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D-3 fires vegan teacher

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I know I `ve posted this before, but this has more detail, and comments from the community:

FOX RIVER GROVE – A District 3 art teacher who school officials said turned his classroom into a forum on veganism and animal rights and then told students to keep it a secret has been fired.School board members voted, 7-0, to dismiss Dave Warwak from his position as an art instructor at Fox River Grove Middle School on Monday night after a 90-minute closed session.The board cited three reasons for Warwak’s dismissal, saying that he began teaching veganism and animal rights instead of art without telling school officials or parents, told students to keep it secret and then refused to answer school officials’ questions about what he was teaching.“This isn’t about whether veganism is good or bad,” board vice president Steve Knar said in a statement released after the vote. “It’s about the right of the district to be informed about the instruction taking place in the classroom and its

ability to control the curriculum.”Warwak, 44, of Williams Bay, Wis., was removed from the classroom Sept. 5 and suspended with pay after distributing literature to students on the benefits of a no-meat diet and animal cruelty in food production. He claimed publicly that his efforts were an attempt to teach students a respect for life and fell under the category of character education.A former fishing guide who turned vegan in January, Warwak told board members before meeting with them in closed session Monday that the district was neglecting its duties to teach humane education and was hurting the environment.“Why don’t you show some responsibility to the planet?” he said, raising his voice. “You say it’s my personal choice, it’s not a personal choice when you’re ruining my planet and you’re eating my friends.”Warwak handed out cards to board members that he has been distributing to children

encouraging them to look up “factory farming” and “vegan” on the Internet. The front of the card reads: “Want to know a secret only a few people know?”Warwak told board members in a brief, impassioned statement that children eventually would learn the truth and that the more the district tried to silence him, the louder he would become.“The jig is up,” he said. “Factory farming is over.”Board President Pat Hughes later stated that Warwak shouldn’t have turned his classroom into a “zone of indoctrination.”“This is a democracy and other people have a say over the curriculum,” he said. “Mr. Warwak shouldn’t be allowed to impose his personal views on a captive audience.”Officials said Warwak’s comments to his students weren’t casual references to veganism and animal rights, but rather entire class sessions devoted to “preaching to fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth graders that

eating meat, milk and animal products was bad and that following a vegan lifestyle was good.”The board claimed that Warwak told students that they would live 10 years longer if they became vegans and had students read aloud from books advocating veganism.A handful of parents who attended the meeting expressed support for the board, saying Warwak had crossed the line and that the classroom was not the place for his message.Steve Beyer, 47, whose 13-year-old son was in Warwak’s class, questioned the teacher’s mental stability and said his efforts would have been more appropriate for a table discussion at a festival.“When he has these kids in his class and they can’t walk out – even if they wanted to walk out because they disagree with him – they can’t because he’s their teacher,” Beyer said. “That’s wrong.”


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redheadedgurrl wrote on Sep 25, 2007 6:36 AM: " Well he got what he wanted right? The school board is making positive changes for the children. Good Riddance!! It's really a shame that these kids were deprived of an art class in favor of Vegan Views 101. Hopefully the district will review their hiring policy for the future. "


Chris_rux wrote on Sep 25, 2007 7:30 AM: " Congratulations to District 3 board! As a father of one of his students I believe that they made the right decision and I support their decision. I'm happy to hear that they kept veganism out of their decision-making. It was never about veganism. Unfortunately the NW Herald keeps using the word "vegan" in their headlines to sensationalize the issue when the headlines should simply read, "insubordinate teacher". "


Greg N wrote on Sep 25, 2007 7:38 AM: " I still find it concerning that he is passing out those cards to kids. Where is he passing them out? Good job D3 school board. "


luckymortal1 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 8:46 AM: " I'm very sorry that there is so much hatred and name calling toward this man when this story seems so biased against him. I'm not a vegan, but I've made my living as an artist and art always was and is an exploration of morality. How can we discuss Picasso's "guernica" or Mozart's DaPonte operas without a broaching ethics? Have you been to a factory farm? If (for him) this is a major ethical issue of the day, how can he not talk about it? And I had math and science teachers teach Christianity and continue to today. "


