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Lights out, S.F.! Voluntary brownout to show ease of saving energy

David R. Baker, Chronicle Staff Writer


Wednesday, September 19, 2007




If Nate Tyler has his way, the glittering lights of San Francisco will disappear

one evening next month.


And for once, the cause won't be fog or a blackout.


Tyler runs Lights Out San Francisco, a new organization trying to persuade the

city's residents and businesses to shut off all unnecessary lights for one hour

on Oct. 20, from 8 to 9 p.m. Modeled after a similar effort in Australia, the

event is designed to show people how easily they can conserve energy.


Every kilowatt saved also helps fight global warming by lessening the need for

more power plants that spew greenhouse gases.


" It's a very simple message, " said Tyler. " It's very clear. If everyone turns

off their lights for an hour, it can make a real difference. And if they want to

turn the lights off for longer that evening, we're into that, too. "


How much can a one-hour, voluntary brownout save? When Sydney tried it in March,

the city conserved enough power to avoid pumping more than 24 tons of carbon

dioxide into the air.


Tyler, a public relations consultant, happened to be eating in a restaurant on

Sydney's harbor when the city powered down. He watched the famed Sydney Opera

House disappear into the night.


" It was beautiful, " said Tyler, who hopes to take the event to other American

cities next year. " The restaurant I was sitting in brought out candles. The

thing I thought was so cool was that it was such a simple thing to do. Anyone

could participate. "


Managers of the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz have already agreed to take

part. So has Pacific Gas and Electric Co.


The utility will monitor just how much energy the effort conserves. PG & E also is

donating 100,000 compact fluorescent bulbs that Lights Out San Francisco will

give away throughout the city before the event, though details of the

distribution have yet to be released. The idea is to encourage residents to

replace at least one old-style, incandescent bulb in their homes, saving a

little power long after the event ends.


No matter how many people take part, however, the city won't turn pitch-black.


There are limits to how much lighting many of the participants can kill. The

Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District will turn off the lights

illuminating the bridge towers. But the lights on the roadway have to stay on.

So do the small lights atop the towers that keep aircraft from crashing into the



The bridge district will probably save $10 by shutting down the decorative

lights for an hour, said spokeswoman Mary Currie. That's not a big dent in the

monthly electric bill of $23,000, a figure that also includes the bridge's

nearby buildings and parking lots.


" The savings are not a lot, but the symbolism is important, " Currie said.


Chef Cory Obenour faces a similar challenge. The Mission District restaurant he

co-owns, the Blue Plate, will switch to candlelight for its dinner service on

the 20th. But the kitchen is a different matter. Obenour is trying to figure out

just how much light he and his kitchen staff will need to actually see the food.


" You've got to season stuff, you've got to get the right color if it's fish -

there's all that stuff to consider, " Obenour said.


Still, he's game to try the idea. " We've got an adventurous crew here, " Obenour

said. " I'm like, 'Anyone want to cook in the dark with me?' And they're like,

'Yeah, let's cook in the dark!' "



Want to save energy?

Find tips and information on rebates for energy-saving products online at:


-- California Energy Commission: www.consumerenergycenter.org


-- PG & E: www.pge.com/res/rebates


American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy: links.sfgate.com/ZVW




For more information on Lights Out San Francisco, including how to take

advantage of the lightbulb giveaway, go to lightsoutsf.org.


E-mail David R. Baker at dbaker.



What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we know for sure

that just ain't so.

- Mark Twain

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That sounds really cool! :) I'm in the process of switching over to

compact fl.lightbulbs, but I'm not good with heights and I've got 6

different ceiling lights to deal with. LOL I'm ahead on the

candles...I'm stocked up on soy candles...hehehe I actually found a

store that sells 'em. :)


, fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


> Lights out, S.F.! Voluntary brownout to show ease of saving energy

> David R. Baker, Chronicle Staff Writer


> Wednesday, September 19, 2007




> If Nate Tyler has his way, the glittering lights of San Francisco

will disappear one evening next month.


> And for once, the cause won't be fog or a blackout.


> Tyler runs Lights Out San Francisco, a new organization trying to

persuade the city's residents and businesses to shut off all

unnecessary lights for one hour on Oct. 20, from 8 to 9 p.m. Modeled

after a similar effort in Australia, the event is designed to show

people how easily they can conserve energy.


> Every kilowatt saved also helps fight global warming by lessening

the need for more power plants that spew greenhouse gases.


> " It's a very simple message, " said Tyler. " It's very clear. If

everyone turns off their lights for an hour, it can make a real

difference. And if they want to turn the lights off for longer that

evening, we're into that, too. "


> How much can a one-hour, voluntary brownout save? When Sydney tried

it in March, the city conserved enough power to avoid pumping more

than 24 tons of carbon dioxide into the air.


> Tyler, a public relations consultant, happened to be eating in a

restaurant on Sydney's harbor when the city powered down. He watched

the famed Sydney Opera House disappear into the night.


> " It was beautiful, " said Tyler, who hopes to take the event to

other American cities next year. " The restaurant I was sitting in

brought out candles. The thing I thought was so cool was that it was

such a simple thing to do. Anyone could participate. "


> Managers of the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz have already agreed

to take part. So has Pacific Gas and Electric Co.


> The utility will monitor just how much energy the effort conserves.

PG & E also is donating 100,000 compact fluorescent bulbs that Lights

Out San Francisco will give away throughout the city before the

event, though details of the distribution have yet to be released.

The idea is to encourage residents to replace at least one old-style,

incandescent bulb in their homes, saving a little power long after

the event ends.


> No matter how many people take part, however, the city won't turn



> There are limits to how much lighting many of the participants can

kill. The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District

will turn off the lights illuminating the bridge towers. But the

lights on the roadway have to stay on. So do the small lights atop

the towers that keep aircraft from crashing into the span.


> The bridge district will probably save $10 by shutting down the

decorative lights for an hour, said spokeswoman Mary Currie. That's

not a big dent in the monthly electric bill of $23,000, a figure that

also includes the bridge's nearby buildings and parking lots.


> " The savings are not a lot, but the symbolism is important, " Currie



> Chef Cory Obenour faces a similar challenge. The Mission District

restaurant he co-owns, the Blue Plate, will switch to candlelight for

its dinner service on the 20th. But the kitchen is a different

matter. Obenour is trying to figure out just how much light he and

his kitchen staff will need to actually see the food.


> " You've got to season stuff, you've got to get the right color if

it's fish - there's all that stuff to consider, " Obenour said.


> Still, he's game to try the idea. " We've got an adventurous crew

here, " Obenour said. " I'm like, 'Anyone want to cook in the dark with

me?' And they're like, 'Yeah, let's cook in the dark!' "



> Want to save energy?

> Find tips and information on rebates for energy-saving products

online at:


> -- California Energy Commission: www.consumerenergycenter.org


> -- PG & E: www.pge.com/res/rebates


> American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy:





> For more information on Lights Out San Francisco, including how to

take advantage of the lightbulb giveaway, go to lightsoutsf.org.


> E-mail David R. Baker at dbaker



> What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we

know for sure that just ain't so.

> - Mark Twain


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