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drab or vixenish, your choice (sigh)

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Vegan Vixens flash some skin in fight against meat


Heidi Benson, Chronicle Staff Writer


Sunday, November 18, 2007




Thanksgiving morning: Slip from between the sheets and into an organic

cotton string bikini of your own design. Slide your toes into a sexy

pair of non-leather, kitten-heeled mules.


Enter the kitchen. Take a deep bowl and drizzle a cup of sweet agave

nectar over 1 pound of firm, silken tofu. Knead, gently, before adding

nondairy cream cheese and organic pumpkin puree. Pour into a fluted

vegan piecrust and bake in a hot, hot oven.


" Serves six big pieces, " says Sky Valencia, founder of Vegan

Vixens, of her Pumpkin Cheesecake Delight.


" It's delicious, guilt-free and full of protein. "


Even with vegetarianism on the rise in America, the Vegan Vixens'

sexy, over-the-top style stands out.


A 2003 Harris Interactive poll found that 2.8 percent of the U.S.

adult population is vegetarian, representing a nearly .5 percent

increase in three years when compared with 2000 U.S. Census



Vegans are strict vegetarians who don't eat eggs or dairy products or

wear leather. And if that sounds drab, that's exactly the image the

Vixens intend to dispel.


" We said, 'Let's be trendy and fun and show we're not a bunch of

bark-eating girls,' " said Valencia, 43, a vivacious blonde who

looks half her age. " We're fun, we like to party. "


She and the other Vegan Vixens also want to show young women that it's

possible to be slim and fit without purging. The present Vixen lineup

includes: Kimmy Somers, 33, who works with disabled children; Sunny

Subramanian, 26, a model; Jenae Noonan, 24, a schoolteacher. All are

single, except for Somers, whose husband is a lawyer and a vegan. A

fifth Vixen will be cast this month.


The group is the brainchild of Valencia, a former Frederick's of

Hollywood lingerie model who hails from Phoenix. Twenty years ago, she

came west and joined Shock Baby, an all-girl heavy metal band that

played the Sunset Strip club circuit.


In 2004, Valencia launched the Vegan Vixens as a cable TV show

specializing in vegan cooking tips and a zooming cleavage-cam.

" At first, we were a little over-the-top with the sexpot image, "

Valencia said with a laugh.


The 10 original episodes, which still turn up on cable stations, also

featured interviews with role-model vegans - basketball star John

Salley, Poison drummer Rikki Rockett - animal rights activists and

environmentalists, including Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd

Conservation Society. Watson now calls on the Vixens to attend local

environmental-awareness events.


" Vegan Vixens are kind of the activist sweethearts, "

Valencia said. " We make it fun. We draw a crowd. " Most

recently, they joined Watson, Martin Sheen and Ed Begley Jr. in a

protest against harp seal hunting, held in front of the Canadian

Consulate in Los Angeles.


They are often guests at the Playboy Mansion West, where they went to

Hugh Hefner's 80th birthday bash last spring. (Despite their efforts,

Valencia reported, Hef has yet to adopt a vegan diet.)


The Vixens are not preaching to the choir. Their mission is to educate

the folks listening to Howard Stern, whose provocative show they've

appeared on.


" OK, we're sexy. Big deal, " Valencia said. " The people

we're trying to reach aren't paying attention " to animal-rights



" If that means I have to run down the street naked to keep

animals from being abused and boiled alive, I'll do it, " she

said. " We're making a difference and that's all that matters to

me. "


Their contribution has been noted in official vegetarian circles.


" I think they're great! " said Christine Vitale of the San

Francisco Vegetarian Society. " They're appealing to the younger

generation. They are getting attention; and that's good for the cause

of vegetarianism, good for animal welfare and good for the planet.


" It's more productive than a dull lecture on the perils of

meat-eating, " she added. " People would rather hear about it

from these hot young girls. "


The Vixens hope to attract even more converts during the holiday



" Thanksgiving is a great time for families and friends to get

together, count our blessings and give thanks for this beautiful

planet, " Valencia said. " Why celebrate by killing tens of

thousands of turkeys? "


The California Poultry Federation has not yet noticed the ire of the

Vixens. " They sound funny - and they're not harming anybody, "

said President Bill Mattos, who noted that turkey sales are up this



That could change. With a handful of new projects in the works, the

Vegan Vixens have momentum.


The pilot of a brand-new reality TV show is being " shopped "

to the networks.


A rock video, soon up on YouTube, previews their forthcoming album of

original tunes, including " Real Men Don't Hunt " and

" Fishnets. "


A pinup cookbook is planned, which will feature: " sexy photos

with recipes, tips on the environment and how to be kind to

animals. "


A line of bikini bathing suits - made of organic cotton-and-bamboo

fabric - is set to be launched and soon may be followed by a line of

cruelty-free cosmetics.


Early this month, the Vixens came to San Francisco to soak up

inspiration at the Green Festival, a joint project of Global Exchange

and Co-Op America. They brought copies of their new anti-dogfighting

poster, in which they pose with adorable pit bull puppies. Valencia

was inspired to reach out to kids who look up to sports stars after

Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick pleaded guilty in August to

federal dogfighting charges.


" We want it to be in every man's locker room, in car garages and

in teenagers' bedrooms, " Valencia said. The poster is available

through their Web site - www.veganvixens.com - along with useful links

and tips for identifying and anonymously reporting dog-fighting



Valencia has been committed to animal rights for decades.


" I'm an only child, " she said, " so growing up, my dogs

were my siblings. " In 1998, she and her mother, Mimi Valencia,

started a nonprofit, St. Martin's Animal Foundation, north of Los

Angeles, that is going strong today.


" It's a sanctuary for homeless pit bulls and other abused animals

who can live out their lives here, " she added. " A lot of

them have been taught to be aggressive or they've been neglected, left

on a chain in a yard over years. We rehabilitate the ones we can and

adopt them out. "


Puppies are fed a vegetarian diet, and at 6 months, they go vegan.

When they're adopted, the new owners sign a contract promising to

continue feeding the dog a vegan diet.


" Our dogs rarely get sick, and their coats look great, "

Valencia said.


The foundation is named for Saint Martin de Porres, the Peruvian



" I spent my early years - from 1 to 5 - in Lima, Peru, with my

grandmother. She told me about the saint who cared for animals. St.