GoldenBeagle wrote on Sep 25, 2007 8:50 AM: " You're kidding me!?!?! A teacher can't turn their classroom into a personal soapbox and force feed children their radical views? Wow! "


luckymortal1 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 8:56 AM: " And I feel I benefited from the rich diversity of views expressed by my teachers. It seems a shame that today teachers worry they'll be fired if they stray from the NCLB approved educational product. The Herald hasn't given us enough information in this biased piece to know if the school board made the right call. Perhaps they did. I just think we should treat him fairly and not react so defensively to his ideas. "


luckymortal1 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 9:03 AM: " Goldenbeagle, I admit I could be wrong on this incedent. I only think we should avoid sensationalizing this episode and discuss it in a way that is honest, respectful and considerate-- and without undue punctuational enthusiasm!?!?! "


microgeek wrote on Sep 25, 2007 9:13 AM: " luckymortal1, I think the fact that this man was telling the students to keep the vegan lessons a secret is all the evidence you need realize that he knew what he was doing was wrong. Whenever an adult tells a child to keep something "their little secret" it sends chills down my spine. "


onetime2 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 9:21 AM: " Luckymor**, Glad you admit your wrong. Being a grade school teacher is not the same as being a professor at a university. If your hired to teach art, you do just that. I am to deliver packages in a brown truck. I cant attach a PETA flyer to each package just because everyone is eating all the chickens and cows. The NWH did a good job of providing me with the information I needed to understand the issue. "


Harleychic wrote on Sep 25, 2007 9:23 AM: " I'm deaply diappointed in Mr. W. So many students really liked him, he had an opportunity to really make a difference in kids lives but instead he chose his own personal agenda. I wish he would have used another platform to express his views. Good luck on the job search Dave. "


gpo wrote on Sep 25, 2007 9:24 AM: " Me too, micro. And I don't feel much better with this talk of approaching kids with "business" cards. There's a trend I would hate to see started. "


CG'08 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 9:35 AM: " I grew up in the D3 and I had Warwak as a teacher along with my brother and one of my sisters. Over the years my family had a lot of dealings with none of which were good. I always thought he was very opinionated and sometimes even cruel to his students. I can say from a personal standpoint that he never should have taught anyone especially children. The D3 school board has made one its best decisions in years. GOOD RIDDANCE DAVE WARWAK!! "


luckymortal1 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 9:36 AM: " This is a very important issue to me and one I think we should be thoughtful about. How did this teacher answer to the claim that he told students to keep the lesson secret? Why would he give them materials to take home then? Did he admit to this accusation or has it been proven? Is he guilty until proven innocent? The inclussion of such condemning information without giving us proof is questionable in terms of journalistic ethics. And I know several teachers in this county that teach about their religious views.... "


Barharbor_parent2 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 9:52 AM: " Luckymortal1, you need only go to Warwak's own website, where he posted a couple of email threads between himself and his principle. These threads show that his BOSS repeatedly asked Warwak to stop pushing his agenda on him. In the corporate world, this is called "hostile work environment", and that alone is grounds for dismissal. Add kids to the mix. "


luckymortal1 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 9:57 AM: " This seems a corollary to the discussion on "creationism," except that ethics is inextricable from art class while creationism (no scientific method) has no place in science. I helped a McHenry kid with his assignment to explain how "indians" were responsible for starting wars with a particular group of settlers and how violence was the only possible solution. His "education" did not include those settler's first person account that they stole from and murdered indians expecting retaliation. Indoctrination? "Lies my teacher told me" anyone? I don't think this issue is so black and white. "


onetime2 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:05 AM: " Luckymor**1, Today must be the first article you have read. He has not denied any of the allegations. He has boasted about his teaching in his art class to the press and other forum he could get. Furthermore, the BOE does not have to prove their case to the public. They are hired to run the school district, not you. This appears to be a simple cut and dried case of employee insubordination. People get fired for it everyday. "


onetime2 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:09 AM: " Good news, I did an internet search and some places do have adjoining padded rooms. "


luckymortal1 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:10 AM: " Barharbor-- thank you for the information on the webpage. You were right indeed. His materials are highly manipulative and completely inappropriate. Good job D3. Here is the address to his page on Veganism: http://www.inslide.com/index.html I hope that Mr. Warwak will reconsider such manipulative means to express his concerns in the future. "


onetime2 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:18 AM: " poster above---, your mean, he does not eat meat, a fruitcake would be more appropriate. "


vethed7 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:19 AM: " yes the websites are even more bizare...he is clearly too emotional about this issue to teach children. I'm not against veganism and it's benefits...I have some good friends who are vegans, but I thought I would end with a funny quote from a bumper sticker: All God's creatures have their place......right next to the mashed potatoes. "


gpo wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:19 AM: " Wonder***** - I have opposed Mr W from the beginning on this but I don't think it's appropriate to disclose his address and phone. I'm not going to bother him at home but there could be some kooks out there. So what's your address and phone number? "


