Just wondering how much training

we " need " ?


, fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


> FU Shamu, and the wave you rode in on

> by Ed Naha | Sep 18 2007 - 9:54am |

> article tools: email | print | read more Ed Naha


> Just how deep does Bush's " I is Sparticus " attitude run in this

> government? Apparently, it even thrives down in Davy Jones' Locker.


> This month, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco

> gave the Navy the thumb's up to turn whales' innards into tapioca


> sonar blasts off the California Coast by stating: " The safety of the

> whales must be weighed, and so must the safety of our warriors. And

> our country. "


> Uh, our warriors? Are we talking Aquaman and a super-buffed The


> Mermaid, here?


> The underwater sonar tests are part of the Navy's anti-submarine

> drills and they screw up sea life Big Time. In August, a federal


> in Los Angeles suspended the experiments. They're planned to go on

> through 2009. The judge, Florence-Marie Cooper, said that the sonar

> blasts could harm nearly 30 species of marine mammals, including


> species of endangered whales. She said that the Navy's protective

> measures were " woefully inadequate. "


> Oh, yeah, the Navy estimated that 466 permanent injuries to whales

> would occur.


> Now, I'm not someone who chains myself to trees or takes a rubber

> dingy out to stop submarines, but this whole " we're patriots, we're

> at

> war, suck it up " stuff has gone beyond lunacy and is hovering

> somewhere between obscene arrogance and orthodox dipshitism.


> In Bush's America we are told to care about one thing and one thing

> only: Bush's funhouse mirror vision of this country. Lady Liberty


> mutated into something hovering between General Custer and Attila


> Hun and our noble eagle has transformed itself into a vulture. The

> world is ours for the taking, so quit your blubbering.


> The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals had Judge Andrew Kleinfeld sink


> whales by declaring: " We are currently engaged in war, in two

> countries. There are no guarantees extending from 2007 to 2009 or at

> any other time against other countries deciding to engage us, or our

> determining that it is necessary to engage other countries. "


> Aside from the Judge's penchant for gobbledygook, he's stating that

> these anti-submarine sonar drills are presently geared towards

> detecting subs from Afghanistan and Iraq. What are they made of,

> rocks?


> Navy spokesman Captain Scott Gureck said the ruling " allows us to

> resume active sonar training for our carrier and expeditionary


> groups. " Yeah. Those camels in water wings can sneak right by ya, if

> you're not careful. And rumor has it that bin Laden is now in league

> with Captain Nemo.


> Now, in the past, the Navy conducted similar tests while using

> lookouts and reducing sound levels when whales were spotted. Under

> Bush? Let 'er rip, Captain Ahab. These tests will affect the Channel

> Islands National Marine Sanctuary and the annual migration path of

> gray whales. The Navy's response: " so? "


> It's not like the Navy doesn't know that they're destroying nature.

> Back in 2002, the Navy admitted that its sonar caused the beaching


> 16 whales in the Bahamas in 2000. A report signed by Navy Secretary

> Gordon England said that the autopsied animals " had experienced some

> sort of trauma likely to be associated with pressure, an intense

> acoustic event, or an impulse, that led to their stranding and

> subsequent deaths. "


> In 2003, autopsies of beaked whales found on beaches in the Canary

> Islands showed that the sonar tests caused the equivalent of what

> scuba divers refer to as " the bends " in the mammals.


> The tests, run by both the U.S. Navy and NATO forces, have caused

> beaching of whales and dolphins throughout the world, from Hawaii to

> Greece to Florida.


> What's the point?


> Everyone wants a safe, secure world...but at what cost? If America,

> once admired globally, succumbs to a sense of Nouveau Manifest

> Destiny, the rest of the world is sure to follow. Hey, world, not


> can we do the pre-emptive war thing and kill innocent men, women and

> children; we can kill animals and destroy habitats as well. Are we

> macho, or whut?


> Case in point: a couple of weeks ago, up in Washington state, five

> members of the Makah tribe killed a gray whale using harpoons and a

> rifle usually used to kill elephants. The Makah argue that it


> the right to hunt whales in an 1855 treaty with the U.S. It is their

> tradition. I can only assume, back when the treaty was signed,

> elephant guns weren't mentioned.


> Oh, yeah, that same week, Stanford University released a report

> stating that gray whale numbers are still dangerously low and a

> proposal for a South Atlantic whale sanctuary was defeated in the

> first vote at the International Whaling Commission's meeting this

> year.