Martin was a kind soul. Everything that I want to be. "




To keep up with the Vegan Vixens - and to hear their theme song - go

to www.veganvixens.com.


The Vixens recommend


-- Fabulous Furs: faux-fur coats ( www.fabulousfurs.com).


-- Mink Shoes: non-leather shoes hand-made in Italy (



-- Moo Shoes: vegetarian shoes ( www.mooshoes.com).


Vegetarian organizations


-- San Francisco Vegetarian Society. Call (415) 273-5481 or go to



-- The Vegetarian Resource Group: www.vrg.org.


-- Vegan Action: www.vegan.org.


Anti-fur event


Fur Free Friday 2007, an anti-fur exhibition and outreach event.

Noon-3 p.m. Friday, Union Square in San Francisco. For details,

www.furkills.org; or call In Defense of Animals, (415) 388-9641.



Vixens' Thanksgiving recipes


Sky's Pumpkin Cheesecake Delight


1 cup canned organic pumpkin


12 ounces firm silken tofu


3 teaspoons flour


1 cup agave syrup


1/2 teaspoon nutmeg


8 ounces non-dairy cream cheese


1/8 teaspoon baking soda


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.


Blend the mixture well and pour into a ready-made vegan pie crust.


Bake 45-50 minutes.


Allow to cool.


(Cover and refrigerate overnight.)


Kim's Groovy Gravy


1/2 cup mushrooms, chopped.


1/2 cup onion, chopped


2 tablespoons flour


1 cup organic veggie broth


1 teaspoon garlic powder


Sea salt to taste


1 1/2 tablespoons margarine


Saute onions and mushrooms until lightly brown.


Add the rest of the ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon until it



Sunny's Muffin Madness


1 1/2 cup yellow corn meal


1/4 cup vegetable oil (not olive)


1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour


1 tablespoon baking powder (non-aluminum)


1 cup agave or maple syrup


1/2 teaspoon sea salt


1 1/4 cup organic soy milk


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.


Mix liquid and dry ingredients in separate bowls.


Combine and pour into muffin pan (greased with a little oil).


Bake 20 minutes.


Jenae's Smashing Mashed Potatoes


5-6 large potatoes, peeled, boiled and cooled


1 cup vegetarian mayonnaise


2 tablespoons vegetarian whipped margarine


Sea salt to taste


1 teaspoon garlic powder


1 teaspoon rosemary


Mash everything together and reheat until warm and ready to serve.


E-mail Heidi Benson at hbenson.


This article appeared on page F - 1 of the

San Francisco Chronicle

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They're looking for a 5th vixen???!!! This could be my chance to get into the Playboy mansion! Actually this looks like a pretty cool group, I just wish that they wouldn't badmouth other vegans for being "boring" and such. We all come from different backgrounds, and are vegans for different reasons, so lets embrace our uniqueness as a group. I don't wanna have to choose between wearing my unders and high heels around the house, and being "drab" (whatever that means). -cortyarrow wrote: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/11/18/LV5VT82VA.DTLVegan Vixens flash some skin in fight against meatHeidi Benson, Chronicle Staff Writer Sunday, November 18, 2007 Thanksgiving morning: Slip from between the sheets and into an organic cotton string bikini of your own design. Slide your toes into a sexy pair of non-leather, kitten-heeled mules.Enter the kitchen. Take a deep bowl and drizzle a cup of sweet agave nectar over 1 pound of firm, silken tofu. Knead, gently, before adding nondairy cream cheese and organic pumpkin puree. Pour into a fluted vegan piecrust and bake in a hot, hot oven."Serves six big pieces," says Sky Valencia, founder of Vegan Vixens, of her Pumpkin Cheesecake Delight."It's delicious, guilt-free and full of protein."Even with

vegetarianism on the rise in America, the Vegan Vixens' sexy, over-the-top style stands out.A 2003 Harris Interactive poll found that 2.8 percent of the U.S. adult population is vegetarian, representing a nearly .5 percent increase in three years when compared with 2000 U.S. Census statistics.Vegans are strict vegetarians who don't eat eggs or dairy products or wear leather. And if that sounds drab, that's exactly the image the Vixens intend to dispel."We said, 'Let's be trendy and fun and show we're not a bunch of bark-eating girls,' " said Valencia, 43, a vivacious blonde who looks half her age. "We're fun, we like to party."She and the other Vegan Vixens also want to show young women that it's possible to be slim and fit without purging. The present Vixen lineup includes: Kimmy Somers, 33, who works with disabled children; Sunny Subramanian, 26, a model; Jenae Noonan, 24, a schoolteacher. All are single, except for Somers, whose husband

is a lawyer and a vegan. A fifth Vixen will be cast this month.The group is the brainchild of Valencia, a former Frederick's of Hollywood lingerie model who hails from Phoenix. Twenty years ago, she came west and joined Shock Baby, an all-girl heavy metal band that played the Sunset Strip club circuit.In 2004, Valencia launched the Vegan Vixens as a cable TV show specializing in vegan cooking tips and a zooming cleavage-cam. "At first, we were a little over-the-top with the sexpot image," Valencia said with a laugh.The 10 original episodes, which still turn up on cable stations, also featured interviews with role-model vegans - basketball star John Salley, Poison drummer Rikki Rockett - animal rights activists and environmentalists, including Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Watson now calls on the Vixens to attend local environmental-awareness events."Vegan Vixens are kind of the activist sweethearts," Valencia

said. "We make it fun. We draw a crowd." Most recently, they joined Watson, Martin Sheen and Ed Begley Jr. in a protest against harp seal hunting, held in front of the Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles.They are often guests at the Playboy Mansion West, where they went to Hugh Hefner's 80th birthday bash last spring. (Despite their efforts, Valencia reported, Hef has yet to adopt a vegan diet.)The Vixens are not preaching to the choir. Their mission is to educate the folks listening to Howard Stern, whose provocative show they've appeared on."OK, we're sexy. Big deal," Valencia said. "The people we're trying to reach aren't paying attention" to animal-rights issues."If that means I have to run down the street naked to keep animals from being abused and boiled alive, I'll do it," she said. "We're making a difference and that's all that matters to me."Their contribution has been noted in official vegetarian circles."I think