luckymortal1 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:19 AM: " And Onetime2, I hope you will reconsider the way you express yourself as well, I only sought to be an honest truth seeker in this matter. I thank you others for your discussion. I admit I was wrong to defend Warwak. "


gpo wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:20 AM: " Never mind - the personal info post was removed. "


wondertucky wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:24 AM: " GPO-when i start preaching and telling the world how to live, I will give you my info...otherwise i'll post what ever public information i want to. "


advisor wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:25 AM: " Why do people need to read statements? Why can't the school board vice president and Dave Warwak just speak without reading from paper in front of them? To me, this shows how ignorant this situation is. I can understand from the school district's standpoint that it needs to be careful with what is said to avoid potential lawsuits by Warwak and his PETA pals, but can't the district get someone who can speak without reading from a piece of paper? Pathetic on both ends. "


vethed7 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:31 AM: " yes, the article provides enough information to find all the other details about his address and even his salary, if you wanted it. He is a teacher of a public school and that make it public information. "


luckymortal1 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:39 AM: " Wonder, Posting someone's personal info is inappropriate. It's that kind of behavior that adds to the appearance that this man has been treated unfairly for his views and gives him credibility he does not deserve. "


gpo wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:41 AM: " I am no fan of Mr W but I don't think personal contact info should be posted, certainly not unless you post your own as well. It's not responsible. "


patti69 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:45 AM: " Yes there are virtues of eating a vegan diet but it all comes down to an informed personal choice. Perferably when one is an adult. Newly converted vegans tend to be over zealous and Mr W appears to have been no different. His audience was the wrong one, his job was to be an art teacher to the students not preach to them about the sins of meat. He should have made fellow teaches hear vegan praises not the children. Good job on his removal. "


roy wrote on Sep 25, 2007 10:59 AM: " He can get a professorship at a state college, where they indoctrinate people with this kind of stuff all the time. He'd be a moderate by comparison. "


stewartfn wrote on Sep 25, 2007 11:12 AM: " This was the best thing for Dave. He has gotten an offer from a better school with better pay. I feel sorry for the kids in FRG that they have to put up with such a garbage education system that they have right now. "


sjc wrote on Sep 25, 2007 11:18 AM: " I can't believe another school district would employ this guy ... with better pay? Ridiculous. Hmmm ... maybe he wanted to get fired. "


redheadedgurrl wrote on Sep 25, 2007 11:21 AM: " Yeah that's not nice to post personal info, someone might sign him up for the meat of the month club!! vethed - Thanks for the laugh. May we not have to read Warwaks name in the paper again, but I am sure he'll try to squeeze a few more minutes of fame out of it. As for a better school with better pay?? Hope he learned his lesson, but I doubt it. "


sjc wrote on Sep 25, 2007 11:21 AM: " Shame on the Herald for their petty censorship on this board. I can't believe you will allow someone to refer to the school district as providing garbage education, but not allow someone to criticize Mr. Warwak as "wacky.


gpo wrote on Sep 25, 2007 12:09 PM: " I wonder if we should even be eating veggies? Since they are alive perhaps they feel pain and distress as we chew them. Perhaps the only moral choice is to simply starve. "


wtf60021 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 12:13 PM: " We're decendants from carnivores. It's our nature to eat meat. I had a salad for lunch, but not without ham eggs and cheese on it! The human race might evolve to mainly vegitarian someday, but not likely in our lifetimes. We'll probably get wiped out by a meteor before that happens. And if you reject evolutionism as much as you reject common sense, Dave, if eating meat was so wrong, don't think Jesus would said something about it when he was here? Final advice for Dave: Snap into a Slim Jim! "


onetime2 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 12:23 PM: " Luckymor**1, …Thanks, I’ll try to work on my touchy feely side while my grill is warming up and the marinade seeps into the NY strip steaks I got from Sams club. Might even go out looking for a Dr. Phil book. "


veryfunny wrote on Sep 25, 2007 12:37 PM: " very interesting stuff on his website -especially the emails back and forth between himself and the principal. You can see that he was clearly warned to tone it down a bit. "


luvchrb wrote on Sep 25, 2007 12:37 PM: " gpo: personal info. posted.. very interesting, the ulm family (david ulm) took it upon themselves to inform the NW Herald readers as to where I work, yet had me mixed up with another person by my name in NY! Not only was my mother harassed, as was an in law in fl,and my work supervisor's name posted on this very site.. it's amazing you people find humour in posting personal info. there's no trick to it, no special private eye cert. needed. it's simple; if you lie down w/ dogs, you get up w/fleas!scanlonchristofi "


