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Star McDougaller: Kelly Caraway

“Choosing diet over drugs after a heart attack”

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Dr. McDougall's Comments

When I meet patients with coronary artery (heart) disease, without

even asking, I know what medications they are taking: a statin,

beta-blocker, ace inhibitor, aspirin and Plavix. If they have had

chest pain then their recent history includes an angiogram,

angioplasty with stent, and/or a bypass operation. Essentially all

doctors practice with such little original thought that it would

appear as if they are reading from a cookbook. This absolute

uniformity of prescriptions might be warranted if the results were as

perfect as grandma’s Thanksgiving dinner. But, they are not,

and the prescribing doctors know this all too well. They know

that 8 out of 8 studies performed to establish the benefits of

angioplasty with or without stents all show no improvement in


survival. Every well-read doctor knows that bypass surgery

does not save lives in the vast majority of cases, and that all

patients attached to the heart-lung machine during this major

operation suffer from brain damage, at least to some degree. Anyone

interested in reading scientific research quickly concludes that the

absolute benefits from the pile of pills patients are asked to swallow

daily are far less than those professed by their doctors; with

troublesome side effects glossed over by these same


You might ask, “How can such a charade continue?” Don’t act

surprised when I say “cash rules.” Look at your own

business. Doesn’t the profit margin steer every decision?

Why should the medical businesses be any different? Naïve

thinking leads people to conclude that doctors, drug companies, and

hospitals work with a higher level of ethics than everyone else

because the consequences of their efforts are people’s lives—my

wife, my husband, my child are at stake. So what!


In fact, the medical businesses are more loathsome because they

operate with undeserved respect. We place doctors on a pedestal

of honesty and trust only deserved by most of our parents. When

I was growing up I knew that my mother and father always acted in my

best interest—they loved me so much no amount of money counted more.

We have transferred childhood feelings about our parents to our

doctors—with this mistake, we pay with our money and our



Doctors should not ask for, nor should they expect to receive,

such blind faith from consumers, because when these professionals fail

to deliver perfection—a perfect baby, a perfect operation, or an

absolute cure—we become more than disappointed. We feel we

have been failed by someone who figuratively stands next to God.

A commonplace reaction is to seek revenge for such a grand

disillusionment—a lawsuit.

Kelly Caraway is one of the growing numbers of patients asking

himself hard questions about the doctor and drug businesses.

Access to information once buried in libraries, and purposefully

concealed from consumers by industries, is now available through the

Internet. Not only can average people defend themselves against

harmful treatments, but they can also take the monumental step of

learning how to heal themselves through a sensible, profit-free, diet

and exercise program.




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2007 John McDougall

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the Medical Business

One afternoon, in September of 2006, about a month after I turned

58, I was overtaken by excruciating chest pain, nausea, and profuse

sweating. I tried to “walk it off” for about two hours at home but

finally decided to go to the emergency room. I was sure that if I

could just get some pills that everything would be fine. I drove

myself 40 miles to the nearest hospital, and the next thing I knew the

staff was looking for a helicopter to airlift me to a hospital that

treats heart attack victims. I remember thinking, “They must be

mistaken, I could never have a heart attack, I’m a healthy man, and

I have no history of heart disease or coronary artery disease in my

immediate family.” Plus, I thought, heart attacks only happen to

other people.

The doctor said that I had one artery that was completely

blocked, which had caused the heart attack, and another artery was

significantly blocked. He had opened up the completely blocked artery

with a balloon stent, but he did not do anything with the other

artery. As a CPA who had worked for a large Texas hospital system for

over 37 years, I had always told myself I would never become a patient

in a hospital’s progressive care/telemetry unit, but here I


That was just the beginning of my education in the differences

between how modern medicine treats heart attack victims and how it

should treat heart attack victims, in most cases. The medical

profession leaves the impression that it is not possible for a heart

attack victim to survive without drugs, but it is simply not true. I

have learned a lot along my journey, and if at all possible, I hope to

spare others from unnecessary surgery and a lifetime of


Working up to My Heart Attack

Having grown up on a farm near San Antonio, Texas, I was a

physically active youth. Even as I maintained my sedentary office job

as a CPA, I jogged and participated in organized races, including four

marathons while in my late 20’s and 30’s. Even into my 40’s and

50’s, after my activity level dropped off somewhat, I was sure that

the amount of exercise I was getting was sufficient. I took

supplements, never smoked, my total cholesterol ranged from 175mg/dl

to 195mg/dl, and my blood pressure and annual physicals were normal,

so I generally considered myself to be healthy. Given this, nutrition

was of no concern to me. I thought I should be able to eat anything I


Things began to shift for me in my late 40’s when I was put on

an intensive project at work that lasted several months. It often

required 12 hours of sedentary work a day and often on the weekends,

causing me to halt any type of physical activity. I continued to eat

anything and everything, and during this time I gained 25 pounds. I

became very sluggish and felt miserable by the end of the


When I visited my primary care physician, he told me that I had

become a borderline diabetic and he wanted to put me on medication. I

asked him to give me some time to see if I could lose weight before I

started taking drugs. He reluctantly consented and told me to come

back in three months.

This was the first time in my life (my early 50’s) that I

started to think about nutrition. I made what I thought were some big

dietary changes. My approach to healthy eating was orange juice with a

couple of boiled eggs, and either toast and jelly or store-bought

waffles and syrup for breakfast. I also ate chicken, lots of

“healthy” TV dinners, and salads (but it was more like putting my

salad on the oily salad dressing instead of the other way around). By

eating this way, along with not sitting in front of a computer as long

each day, I was able to lose some of the weight, and my doctor ceased

threatening me with diabetic drugs. However, I continued eating sweets

and drinking soft drinks, and drank very little water. This was how I

was eating when I had my heart attack ….