they're great! " said Christine Vitale of the San Francisco Vegetarian Society. "They're appealing to the younger generation. They are getting attention; and that's good for the cause of vegetarianism, good for animal welfare and good for the planet."It's more productive than a dull lecture on the perils of meat-eating," she added. "People would rather hear about it from these hot young girls." The Vixens hope to attract even more converts during the holiday season."Thanksgiving is a great time for families and friends to get together, count our blessings and give thanks for this beautiful planet," Valencia said. "Why celebrate by killing tens of thousands of turkeys?"The California Poultry Federation has not yet noticed the ire of the Vixens. "They sound funny - and they're not harming anybody," said President Bill Mattos, who noted that turkey sales are up this year.That could change. With a handful of new projects in the

works, the Vegan Vixens have momentum.The pilot of a brand-new reality TV show is being "shopped" to the networks.A rock video, soon up on YouTube, previews their forthcoming album of original tunes, including "Real Men Don't Hunt" and "Fishnets."A pinup cookbook is planned, which will feature: "sexy photos with recipes, tips on the environment and how to be kind to animals."A line of bikini bathing suits - made of organic cotton-and-bamboo fabric - is set to be launched and soon may be followed by a line of cruelty-free cosmetics.Early this month, the Vixens came to San Francisco to soak up inspiration at the Green Festival, a joint project of Global Exchange and Co-Op America. They brought copies of their new anti-dogfighting poster, in which they pose with adorable pit bull puppies. Valencia was inspired to reach out to kids who look up to sports stars after Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick pleaded guilty in August to

federal dogfighting charges."We want it to be in every man's locker room, in car garages and in teenagers' bedrooms," Valencia said. The poster is available through their Web site - www.veganvixens.com - along with useful links and tips for identifying and anonymously reporting dog-fighting rings.Valencia has been committed to animal rights for decades."I'm an only child," she said, "so growing up, my dogs were my siblings." In 1998, she and her mother, Mimi Valencia, started a nonprofit, St. Martin's Animal Foundation, north of Los Angeles, that is going strong today."It's a sanctuary for homeless pit bulls and other abused animals who can live out their lives here," she added. "A lot of them have been taught to be aggressive or they've been neglected, left on a chain in a yard over years. We rehabilitate the ones we can and adopt them out."Puppies are fed a vegetarian diet, and at 6 months, they go vegan. When they're adopted,

the new owners sign a contract promising to continue feeding the dog a vegan diet."Our dogs rarely get sick, and their coats look great," Valencia said.The foundation is named for Saint Martin de Porres, the Peruvian saint."I spent my early years - from 1 to 5 - in Lima, Peru, with my grandmother. She told me about the saint who cared for animals. St. Martin was a kind soul. Everything that I want to be."ResourcesTo keep up with the Vegan Vixens - and to hear their theme song - go to www.veganvixens.com.The Vixens recommend-- Fabulous Furs: faux-fur coats ( www.fabulousfurs.com).-- Mink Shoes: non-leather shoes hand-made in Italy ( www.minkshoes.com).-- Moo Shoes: vegetarian shoes ( www.mooshoes.com).Vegetarian organizations-- San Francisco Vegetarian Society. Call (415) 273-5481 or go to www.sfvs.org.-- The Vegetarian Resource Group: www.vrg.org.--

Vegan Action: www.vegan.org.Anti-fur eventFur Free Friday 2007, an anti-fur exhibition and outreach event. Noon-3 p.m. Friday, Union Square in San Francisco. For details, www.furkills.org; or call In Defense of Animals, (415) 388-9641. www.idausa.org.Vixens' Thanksgiving recipesSky's Pumpkin Cheesecake Delight1 cup canned organic pumpkin12 ounces firm silken tofu3 teaspoons flour1 cup agave syrup1/2 teaspoon nutmeg8 ounces non-dairy cream cheese1/8 teaspoon baking sodaPreheat oven to 350 degrees.Blend the mixture well and pour into a ready-made vegan pie crust.Bake 45-50 minutes.Allow to cool.(Cover and refrigerate overnight.)Kim's Groovy Gravy1/2 cup mushrooms, chopped.1/2 cup onion, chopped2 tablespoons flour 1 cup organic veggie broth1 teaspoon garlic powderSea salt to

taste1 1/2 tablespoons margarineSaute onions and mushrooms until lightly brown.Add the rest of the ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon until it thickens.Sunny's Muffin Madness1 1/2 cup yellow corn meal1/4 cup vegetable oil (not olive)1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour1 tablespoon baking powder (non-aluminum)1 cup agave or maple syrup1/2 teaspoon sea salt1 1/4 cup organic soy milkPreheat oven to 400 degrees.Mix liquid and dry ingredients in separate bowls.Combine and pour into muffin pan (greased with a little oil).Bake 20 minutes.Jenae's Smashing Mashed Potatoes5-6 large potatoes, peeled, boiled and cooled1 cup vegetarian mayonnaise2 tablespoons vegetarian whipped margarineSea salt to taste1 teaspoon garlic powder1 teaspoon rosemaryMash everything together and reheat until warm and ready to

serve.E-mail Heidi Benson at hbenson (AT) sfchronicle (DOT) com.This article appeared on page F - 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle

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Ok, I just looked at their website.....and there is no way I could

qualify to be a vegan vixen...my boobs are just too real. I'll just

keep dressing the way I do and deal with folks asking me if I'm a

socialist all the time.




, cortney aldrich

<massagesister wrote:


> They're looking for a 5th vixen???!!! This could be my chance to

get into the Playboy mansion!


> Actually this looks like a pretty cool group, I just wish that

they wouldn't badmouth other vegans for being " boring " and such. We

all come from different backgrounds, and are vegans for different

reasons, so lets embrace our uniqueness as a group. I don't wanna

have to choose between wearing my unders and high heels around the

house, and being " drab " (whatever that means).


> -cort


> yarrow wrote:




> Vegan Vixens flash some skin in fight against meat


> Heidi Benson, Chronicle Staff Writer


> Sunday, November 18, 2007




> Thanksgiving morning: Slip from between the sheets and into an

organic cotton string bikini of your own design. Slide your toes into

a sexy pair of non-leather, kitten-heeled mules.