realist81 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 12:40 PM: " gpo~ FYI- Vegetables do not have central nervous systems... "


luvchrb wrote on Sep 25, 2007 12:45 PM: you get what you give in life" just remember that! karmic law... threefold law.... do unto others... this was like a page from the short story, the Lottery... ttsskk ttskkk.. you've really lost out on an interesting philosophical trip! christofi "


luvchrb wrote on Sep 25, 2007 1:16 PM: " you certainly must have cared about my postings, for you always banter w/ me, just like your other illinois counterparts.. i don't think i was conversing by myself... secrets?? seems like someone/many people are projecting.. the word secret is tossed about like a bloody salad.. you don't know what was said, for you weren't there.. neither was i.. but, unlike yourself and the countless posts above, i remain open minded.. and mindful.. mindful, 2 syllables.. check it out in the dictionary.. "


JustAsking wrote on Sep 25, 2007 1:17 PM: " luvchrb, almost all agree posting personal (phone,address, email address, non disclosed name)info about someone else is inapropiate. It is just a little odd to see someone who has done it when it fits there side, as you have, complaining when others do it. "


luvchrb wrote on Sep 25, 2007 1:17 PM: " have to go now, i have pressing oregon issues... ciao for now, and don't miss me too much,yall hear!!! just ride w/ the tide, kittens... ride w/ the tide.... "


luvchrb wrote on Sep 25, 2007 1:23 PM: " just asking.. yes, i posted the e-mail addy of ulm, days after it was done to me.. what's good for the goose.. i would never have stooped to such a disgusting level, if my family members hadn't been harassed.. quid pro quo.. this for that.... i was not going to just sit there and take the harassment.. he chose to cross the line, so i took the dare and also crossed it.. fight or flight! gotta go, but excellent question! promise you guys/dolls will miss me! "


luckymortal1 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 1:28 PM: " Onetime, I'm not even vegetarian and I'm not out to get you. And if we were talking face to face would you act this way? Are you attacking me becuase I said I'm pro-honesty? DO you know that your Ad hominem attacks and false dilemmas are either illogical or dishonest? So I would have you "work on" being truthful. To me, this illogical, defensive "us vs them" mentality that allows us to justify such unethical arguments is our biggest problem today becuase it does not allow us to come together to find honest concensus solutions to our problems. "


luvchrb wrote on Sep 25, 2007 1:30 PM: " who posted my information (only partially correct) first?? i did not cross the line first, yet you kittens seemed to get a hoot out of it.. but your feathers are ruffled because i posted ulm's addy.. too bad, sooooo sad....it's all fun and games, when the new yawka got partially zapped, but not funny at all when one of your own was called to the podium!! dave and i were constantly ridiculed, and yes harassed.. i would never have the mean spirited thought process to post anyone's personal information, had it not been done 2me! "


JustAsking wrote on Sep 25, 2007 1:36 PM: " The old "she touched me first" defense. Don't make me pull this car over... "


gpo wrote on Sep 25, 2007 1:51 PM: " luvchrb: I have always considered you a meddling outsider and I totally won't miss you if you leave (please do). But it was wrong for your personal info to be posted. Whether I agree with you or not, privacy is for everyone, including you & Mr. W. C'mon people, whatever happened to winning gracefully? "


wtf60021 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 1:51 PM: " Hey - what about all those furry little animals whose habitats were displaced by broccoli fields? Who's going to stick up for them? THE VEGETABLES ARE KILLING MY FURRY FRIENDS!!! ... just putting things into perspective... "


loserville wrote on Sep 25, 2007 2:05 PM: " The lack of animal protein can affect how you think, why would someone sign the postings with a full first and last name, plus let readers know where they might work and then complain about being contacted? "