> But, as usual, America leads the world in ignoring, uh, the world.

> Last month, a federal judge said that the Bush administration


> U.S. law by failing to produce a study on the impact of global

> warming. The last U.S. assessment was published in 2000. BushCo. has

> until next March to fabricate something.


> Meanwhile, two weeks ago, 69,000 square miles of Arctic sea ice,

> roughly the size of Florida, melted away in six days.


> " If you had asked me a few years ago about how fast the Arctic would

> be ice free in summer, I would have said somewhere between about


> and the turn of the century, " said scientist Mark Serreze, a polar


> expert. " My view has changed. I think that an ice-free Arctic as


> as 2030 is not unreasonable. "


> According to the U.S. Geological Survey, this ice loss will mean


> two-thirds of the world's polar bear population will disappear


> 50 years.


> The European Space Agency just released findings that, per their

> satellite photos, showed Arctic ice has shrunk to the lowest level


> record. It's so low that the Northwest Passage may become an open

> shipping lane.


> And NASA scientists have just concluded that global warming will


> to more devastating thunderstorms in the near future.


> But, BushCo. creates it's own reality, right?


> So, let's pour some more blood and money into Iraq, shall we?


> Let's rattle our sabers at Iran.


> Let's warn Syria we're watching their nuclear program.


> Let's have General Mayhem testify before Congress and state that


> winning in Iraq because, er, we say so.


> Let's have our President fabricate a list of countries that have


> on the ground in Iraq. ( " And I'd personally like to thank Upper

> Slobovia for their elite snow-shoe squad. " )


> Let's have former Secretary of Defunct Donald Rumsfeld state that he

> doesn't follow what's going on in Iraq because he's " been very

> busy

> doing a series of things: setting up an office and hiring staff,

> arranging my papers to give to the Library of Congress (and) setting

> up a new foundation. "


> Let's see compassionate conservatism in action, as in this Iraq-


> exchange between CNN's Wolf Blitzer and Republican Rep. John



> BLITZER: " How much longer will U.S. taxpayers have to shell out $2

> billion a week or $3 billion a week as some now are suggesting the

> cost is going to endure? The loss in blood, the Americans who are

> killed every month, how much longer do you think this commitment,


> military commitment is going to require? "


> BOEHNER: " I think General Petraeus outlined it pretty clearly. We're

> making success. We need to firm up those successes. We need to

> continue our effort here because, Wolf, long term, the investment


> we're making today will be a small price if we're able to stop al

> Qaeda here, if we're able to stabilize the Middle East, it's not


> going to be a small price for the near future, but think about the

> future for our kids and their kids. "


> As I write this, this month's " small price " includes 39 Americans

> dead, for a total of 3,781 since the invasion began. Iraqi


> may total over a million.


> Is it any wonder why this current government doesn't care about

> animals or nature? It doesn't even care about human life. It cares

> about ideology. It cares about empire. It cares about slogans. It

> cares about photo-ops. It cares about fantasy.


> So, dig into that Shamu stew, kids. Flip those Flipper burgers.


> up that " Country Joe and the Fish " CD. And buy that seafront


> in Arizona, now.


> Welcome to the lean, mean Homeland.



> " NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National

Security Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or

notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative

oversight. You have no recourse nor protection save to call for the

impeachment of the current President. "


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afghanistan is landlocked...

