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Published October 11, 2007 10:47 AM

One Planet Wales


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A comfortable wage and a high quality of life are generally what people strive

for, but our growing desire to consume more is taking its toll on the



Take for example the food we buy and where we choose to go on holiday. Today,

over 75% of all food eaten in Wales comes from supermarkets. Scan the vegetable

and fruit shelves and it’s easy to forget that we have our own seasonal Welsh

food. For instance, strawberries are now available nearly all year round, but

this has an environmental impact: flying a tonne of strawberries to Wales from

the Middle East in winter creates 300 times more CO2 than transporting

home-grown strawberries in summer.








But such damage to the environment is a price many of us are willing to pay,

especially when the airlines and supermarkets keep tempting us with their

bargain offers.


The problem, as WWF has discovered by measuring humanity’s ecological

footprint — our impact on the planet — is that if everyone consumed natural

resources and produced CO2 at the rate we do in Wales, we’d need three planet

Earths to support us.


Reducing the ecological footprint

The One Planet Wales campaign aims to help people living in Wales to

significantly reduce their ecological footprint, while enabling others,

currently using far less than their fair share, to develop and enjoy a good

quality of life in ways that avoid environmental damage.


To help Wales achieve this goal, WWF commissioned a report entitled One Planet

Wales: Transforming Wales for a prosperous future within our fair share of the

Earth’s resources. The report, written by the University of Manchester’s

Centre for Urban Regional Ecology, outlines solutions, as well as challenges to

the Welsh Assembly and the private and public sector on how to transform

Wales’ economy through greatly increasing the efficiency of energy and

resource use.


In today’s society, we are buying and consuming more than the planet can

afford. Food and drink account for a quarter of Wales’ total ecological

footprint, while travel and tourism contribute a further 17%, mostly due to car

traffic and air travel — a sector that is on the increase. The biggest element

of our footprint is the CO2 emissions from our use of energy.


Using ecological footprinting as a measure, the report concludes that Wales can

reduce its impact by 75% by 2050, and that CO2 emissions must be reduced by at

least 75%. However, if by 2050 current trends continue and existing policies are

followed, Wales’ footprint will rise by 30%, owing to increases in air travel

and the food and drink sectors.


The report also shows that if the campaign is to be successful, strong

leadership from government is needed. The private and public sector also have an

important role to play.


Meeting the targets

From national to local levels, the housing, transport and supply chains need to

work together for One Planet Wales to be a success. This means reducing the

footprint of eight key sectors — food, buildings, transport, products,

services, energy, resources and our lifestyles.


Is it possible to meet the targets proposed in the One Planet Wales challenge?

The answer is most definitely " yes " , but it does mean a shift from our current

" three planet " lifestyle to a " one planet " future.


When it comes to food, why not opt for fresh locally-sourced produce instead of

pre-packaged foods? Buying locally-produced food cuts down on food miles — the

resources used to get food from producer to plate. In the long run, changes in

this sector could lead to a 30% reduction in the food footprint.


Reducing your footprint through a change in food and shopping habits also links

with transport and travel. Personal transport contributes 18% of the total CO2

emissions in the UK, and is a growing contributor to climate change. The

resulting problems include not only noise pollution and traffic congestion, but

also the constant pressure to build more roads and expand airports.


One Planet Transport envisages a future where the transport sector could reduce

its total ecological footprint by up to 20%, through improved local traffic

management, use of public transport, cycling and walking. These options would be

both cheaper and better for the environment.


The campaign also seeks to bring about change in the energy sector, which

currently contributes 21% of our footprint. The One Planet Energy vision sees a

future where Wales’ energy demand is reduced and local renewable energy

sources are accelerated. Building and occupying our homes accounts for 27% of

all CO2 emissions and the way in which houses are insulated can have a dramatic

effect on our footprint.


By reducing, reusing and recycling, we aim to promote sustainable living, and to

protect scarce resources and the fragile environment.


Making the change

Some of the One Planet Wales changes will be easy, others more difficult. Some

require just waking up in the morning and deciding to do it, others will involve

adding your voice to tens of thousands of others to demand governments introduce

policies, and to encourage businesses to ensure that their products and

practices allow us to lead better quality lives.


Recognizing the scale of resource efficiency improvements required by the

business sector, and rewarding businesses that identify opportunities that

reduce their footprint and that of the market sector are crucial steps in moving

towards a One Planet Wales.


Morgan Parry, Head of WWF Wales sums it up best: “Our very future depends on

our ability to live within the limits of the Earth’s natural resources, yet

since the 1980s human demand has been exceeding the Earth’s ability to

replenish and absorb. To meet the unprecedented global challenges we have before

us, we need a shared vision and a shared plan. A vision whereby everyone in

Wales, by 2050, can enjoy a high quality life, using our fair share of the

Earth’s resources.â€


The pressure is now on us to make changes in the way we consume, the energy we

use and the impact we have on the environment. By living sustainably we can find

lasting solutions to our problems both today and tomorrow. We all have a role to



* By Ruth Bates, WWF Wales Communications Officer, and Alakie Asige, WWF Wales





• The Ecological Footprint measures the resources we use to support our

economy and our lifestyles. It is the best available measure for telling us

whether or not we are living within the limits of the planet. The Ecological

Footprint in Wales is largely made up of transport 17%, housing 21% and food



• One Planet Wales forms part of WWF-UK's One Planet Campaign which is about

inspiring individuals, businesses and government to help achieve a future where

people everywhere can lead happy, healthy lives within their fair share of the

Earth's resources



Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.


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