> Enter the kitchen. Take a deep bowl and drizzle a cup of sweet

agave nectar over 1 pound of firm, silken tofu. Knead, gently, before

adding nondairy cream cheese and organic pumpkin puree. Pour into a

fluted vegan piecrust and bake in a hot, hot oven.


> " Serves six big pieces, " says Sky Valencia, founder of Vegan

Vixens, of her Pumpkin Cheesecake Delight.


> " It's delicious, guilt-free and full of protein. "


> Even with vegetarianism on the rise in America, the Vegan Vixens'

sexy, over-the-top style stands out.


> A 2003 Harris Interactive poll found that 2.8 percent of the U.S.

adult population is vegetarian, representing a nearly .5 percent

increase in three years when compared with 2000 U.S. Census



> Vegans are strict vegetarians who don't eat eggs or dairy products

or wear leather. And if that sounds drab, that's exactly the image

the Vixens intend to dispel.


> " We said, 'Let's be trendy and fun and show we're not a bunch of

bark-eating girls,' " said Valencia, 43, a vivacious blonde who looks

half her age. " We're fun, we like to party. "


> She and the other Vegan Vixens also want to show young women that

it's possible to be slim and fit without purging. The present Vixen

lineup includes: Kimmy Somers, 33, who works with disabled children;

Sunny Subramanian, 26, a model; Jenae Noonan, 24, a schoolteacher.

All are single, except for Somers, whose husband is a lawyer and a

vegan. A fifth Vixen will be cast this month.


> The group is the brainchild of Valencia, a former Frederick's of

Hollywood lingerie model who hails from Phoenix. Twenty years ago,

she came west and joined Shock Baby, an all-girl heavy metal band

that played the Sunset Strip club circuit.


> In 2004, Valencia launched the Vegan Vixens as a cable TV show

specializing in vegan cooking tips and a zooming cleavage-cam. " At

first, we were a little over-the-top with the sexpot image, " Valencia

said with a laugh.


> The 10 original episodes, which still turn up on cable stations,

also featured interviews with role-model vegans - basketball star

John Salley, Poison drummer Rikki Rockett - animal rights activists

and environmentalists, including Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd

Conservation Society. Watson now calls on the Vixens to attend local

environmental-awareness events.


> " Vegan Vixens are kind of the activist sweethearts, " Valencia

said. " We make it fun. We draw a crowd. " Most recently, they joined

Watson, Martin Sheen and Ed Begley Jr. in a protest against harp seal

hunting, held in front of the Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles.


> They are often guests at the Playboy Mansion West, where they went

to Hugh Hefner's 80th birthday bash last spring. (Despite their

efforts, Valencia reported, Hef has yet to adopt a vegan diet.)


> The Vixens are not preaching to the choir. Their mission is to

educate the folks listening to Howard Stern, whose provocative show

they've appeared on.


> " OK, we're sexy. Big deal, " Valencia said. " The people we're trying

to reach aren't paying attention " to animal-rights issues.


> " If that means I have to run down the street naked to keep animals

from being abused and boiled alive, I'll do it, " she said. " We're

making a difference and that's all that matters to me. "


> Their contribution has been noted in official vegetarian circles.


> " I think they're great! " said Christine Vitale of the San

Francisco Vegetarian Society. " They're appealing to the younger

generation. They are getting attention; and that's good for the cause

of vegetarianism, good for animal welfare and good for the planet.


> " It's more productive than a dull lecture on the perils of meat-

eating, " she added. " People would rather hear about it from these hot

young girls. "


> The Vixens hope to attract even more converts during the holiday



> " Thanksgiving is a great time for families and friends to get

together, count our blessings and give thanks for this beautiful

planet, " Valencia said. " Why celebrate by killing tens of thousands

of turkeys? "


> The California Poultry Federation has not yet noticed the ire of

the Vixens. " They sound funny - and they're not harming anybody, "

said President Bill Mattos, who noted that turkey sales are up this



> That could change. With a handful of new projects in the works, the

Vegan Vixens have momentum.


> The pilot of a brand-new reality TV show is being " shopped " to the



> A rock video, soon up on YouTube, previews their forthcoming album

of original tunes, including " Real Men Don't Hunt " and " Fishnets. "


> A pinup cookbook is planned, which will feature: " sexy photos with

recipes, tips on the environment and how to be kind to animals. "


> A line of bikini bathing suits - made of organic cotton-and-bamboo

fabric - is set to be launched and soon may be followed by a line of

cruelty-free cosmetics.


> Early this month, the Vixens came to San Francisco to soak up

inspiration at the Green Festival, a joint project of Global Exchange

and Co-Op America. They brought copies of their new anti-dogfighting

poster, in which they pose with adorable pit bull puppies. Valencia

was inspired to reach out to kids who look up to sports stars after

Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick pleaded guilty in August to

federal dogfighting charges.


> " We want it to be in every man's locker room, in car garages and in

teenagers' bedrooms, " Valencia said. The poster is available through

their Web site - www.veganvixens.com - along with useful links and

tips for identifying and anonymously reporting dog-fighting rings.


> Valencia has been committed to animal rights for decades.


> " I'm an only child, " she said, " so growing up, my dogs were my

siblings. " In 1998, she and her mother, Mimi Valencia, started a

nonprofit, St. Martin's Animal Foundation, north of Los Angeles, that

is going strong today.


> " It's a sanctuary for homeless pit bulls and other abused animals

who can live out their lives here, " she added. " A lot of them have

been taught to be aggressive or they've been neglected, left on a

chain in a yard over years. We rehabilitate the ones we can and adopt

them out. "


> Puppies are fed a vegetarian diet, and at 6 months, they go vegan.

When they're adopted, the new owners sign a contract promising to

continue feeding the dog a vegan diet.


> " Our dogs rarely get sick, and their coats look great, " Valencia



> The foundation is named for Saint Martin de Porres, the Peruvian



> " I spent my early years - from 1 to 5 - in Lima, Peru, with my

grandmother. She told me about the saint who cared for animals. St.

Martin was a kind soul. Everything that I want to be. "


> Resources


> To keep up with the Vegan Vixens - and to hear their theme song -

go to www.veganvixens.com.


> The Vixens recommend


> -- Fabulous Furs: faux-fur coats ( www.fabulousfurs.com).