tofuchick24 Sep 19, 2007 7:22 PM Re: Shamu stew




Wow I don't know who this guy is but I like his style! :) Do Iraq and Afghanistan have navies? Just wondering how much training we "need"? , fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:>> FU Shamu, and the wave you rode in on> by Ed Naha | Sep 18 2007 - 9:54am |> article tools: email | print | read more Ed Naha> > Just how deep does Bush's "I is Sparticus" attitude run in this> government? Apparently, it even thrives down in Davy Jones' Locker.> > This month, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco> gave the Navy the thumb's up to turn whales' innards into tapioca via> sonar blasts off the California Coast by stating: "The safety of the> whales must be weighed, and so must the safety of our warriors. And> our country."> > Uh, our warriors? Are we talking Aquaman and a super-buffed The Little> Mermaid, here?> > The underwater sonar tests are part of the Navy's anti-submarine> drills and they screw up sea life Big Time. In August, a federal judge> in Los Angeles suspended the experiments. They're planned to go on> through 2009. The judge, Florence-Marie Cooper, said that the sonar> blasts could harm nearly 30 species of marine mammals, including five> species of endangered whales. She said that the Navy's protective> measures were "woefully inadequate."> > Oh, yeah, the Navy estimated that 466 permanent injuries to whales> would occur.> > Now, I'm not someone who chains myself to trees or takes a rubber> dingy out to stop submarines, but this whole "we're patriots, we're> at> war, suck it up" stuff has gone beyond lunacy and is hovering> somewhere between obscene arrogance and orthodox dipshitism.> > In Bush's America we are told to care about one thing and one thing> only: Bush's funhouse mirror vision of this country. Lady Liberty has> mutated into something hovering between General Custer and Attila the> Hun and our noble eagle has transformed itself into a vulture. The> world is ours for the taking, so quit your blubbering.> > The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals had Judge Andrew Kleinfeld sink the> whales by declaring: "We are currently engaged in war, in two> countries. There are no guarantees extending from 2007 to 2009 or at> any other time against other countries deciding to engage us, or our> determining that it is necessary to engage other countries."> > Aside from the Judge's penchant for gobbledygook, he's stating that> these anti-submarine sonar drills are presently geared towards> detecting subs from Afghanistan and Iraq. What are they made of,> rocks?> > Navy spokesman Captain Scott Gureck said the ruling "allows us to> resume active sonar training for our carrier and expeditionary strike> groups." Yeah. Those camels in water wings can sneak right by ya, if> you're not careful. And rumor has it that bin Laden is now in league> with Captain Nemo.> > Now, in the past, the Navy conducted similar tests while using> lookouts and reducing sound levels when whales were spotted. Under> Bush? Let 'er rip, Captain Ahab. These tests will affect the Channel> Islands National Marine Sanctuary and the annual migration path of> gray whales. The Navy's response: "so?"> > It's not like the Navy doesn't know that they're destroying nature.> Back in 2002, the Navy admitted that its sonar caused the beaching of> 16 whales in the Bahamas in 2000. A report signed by Navy Secretary> Gordon England said that the autopsied animals "had experienced some> sort of trauma likely to be associated with pressure, an intense> acoustic event, or an impulse, that led to their stranding and> subsequent deaths."> > In 2003, autopsies of beaked whales found on beaches in the Canary> Islands showed that the sonar tests caused the equivalent of what> scuba divers refer to as "the bends" in the mammals.> > The tests, run by both the U.S. Navy and NATO forces, have caused> beaching of whales and dolphins throughout the world, from Hawaii to> Greece to Florida.> > What's the point?> > Everyone wants a safe, secure world...but at what cost? If America,> once admired globally, succumbs to a sense of Nouveau Manifest> Destiny, the rest of the world is sure to follow. Hey, world, not only> can we do the pre-emptive war thing and kill innocent men, women and> children; we can kill animals and destroy habitats as well. Are we> macho, or whut?> > Case in point: a couple of weeks ago, up in Washington state, five> members of the Makah tribe killed a gray whale using harpoons and a> rifle usually used to kill elephants. The Makah argue that it secured> the right to hunt whales in an 1855 treaty with the U.S. It is their> tradition. I can only assume, back when the treaty was signed,> elephant guns weren't mentioned.> > Oh, yeah, that same week, Stanford University released a report> stating that gray whale numbers are still dangerously low and a> proposal for a South Atlantic whale sanctuary was defeated in the> first vote at the International Whaling Commission's meeting this> year.> > But, as usual, America leads the world in ignoring, uh, the world.> Last month, a federal judge said that the Bush administration violated> U.S. law by failing to produce a study on the impact of global> warming. The last U.S. assessment was published in 2000. BushCo. has> until next March to fabricate something.> > Meanwhile, two weeks ago, 69,000 square miles of Arctic sea ice,> roughly the size of Florida, melted away in six days.> > "If you had asked me a few years ago about how fast the Arctic would> be ice free in summer, I would have said somewhere between about 2070> and the turn of the century," said scientist Mark Serreze, a polar ice> expert. "My view has changed. I think that an ice-free Arctic as early> as 2030 is not unreasonable."> > According to the U.S. Geological Survey, this ice loss will mean that> two-thirds of the world's polar bear population will disappear within> 50 years.> > The European Space Agency just released findings that, per their> satellite photos, showed Arctic ice has shrunk to the lowest level on> record. It's so low that the Northwest Passage may become an open> shipping lane.> > And NASA scientists have just concluded that global warming will lead> to more devastating thunderstorms in the near future.> > But, BushCo. creates it's own reality, right?> > So, let's pour some more blood and money into Iraq, shall we?> > Let's rattle our sabers at Iran.> > Let's warn Syria we're watching their nuclear program.> > Let's have General Mayhem testify before Congress and state that we're> winning in Iraq because, er, we say so.> > Let's have our President fabricate a list of countries that have boots> on the ground in Iraq. ("And I'd personally like to thank Upper> Slobovia for their elite snow-shoe squad.")> > Let's have former Secretary of Defunct Donald Rumsfeld state that he> doesn't follow what's going on in Iraq because he's "been very > busy> doing a series of things: setting up an office and hiring staff,> arranging my papers to give to the Library of Congress (and) setting> up a new foundation."> > Let's see compassionate conservatism in action, as in this Iraq-based> exchange between CNN's Wolf Blitzer and Republican Rep. John Boehner:> > BLITZER: "How much longer will U.S. taxpayers have to shell out $2> billion a week or $3 billion a week as some now are suggesting the> cost is going to endure? The loss in blood, the Americans who are> killed every month, how much longer do you think this commitment, this> military commitment is going to require?"> > BOEHNER: "I think General Petraeus outlined it pretty clearly. We're> making success. We need to firm up those successes. We need to> continue our effort here because, Wolf, long term, the investment that> we're making today will be a small price if we're able to stop al> Qaeda here, if we're able to stabilize the Middle East, it's not only> going to be a small price for the near future, but think about the> future for our kids and their kids."> > As I write this, this month's "small price" includes 39 Americans> dead, for a total of 3,781 since the invasion began. Iraqi fatalities> may total over a million.> > Is it any wonder why this current government doesn't care about> animals or nature? It doesn't even care about human life. It cares> about ideology. It cares about empire. It cares about slogans. It> cares about photo-ops. It cares about fantasy.> > So, dig into that Shamu stew, kids. Flip those Flipper burgers. Crank> up that "Country Joe and the Fish" CD. And buy that seafront property> in Arizona, now.> > Welcome to the lean, mean Homeland.> > > "NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President.">