Smarty wrote on Sep 25, 2007 2:17 PM: " To all you who where interested in Mr. Warwak address it is listed on superpages.com people search Willims Bay WI "


luckymortal1 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 2:30 PM: " I promise not to take away your cheeseburger (mmm) if you'll admit that there is a huge range of possiblilites between a vegan world of sprawling broccoli fields and our current trend toward industrial animal husbrandry: that seems a false choice to me. Both on the grounds of animal cruelty and economic factors the current system could use some improvement. I think that everyone who eats meat (including myself) should go visit a couple factory farms before we make up our minds. Personally, my meat tastes better when I know it was raised humanely. "


jewels wrote on Sep 25, 2007 3:10 PM: " I just read all of the posts, and went on Dave's website. Wow, I'm glad my son is grown and out of the school system. It's scary. He's an art teacher, what does that have to do with food? He was almost harrassing Tim with his emails. I don't think young children should be taught his beliefs. I believe he should be teaching college classes on this subject. Not young kids. "


inslidedotcom wrote on Sep 25, 2007 3:16 PM: " Never say, “Mr. Warwak said, …” Never say, “Joe Blow said, ….” Only say, what you know to be true because you looked at all sides and still have an open mind. So, it is no wonder kids say, “He told us not to say Mr. Warwak said. This is how they twist things and use them against me when I am good work. I also tell them to not believe anything they hear, read, or see – ART = Milk Mustache posters I teach them about real indoctrination in schools I teach them how to see truth Factory Farming "


inslidedotcom wrote on Sep 25, 2007 3:16 PM: " I teach them how Artists shape and guide morals in society With this knowledge, they can deal with the real world Use their art to create positive change Live longer Heal the earth I model what I teach I have been railroaded Posts removed You celebrate I appeal You pay Meat and Dairy laughs I cry "


60013 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 3:24 PM: " Your not teaching....your FIRED! "


60013 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 3:28 PM: " Henry McHenry wrote on Sep 24, 2007 8:18 PM: " If you don't eat your meat you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat? Hey Teacher, leave them kids alone. "///////Had to post it again, it is just waaay to priceless! "


GoldenBeagle wrote on Sep 25, 2007 3:30 PM: " Dave (inslidedotcom), so when you were hired to teach children, where in the guidelines did it say you could force feed them your radical views and depart from what they, the kids, wanted to learn? I guess they learned that some adults can't honor a promise or an oath. At least D-3 didn't let it go on longer than it has already. "


StanP wrote on Sep 25, 2007 3:31 PM: " As obvious as it is, I will say that Dave Warwack was his own worst enemy. It's one thing to appropriately voice personal views on the side; it's another thing to totally abandon actually teaching art to devote the full class to his personal views. Dave only turned vegan in January and apparently did so with a zeal that removed him from reality - or any chance of being effective. He was combative and arrogant throughout this episode. All that said, was it really necessary for FRG police officers to escort him out of the building? "


60013 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 4:00 PM: " You said it yourself "he was combative". Read his posts, doesn't appear to be very stable. "


Springfield wrote on Sep 25, 2007 4:02 PM: " 'Fox River Grove police officers escort art teacher Dave Warwak out of Fox River Grove Middle School on Monday after District 3 school board members terminated his employment.' I've been RIF'd along with many others due to the 'ol lack of work excuse (IL is an employment at will state) and didn't need to be escorted by the police...as long as they don't tase me bro! He received better treatment than thousands of workers get when the corp down-sizes to make their profit numbers for the investors. "


paul121 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 4:57 PM: " well now... that was progress... I sure hope he doesn't shop at costco wholesale, he wouldn't want to see what we do to meat in the meat deptarment... next he will protest meat deptarmnts and deli's....but thats right.. im cutting up his friends.. oops.. my bad... no one else seems to care.. "


luckymortal1 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 5:22 PM: " As an expert on the arts, I will again say that morality is inextricable from art. I don't think you can say that "he wasn't teaching art" unless you are also an expert on the particulars of that subject. However, like many of the posters here, Mr. Warwak became manipulative in his approach, likely because he was too passionate. Because I honestly want to discuss this important issue and learn together, I have a question for everyone involved: "


luckymortal1 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 5:30 PM: " Would it have been appropriate for Mr. Warwak to (as fairly as possible) present the facts and details of our current factory farms (pictures?) as well as the history of the development of this system--in contrast to the past? Perhaps he could have provided a variety of views on this system and possible alternatives. Then provide a variety of independent scholarly views on human diet? Just please don't tell me that wouldn't have been teaching art unless you are an expert on the topic and wish to have a thoughtful discussion about it. I would appreciate your thoughts. "


rukidding wrote on Sep 25, 2007 5:34 PM: " My problem with this is the fact that Mr.Warwak has only been a "vegan" since January. A zeolot. It's like people who have just quit smoking. They are the first to freak out at smokers. Hypocrits! "