> -- Mink Shoes: non-leather shoes hand-made in Italy (



> -- Moo Shoes: vegetarian shoes ( www.mooshoes.com).


> Vegetarian organizations


> -- San Francisco Vegetarian Society. Call (415) 273-5481 or go to



> -- The Vegetarian Resource Group: www.vrg.org.


> -- Vegan Action: www.vegan.org.


> Anti-fur event


> Fur Free Friday 2007, an anti-fur exhibition and outreach event.

Noon-3 p.m. Friday, Union Square in San Francisco. For details,

www.furkills.org; or call In Defense of Animals, (415) 388-9641.



> Vixens' Thanksgiving recipes


> Sky's Pumpkin Cheesecake Delight


> 1 cup canned organic pumpkin


> 12 ounces firm silken tofu


> 3 teaspoons flour


> 1 cup agave syrup


> 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg


> 8 ounces non-dairy cream cheese


> 1/8 teaspoon baking soda


> Preheat oven to 350 degrees.


> Blend the mixture well and pour into a ready-made vegan pie crust.


> Bake 45-50 minutes.


> Allow to cool.


> (Cover and refrigerate overnight.)


> Kim's Groovy Gravy


> 1/2 cup mushrooms, chopped.


> 1/2 cup onion, chopped


> 2 tablespoons flour


> 1 cup organic veggie broth


> 1 teaspoon garlic powder


> Sea salt to taste


> 1 1/2 tablespoons margarine


> Saute onions and mushrooms until lightly brown.


> Add the rest of the ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon until

it thickens.


> Sunny's Muffin Madness


> 1 1/2 cup yellow corn meal


> 1/4 cup vegetable oil (not olive)


> 1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour


> 1 tablespoon baking powder (non-aluminum)


> 1 cup agave or maple syrup


> 1/2 teaspoon sea salt


> 1 1/4 cup organic soy milk


> Preheat oven to 400 degrees.


> Mix liquid and dry ingredients in separate bowls.


> Combine and pour into muffin pan (greased with a little oil).


> Bake 20 minutes.


> Jenae's Smashing Mashed Potatoes


> 5-6 large potatoes, peeled, boiled and cooled


> 1 cup vegetarian mayonnaise


> 2 tablespoons vegetarian whipped margarine


> Sea salt to taste


> 1 teaspoon garlic powder


> 1 teaspoon rosemary


> Mash everything together and reheat until warm and ready to serve.


> E-mail Heidi Benson at hbenson


> This article appeared on page F - 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle


> Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with

Mobile. Try it now.


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It always annoys me when they say about people being boring, and hippies and tree huggers - as if there is something wrong with any of those!


Why do you want to get to the playboy mansion?





cortney aldrich

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 1:23 PM

Re: drab or vixenish, your choice (sigh)


They're looking for a 5th vixen???!!! This could be my chance to get into the Playboy mansion!


Actually this looks like a pretty cool group, I just wish that they wouldn't badmouth other vegans for being "boring" and such. We all come from different backgrounds, and are vegans for different reasons, so lets embrace our uniqueness as a group. I don't wanna have to choose between wearing my unders and high heels around the house, and being "drab" (whatever that means).


-cortyarrow wrote:







http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/11/18/LV5VT82VA.DTLVegan Vixens flash some skin in fight against meatHeidi Benson, Chronicle Staff Writer

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thanksgiving morning: Slip from between the sheets and into an organic cotton string bikini of your own design. Slide your toes into a sexy pair of non-leather, kitten-heeled mules.Enter the kitchen. Take a deep bowl and drizzle a cup of sweet agave nectar over 1 pound of firm, silken tofu. Knead, gently, before adding nondairy cream cheese and organic pumpkin puree. Pour into a fluted vegan piecrust and bake in a hot, hot oven."Serves six big pieces," says Sky Valencia, founder of Vegan Vixens, of her Pumpkin Cheesecake Delight."It's delicious, guilt-free and full of protein."Even with vegetarianism on the rise in America, the Vegan Vixens' sexy, over-the-top style stands out.A 2003 Harris Interactive poll found that 2.8 percent of the U.S. adult population is vegetarian, representing a nearly .5 percent increase in three years when compared with 2000 U.S. Census statistics.Vegans are strict vegetarians who don't eat eggs or dairy products or wear leather. And if that sounds drab, that's exactly the image the Vixens intend to dispel."We said, 'Let's be trendy and fun and show we're not a bunch of bark-eating girls,' " said Valencia, 43, a vivacious blonde who looks half her age. "We're fun, we like to party."She and the other Vegan Vixens also want to show young women that it's possible to be slim and fit without purging. The present Vixen lineup includes: Kimmy Somers, 33, who works with disabled children; Sunny Subramanian, 26, a model; Jenae Noonan, 24, a schoolteacher. All are single, except for Somers, whose husband is a lawyer and a vegan. A fifth Vixen will be cast this month.The group is the brainchild of Valencia, a former Frederick's of Hollywood lingerie model who hails from Phoenix. Twenty years ago, she came west and joined Shock Baby, an all-girl heavy metal band that played the Sunset Strip club circuit.In 2004, Valencia launched the Vegan Vixens as a cable TV show specializing in vegan cooking tips and a zooming cleavage-cam. "At first, we were a little over-the-top with the sexpot image," Valencia said with a laugh.The 10 original episodes, which still turn up on cable stations, also featured interviews with role-model vegans - basketball star John Salley, Poison drummer Rikki Rockett - animal rights activists and environmentalists, including Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Watson now calls on the Vixens to attend local environmental-awareness events."Vegan Vixens are kind of the activist sweethearts," Valencia said. "We make it fun. We draw a crowd." Most recently, they joined Watson, Martin Sheen and Ed Begley Jr. in a protest against harp seal hunting, held in front of the Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles.They are often guests at the Playboy Mansion West, where they went to Hugh Hefner's 80th birthday bash last spring. (Despite their efforts, Valencia reported, Hef has yet to adopt a vegan diet.)The Vixens are not preaching to the choir. Their mission is to educate the folks listening to Howard Stern, whose provocative show they've appeared on."OK, we're sexy. Big deal," Valencia said. "The people we're trying to reach aren't paying attention" to animal-rights issues."If that means I have to run down the street naked to keep animals from being abused and boiled alive, I'll do it," she said. "We're making a difference and that's all that matters to me."Their contribution has been noted in official vegetarian circles."I think they're great! " said Christine Vitale of the San Francisco Vegetarian Society. "They're appealing to the younger generation. They are getting attention; and that's good for the cause of vegetarianism, good for animal welfare and good for the planet."It's more productive than a dull lecture on the perils of meat-eating," she added. "People would rather hear about it from these hot young girls."