I never thought about the universe, it made me feel small

Never thought about the problems of this planet at all

Global warming, radio-active sites

Imperialistic wrongs and animal rights! No!

Why think of all the bad things when life is so good?

Why help with an 'am' when there's always a 'could'?

Let the whales worry about the poisons in the sea

Outside of California, it's foreign policy

I don't want changes, I have no reactions

Your dilemmas are my distractions

I never looked around, never second-guessed

Then I read some Howard Zinn now I'm always depressed

And now I can't sleep from years of apathy

All because I read a little Noam Chomsky

I'm eating vegetation, 'cause of Fast Food Nation

I'm wearing uncomfortable shoes 'cause of globalization

I'm watching Michael Moore expose the awful truth

I'm listening to Public Enemy and Reagan Youth

I see no world peace 'cause of zealous armed forces

I eat no breath-mints 'cause they're from de-hoofed horses

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oh, they make plenty of sense

the US is determined to be the top psycopath on the heap...

now, the decisons the judges made, they don't make sense...

tofuchick24 Sep 20, 2007 10:41 AM Re: Shamu stew




So, the navy tests make even LESS sense...didn't think it was possible. Yet IF I were to point this out to the govt I'd be on some nasty list....sigh...




I never thought about the universe, it made me feel small

Never thought about the problems of this planet at all

Global warming, radio-active sites

Imperialistic wrongs and animal rights! No!

Why think of all the bad things when life is so good?

Why help with an 'am' when there's always a 'could'?

Let the whales worry about the poisons in the sea

Outside of California, it's foreign policy

I don't want changes, I have no reactions

Your dilemmas are my distractions

I never looked around, never second-guessed

Then I read some Howard Zinn now I'm always depressed

And now I can't sleep from years of apathy

All because I read a little Noam Chomsky

I'm eating vegetation, 'cause of Fast Food Nation

I'm wearing uncomfortable shoes 'cause of globalization

I'm watching Michael Moore expose the awful truth

I'm listening to Public Enemy and Reagan Youth

I see no world peace 'cause of zealous armed forces

I eat no breath-mints 'cause they're from de-hoofed horses

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