inslidedotcom wrote on Sep 25, 2007 5:49 PM: " The board made sure this would be alive in the courts and FRG for the next 10 years, actually, for all time! It is a shame to be painted as primive as they surely will a gasp. Go off in the corner with your roast beef sndwich - we don't care - your kids know and they care! Respect must be earned. VIVA VEGAN AMERICA! FRG ROCKS! "


inslidedotcom wrote on Sep 25, 2007 5:55 PM: " not because I was passionate it was because they stopped me at every step whenever I tried anything with animals - they over-reacted and now it is where it is - because of them - go to my respect site and see "


lith61 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 6:05 PM: " People get fired all the time for insubordination, get over it and look for a new job! You do have bills to pay. Don’t waste your time in court "


lith61 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 6:13 PM: " Instead of a fishing guide maybe you can be a guide for edible plants? "


inslidedotcom wrote on Sep 25, 2007 6:20 PM: " Its about the principle - the day I roll over for ignorance, I become like those closed-minded sorts who seem to be the loudest "


lith61 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 6:33 PM: " maybe you can be a guide for edible plants? "


sjc wrote on Sep 25, 2007 6:43 PM: " Dave, you bore me with your verbal garbage. Please go away. Nobody cares about what you have to say ... not our kids ... not the people on this chat ... and certainly not the FRG School District. Roll over now and go to sleep. "


frgmom1 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 7:05 PM: " I also grew up in D-3 and I must say that when I was younger I liked Mr.W but when I got to the middle school I didn’t like him that, he was more of a friend to the kids then a teacher. Also last year when he made my class paint distorted looking pictures of us and clay projects and draw pictures of weird things, when my class got out the next class got to do what ever they wanted to do and that was not fair. But i'am HAPPY that they finally got rid of him. "


Karen12359 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 7:28 PM: " If he's a vegan because he's friends with animals and wants to be nice to them, why is he eating their food? (This is a joke) "


truthinlove wrote on Sep 25, 2007 7:30 PM: " Congratulations to FRG school district for firing a teacher who would do anything so serious as teaching something to children and then asking them to keep it a "secret." I agree that that is enough to send chills down any adult's spine. That is if the adult is thinking correctly. Good Job! and Well Done! "


Henry McHenry wrote on Sep 25, 2007 7:45 PM: " Your art:it chokes. You're a has-bean. If you carrot all about FRG and the kids, you'll beet it now. Lettuce show you the door. Find someone else to pay your celery. Here's a quarter, calliflower who cares. But don't let this incident squash your vision of whirled peas. "


esbee wrote on Sep 25, 2007 7:49 PM: " Whether I agree with this or not some questions do come to mind...what if this man were black, or g@y or Muslim? What would the outcome be then? But I do agree with the part about factory farms...there is a USDA program that threatens to put those who want to raise healthy food out of business while benefitting factory farms. Those who own even one livestock animal, even as a pet, will be under more govt surveillance than illegals or convicted sex offenders. See nonais dot org for more info. "


frgparent wrote on Sep 25, 2007 8:09 PM: " I was at the meeting last night and have to say Mr Warwak made a fool of himself and acted out of control. My son was in his 8th grade art class and told me what he said and showed me the literature he gave out. He never addressed the real issue that the board said stop indoctrinating the kids and get back to teaching Art. He made everyone in the meeting uncomfortable with his claims. He had to be escorted out of the school because he acted like a raving lunitic ready to hurt the board members. Good Bye "


paul121 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 8:09 PM: " Henry McHenry posted at 7:45 on 9/25... that comment was hilarious... i sent that comment to my friends and co-workers.. they got a big laugh... keep em comin!! "


mtnbay wrote on Sep 25, 2007 8:10 PM: " luckymortal1 I believe in would be inappropriate for any art teacher to teach in the manner you describe above to 678th graders. I think you described a college scenario. You say as an "Art Expert" that "morality is inextricable from art". Well if Dave Warwak presented to his class the Crucifix in the jar of urine would you be saying the same thing? Well just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is art. The parents of the children and the school administration weren't buying the "morality is inextricable from art" argument. "


onetime2 wrote on Sep 25, 2007 8:20 PM: " TO MTNBAY---- Learn from me, do not respond to Luckymor**1. I suspect he/she has been warwackyized. "


sheesh wrote on Sep 25, 2007 8:22 PM: " Correction: D-3 Fires Insubordinate Teacher! No more news then that. To bad it wouldn't sell as many newspapers. Guess you really cannot trust what someone else says or prints and you certainly cannot trust the middle school art teacher to give appropriate lesson on Humanity! OH THE MANITEE's Sheesh. "

Peter H


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