The Vixens hope to attract even more converts during the holiday season."Thanksgiving is a great time for families and friends to get together, count our blessings and give thanks for this beautiful planet," Valencia said. "Why celebrate by killing tens of thousands of turkeys?"The California Poultry Federation has not yet noticed the ire of the Vixens. "They sound funny - and they're not harming anybody," said President Bill Mattos, who noted that turkey sales are up this year.That could change. With a handful of new projects in the works, the Vegan Vixens have momentum.The pilot of a brand-new reality TV show is being "shopped" to the networks.A rock video, soon up on YouTube, previews their forthcoming album of original tunes, including "Real Men Don't Hunt" and "Fishnets."A pinup cookbook is planned, which will feature: "sexy photos with recipes, tips on the environment and how to be kind to animals."A line of bikini bathing suits - made of organic cotton-and-bamboo fabric - is set to be launched and soon may be followed by a line of cruelty-free cosmetics.Early this month, the Vixens came to San Francisco to soak up inspiration at the Green Festival, a joint project of Global Exchange and Co-Op America. They brought copies of their new anti-dogfighting poster, in which they pose with adorable pit bull puppies. Valencia was inspired to reach out to kids who look up to sports stars after Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick pleaded guilty in August to federal dogfighting charges."We want it to be in every man's locker room, in car garages and in teenagers' bedrooms," Valencia said. The poster is available through their Web site - www.veganvixens.com - along with useful links and tips for identifying and anonymously reporting dog-fighting rings.Valencia has been committed to animal rights for decades."I'm an only child," she said, "so growing up, my dogs were my siblings." In 1998, she and her mother, Mimi Valencia, started a nonprofit, St. Martin's Animal Foundation, north of Los Angeles, that is going strong today."It's a sanctuary for homeless pit bulls and other abused animals who can live out their lives here," she added. "A lot of them have been taught to be aggressive or they've been neglected, left on a chain in a yard over years. We rehabilitate the ones we can and adopt them out."Puppies are fed a vegetarian diet, and at 6 months, they go vegan. When they're adopted, the new owners sign a contract promising to continue feeding the dog a vegan diet."Our dogs rarely get sick, and their coats look great," Valencia said.The foundation is named for Saint Martin de Porres, the Peruvian saint."I spent my early years - from 1 to 5 - in Lima, Peru, with my grandmother. She told me about the saint who cared for animals. St. Martin was a kind soul. Everything that I want to be."ResourcesTo keep up with the Vegan Vixens - and to hear their theme song - go to www.veganvixens.com.The Vixens recommend-- Fabulous Furs: faux-fur coats ( www.fabulousfurs.com).-- Mink Shoes: non-leather shoes hand-made in Italy ( www.minkshoes.com).-- Moo Shoes: vegetarian shoes ( www.mooshoes.com).Vegetarian organizations-- San Francisco Vegetarian Society. Call (415) 273-5481 or go to www.sfvs.org.-- The Vegetarian Resource Group: www.vrg.org.-- Vegan Action: www.vegan.org.Anti-fur eventFur Free Friday 2007, an anti-fur exhibition and outreach event. Noon-3 p.m. Friday, Union Square in San Francisco. For details, www.furkills.org; or call In Defense of Animals, (415) 388-9641. www.idausa.org.Vixens' Thanksgiving recipesSky's Pumpkin Cheesecake Delight1 cup canned organic pumpkin12 ounces firm silken tofu3 teaspoons flour1 cup agave syrup1/2 teaspoon nutmeg8 ounces non-dairy cream cheese1/8 teaspoon baking sodaPreheat oven to 350 degrees.Blend the mixture well and pour into a ready-made vegan pie crust.Bake 45-50 minutes.Allow to cool.(Cover and refrigerate overnight.)Kim's Groovy Gravy1/2 cup mushrooms, chopped.1/2 cup onion, chopped2 tablespoons flour

1 cup organic veggie broth1 teaspoon garlic powderSea salt to taste1 1/2 tablespoons margarineSaute onions and mushrooms until lightly brown.Add the rest of the ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon until it thickens.Sunny's Muffin Madness1 1/2 cup yellow corn meal1/4 cup vegetable oil (not olive)1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour1 tablespoon baking powder (non-aluminum)1 cup agave or maple syrup1/2 teaspoon sea salt1 1/4 cup organic soy milkPreheat oven to 400 degrees.Mix liquid and dry ingredients in separate bowls.Combine and pour into muffin pan (greased with a little oil).Bake 20 minutes.Jenae's Smashing Mashed Potatoes5-6 large potatoes, peeled, boiled and cooled1 cup vegetarian mayonnaise2 tablespoons vegetarian whipped margarineSea salt to taste1 teaspoon garlic powder1 teaspoon rosemaryMash everything together and reheat until warm and ready to serve.E-mail Heidi Benson at hbenson (AT) sfchronicle (DOT) com.This article appeared on page F - 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle




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Are you kidding?! For the goils of course!jo <jo.heartwork wrote: It always annoys me when they say about people being boring, and hippies and tree huggers - as if there is something wrong with any of those! Why do you want to get to the playboy mansion? Jo - cortney aldrich Tuesday, November 20, 2007 1:23 PM Re: drab or vixenish, your choice (sigh) They're looking for a 5th vixen???!!! This could be my chance to get into the Playboy mansion! Actually this looks like a pretty cool group, I just wish that they wouldn't badmouth other vegans for being "boring" and such. We all come from different backgrounds, and are vegans for different reasons, so lets embrace our uniqueness as

a group. I don't wanna have to choose between wearing my unders and high heels around the house, and being "drab" (whatever that means). -cortyarrow wrote: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/11/18/LV5VT82VA.DTLVegan Vixens flash some skin in fight against meatHeidi Benson, Chronicle Staff Writer Sunday, November 18, 2007 Thanksgiving morning: Slip from between the sheets and into an organic cotton string bikini of your own design. Slide your toes into a sexy pair of non-leather, kitten-heeled mules.Enter the kitchen. Take a deep bowl and drizzle a cup of sweet agave nectar over 1 pound of firm, silken tofu. Knead, gently, before