Apparently Very Confused Heart Doctors

So, as I lay in the telemetry unit, following my heart attack and

the insertion of the first stent, the doctor said that he had

scheduled me the next day to have a stent inserted into the second

artery that he said was significantly blocked. I wondered why he had

not done the second artery to begin with; now I was going to have to

go through angioplasty again. That made no sense to me, but I did not

ask. Later that day I got word that the procedure was cancelled since

my insurance would not cover an elective procedure at this hospital. I

was given a bunch of prescriptions when I was discharged and was told

to make an appointment to have the second stent put in


Two weeks later I arrived at another hospital for my procedure,

but at the last minute the doctor had to cancel because of an

emergency. It was then suggested that I have a nuclear stress test

done in order to determine just how bad the second blockage was. The

stress test showed that the blockage was not significant, and the

course of action was to watch the blockage to see if I would need to

have a stent put in at a later date. If my insurance hadn’t held

things up at the first hospital, and if my doctor had been available

at the second hospital, I would have been subjected to an unnecessary

heart cath procedure. Why wasn’t the nuclear stress test ordered to

begin with instead of ordering angioplasty? But again I did not ask. I

began to wonder how much I should rely on these doctors.

Poisoned with Good Intentions

A little over a month after my heart attack I was scheduled to

see my primary care physician to go over my condition and discuss the

medications I was on. He explained that my heart was beating normally

and that I would need about six weeks to heal. He also told me I would

be on medication for the rest of my life (a beta-blocker, an ace

inhibitor, Zocor—a statin for cholesterol, and an aspirin).

After this visit I started to embark on my own research. Purely

by accident I ran across Dr. John McDougall’s website and an article

about avoiding heart bypass surgery and angioplasty by changing

one’s diet. I was impressed that he offered scientific proof and

personal experience to support what he was saying about the benefits

of a plant-based diet. Hearing about the experiences of others on his

website was also extremely helpful. I found that not only was there

hope, but I could actually be responsible for my own destiny through

changing the way I ate.

About six weeks after my heart attack I switched to a plant-based

diet and cut out soft drinks, fruit drinks, and sweets. After being on

the vegan diet, along with my medication, for about six weeks, my

total cholesterol dropped from 195mg/dl to 80mg/dl, my LDL went down

to 25mg/dl, and my triglycerides came down to 150mg/dl. But I kept on

taking all my medications.

It was about this time that I started having some unusual

symptoms that I thought might be caused by my heart attack. I was

trying to walk as much as I could but felt really sluggish. Every time

I bent over and straightened up I would almost pass out. The muscles

in my legs would ache and hurt so much that I could hardly stand it at

times. My blood pressure was being forced down with drugs to a top

number lower than 110 and the bottom reading to less than 70. As I

researched the drugs I was taking, I found that they were most likely

the cause of my symptoms. When I consulted the cardiologist about my

symptoms and asked him about eliminating or lowering the dosages of

some of my drugs, he absolutely refused. After almost begging him to

at least lower the cholesterol drug (Zocor) he finally consented to

reduce it from 40mg to 20mg. This provided absolutely no relief.

After having more blood work done (another six weeks later), my

total cholesterol actually went down even more to 79mg/dl and my LDL

was at 26mg/dl (even after I had reduced the strength of the Zocor).

My primary care physician, just like the cardiologist, did not want to

lower or eliminate any of the drugs I was taking, even though it

seemed that my vegan diet (without a cholesterol drug) was more than

sufficient to manage my cholesterol.

Taking Self-control

After five months of taking drugs I gradually started reducing

some of them on my own to see if they were causing the symptoms. I

first eliminated the Zocor, and three months after I had completely

eliminated it I had more blood work done. My total cholesterol, just

from the vegan diet and my exercise program, was 105mg/dl, and my LDL

was 52mg/dl, both very positive numbers (compared to my total

cholesterol of 195mg/dl and LDL of 92mg/dl before my heart attack).

For the first time since I had started taking the drugs, the pain and

aching in my legs disappeared, and now, 11 months after my heart

attack, I am off the other drugs (I still take the aspirin but have

reduced it to 81mg instead of the 325mg that the doctors insisted I

should take).

I feel fine now that I am just on the vegan diet along with the

baby aspirin and my exercise program. My blood pressure is normal, my

total cholesterol remains well under 150mg/dl, my LDL remains under

70mg/dl, my triglycerides remain under 150mg/dl, my glucose level

remains under 100mg/dl and I am able to run/walk seven miles a day

with no side effects. My weight is down 15 pounds since my heart

attack to a level that is considered normal. My heart rate is also

significantly lower than what it was before I had the heart attack. In

addition, I have noticed remarkable improvement in my sleep since I

have been on the plant-based diet.

Even though my primary care physician insisted that I should be

taking the standard drug regimen for heart attack survivors, he now

admits that the vegan diet may provide some real health benefits, such

as healing my arteries. He says that he does not have any knowledge of

any studies that have been done on heart attack survivors who are just

on the vegan diet alone (without the standard medications that are

normally prescribed to heart attack survivors). As far as the

cardiologists; they are concerned and still feel the standard drug

treatment is the only way to go. As for me, I fully expect to remain

on the vegan diet the rest of my life.

Kelly Caraway

San Antonio, Texas

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