adding nondairy cream cheese and organic pumpkin puree. Pour into a fluted vegan piecrust and bake in a hot, hot oven."Serves six big pieces," says Sky Valencia, founder of Vegan Vixens, of her Pumpkin Cheesecake Delight."It's delicious, guilt-free and full of protein."Even with vegetarianism on the rise in America, the Vegan Vixens' sexy, over-the-top style stands out.A 2003 Harris Interactive poll found that 2.8 percent of the U.S. adult population is vegetarian, representing a nearly .5 percent increase in three years when compared with 2000 U.S. Census statistics.Vegans are strict vegetarians who don't eat eggs or dairy products or wear leather. And if that sounds drab, that's exactly the image the Vixens intend to dispel."We said, 'Let's be trendy and fun and show we're not a bunch of bark-eating girls,' " said Valencia, 43, a vivacious blonde who looks half her age. "We're fun, we like to party."She and the

other Vegan Vixens also want to show young women that it's possible to be slim and fit without purging. The present Vixen lineup includes: Kimmy Somers, 33, who works with disabled children; Sunny Subramanian, 26, a model; Jenae Noonan, 24, a schoolteacher. All are single, except for Somers, whose husband is a lawyer and a vegan. A fifth Vixen will be cast this month.The group is the brainchild of Valencia, a former Frederick's of Hollywood lingerie model who hails from Phoenix. Twenty years ago, she came west and joined Shock Baby, an all-girl heavy metal band that played the Sunset Strip club circuit.In 2004, Valencia launched the Vegan Vixens as a cable TV show specializing in vegan cooking tips and a zooming cleavage-cam. "At first, we were a little over-the-top with the sexpot image," Valencia said with a laugh.The 10 original episodes, which still turn up on cable stations, also featured interviews with role-model vegans - basketball star John

Salley, Poison drummer Rikki Rockett - animal rights activists and environmentalists, including Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Watson now calls on the Vixens to attend local environmental-awareness events."Vegan Vixens are kind of the activist sweethearts," Valencia said. "We make it fun. We draw a crowd." Most recently, they joined Watson, Martin Sheen and Ed Begley Jr. in a protest against harp seal hunting, held in front of the Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles.They are often guests at the Playboy Mansion West, where they went to Hugh Hefner's 80th birthday bash last spring. (Despite their efforts, Valencia reported, Hef has yet to adopt a vegan diet.)The Vixens are not preaching to the choir. Their mission is to educate the folks listening to Howard Stern, whose provocative show they've appeared on."OK, we're sexy. Big deal," Valencia said. "The people we're trying to reach aren't paying attention" to

animal-rights issues."If that means I have to run down the street naked to keep animals from being abused and boiled alive, I'll do it," she said. "We're making a difference and that's all that matters to me."Their contribution has been noted in official vegetarian circles."I think they're great! " said Christine Vitale of the San Francisco Vegetarian Society. "They're appealing to the younger generation. They are getting attention; and that's good for the cause of vegetarianism, good for animal welfare and good for the planet."It's more productive than a dull lecture on the perils of meat-eating," she added. "People would rather hear about it from these hot young girls." The Vixens hope to attract even more converts during the holiday season."Thanksgiving is a great time for families and friends to get together, count our blessings and give thanks for this beautiful planet," Valencia said. "Why celebrate by

killing tens of thousands of turkeys?"The California Poultry Federation has not yet noticed the ire of the Vixens. "They sound funny - and they're not harming anybody," said President Bill Mattos, who noted that turkey sales are up this year.That could change. With a handful of new projects in the works, the Vegan Vixens have momentum.The pilot of a brand-new reality TV show is being "shopped" to the networks.A rock video, soon up on YouTube, previews their forthcoming album of original tunes, including "Real Men Don't Hunt" and "Fishnets."A pinup cookbook is planned, which will feature: "sexy photos with recipes, tips on the environment and how to be kind to animals."A line of bikini bathing suits - made of organic cotton-and-bamboo fabric - is set to be launched and soon may be followed by a line of cruelty-free cosmetics.Early this month, the Vixens came to San Francisco to soak up inspiration at the Green

Festival, a joint project of Global Exchange and Co-Op America. They brought copies of their new anti-dogfighting poster, in which they pose with adorable pit bull puppies. Valencia was inspired to reach out to kids who look up to sports stars after Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick pleaded guilty in August to federal dogfighting charges."We want it to be in every man's locker room, in car garages and in teenagers' bedrooms," Valencia said. The poster is available through their Web site - www.veganvixens.com - along with useful links and tips for identifying and anonymously reporting dog-fighting rings.Valencia has been committed to animal rights for decades."I'm an only child," she said, "so growing up, my dogs were my siblings." In 1998, she and her mother, Mimi Valencia, started a nonprofit, St. Martin's Animal Foundation, north of Los Angeles, that is going strong today."It's a sanctuary for homeless pit bulls and other

abused animals who can live out their lives here," she added. "A lot of them have been taught to be aggressive or they've been neglected, left on a chain in a yard over years. We rehabilitate the ones we can and adopt them out."Puppies are fed a vegetarian diet, and at 6 months, they go vegan. When they're adopted, the new owners sign a contract promising to continue feeding the dog a vegan diet."Our dogs rarely get sick, and their coats look great," Valencia said.The foundation is named for Saint Martin de Porres, the Peruvian saint."I spent my early years - from 1 to 5 - in Lima, Peru, with my grandmother. She told me about the saint who cared for animals. St. Martin was a kind soul. Everything that I want to be."ResourcesTo keep up with the Vegan Vixens - and to hear their theme song - go to www.veganvixens.com.The Vixens recommend-- Fabulous Furs: faux-fur coats ( www.fabulousfurs.com).--

Mink Shoes: non-leather shoes hand-made in Italy ( www.minkshoes.com).-- Moo Shoes: vegetarian shoes ( www.mooshoes.com).Vegetarian organizations-- San Francisco Vegetarian Society. Call (415) 273-5481 or go to www.sfvs.org.-- The Vegetarian Resource Group: www.vrg.org.-- Vegan Action: www.vegan.org.Anti-fur eventFur Free Friday 2007, an anti-fur exhibition and outreach event. Noon-3 p.m. Friday, Union Square in San Francisco. For details, www.furkills.org; or call In Defense of Animals, (415) 388-9641. www.idausa.org.Vixens' Thanksgiving recipesSky's Pumpkin Cheesecake Delight1 cup canned organic pumpkin12 ounces firm silken tofu3 teaspoons flour1 cup agave syrup1/2 teaspoon nutmeg8 ounces non-dairy cream cheese1/8 teaspoon baking sodaPreheat oven to 350 degrees.Blend the mixture well and pour into a ready-made

vegan pie crust.Bake 45-50 minutes.Allow to cool.(Cover and refrigerate overnight.)Kim's Groovy Gravy1/2 cup mushrooms, chopped.1/2 cup onion, chopped2 tablespoons flour 1 cup organic veggie broth1 teaspoon garlic powderSea salt to taste1 1/2 tablespoons margarineSaute onions and mushrooms until lightly brown.Add the rest of the ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon until it thickens.Sunny's Muffin Madness1 1/2 cup yellow corn meal1/4 cup vegetable oil (not olive)1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour1 tablespoon baking powder (non-aluminum)1 cup agave or maple syrup1/2 teaspoon sea salt1 1/4 cup organic soy milkPreheat oven to 400 degrees.Mix liquid and dry ingredients in separate bowls.Combine and pour into muffin pan (greased with a little oil).Bake 20

minutes.Jenae's Smashing Mashed Potatoes5-6 large potatoes, peeled, boiled and cooled1 cup vegetarian mayonnaise2 tablespoons vegetarian whipped margarineSea salt to taste1 teaspoon garlic powder1 teaspoon rosemaryMash everything together and reheat until warm and ready to serve.E-mail Heidi Benson at hbenson (AT) sfchronicle (DOT) com.This article appeared on page F - 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Mobile. Try it now.

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At 5:37 PM +0000 11/20/07, jo wrote:

It always

annoys me when they say about people being boring, and hippies and

tree huggers - as if there is something wrong with any of



i think that's just the marketing they're trying out; it's a way

to get the message across to folks who are otherwise put off by

hippies, tree hugging, etc....i.e., anyone under 30 in the USA!


the buddha taught that " skillful (or expedient) means "

(sanskrit: upaya) be employed to teach " the way " .

these means aren't always " truthful " , meaning that it's ok

to tell stories, parables, and riddles in order to bring the truth to

already deceived beings as long as you're guided by compassion. so,

trying to bring veganism to a particular audience using this kind of

" marketing " (girls, antagonism to hippies, silly rock songs,

etc) is certainly skillful, in my eyes.


i wish them great success.







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Wow....Blake sounds like a major hippie. Just kidding Blake, I dig ya. And I think you're right. It's just kinda sad that the Vixen's campaign needs to turn "them" against "us". Although if it gets more folks into veganism then great! I'm just having a hard time with the fact that something I'm doing might be trendy. I mean, in the past, my lifestyle has turned many people off.....do you think I'll be more popular with the boys now? One can only hope! Thanks Vixens! -cortBlake Wilson <mbw wrote: At 5:37 PM +0000 11/20/07, jo wrote: It always annoys me when they say about people being boring, and hippies and tree huggers - as if there is something wrong with any of those! i think that's just the marketing they're trying out; it's a way to get the message across to folks who are otherwise put off by hippies, tree hugging, etc....i.e., anyone under 30 in the USA! the buddha taught that "skillful (or expedient) means" (sanskrit: upaya) be employed to teach "the way". these means aren't always "truthful", meaning that it's ok to tell stories, parables, and riddles in order to bring the truth to already deceived beings as long as you're guided by compassion. so, trying to bring veganism to a particular audience using this kind of "marketing" (girls,

antagonism to hippies, silly rock songs, etc) is certainly skillful, in my eyes. i wish them great success. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upaya regards, blake

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I wouldnt mind getting in there!

Purely for research of course..........


The Valley Vegan..............

Peter H



jo <jo.heartwork Sent: Tuesday, 20 November, 2007 5:37:42 PMRe: drab or vixenish, your choice (sigh)



It always annoys me when they say about people being boring, and hippies and tree huggers - as if there is something wrong with any of those!


Why do you want to get to the playboy mansion?





cortney aldrich

@gro ups.com

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 1:23 PM

Re: drab or vixenish, your choice (sigh)


They're looking for a 5th vixen???!!! This could be my chance to get into the Playboy mansion!


Actually this looks like a pretty cool group, I just wish that they wouldn't badmouth other vegans for being "boring" and such. We all come from different backgrounds, and are vegans for different reasons, so lets embrace our uniqueness as a group. I don't wanna have to choose between wearing my unders and high heels around the house, and being "drab" (whatever that means).


-cortyarrow wrote:







http://www.sfgate. com/cgi-bin/ article.cgi? f=/c/a/2007/ 11/18/LV5VT82VA.DTLVegan Vixens flash some skin in fight against meatHeidi Benson, Chronicle Staff Writer

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thanksgiving morning: Slip from between the sheets and into an organic cotton string bikini of your own design. Slide your toes into a sexy pair of non-leather, kitten-heeled mules.Enter the kitchen. Take a deep bowl and drizzle a cup of sweet agave nectar over 1 pound of firm, silken tofu. Knead, gently, before adding nondairy cream cheese and organic pumpkin puree. Pour into a fluted vegan piecrust and bake in a hot, hot oven."Serves six big pieces," says Sky Valencia, founder of Vegan Vixens, of her Pumpkin Cheesecake Delight."It's delicious, guilt-free and full of protein."Even with vegetarianism on the rise in America, the Vegan Vixens' sexy, over-the-top style stands out.A 2003 Harris Interactive poll found that 2.8 percent of the U.S. adult population is vegetarian, representing a nearly .5 percent increase in three years when compared with 2000 U.S. Census statistics.Vegans are strict

vegetarians who don't eat eggs or dairy products or wear leather. And if that sounds drab, that's exactly the image the Vixens intend to dispel."We said, 'Let's be trendy and fun and show we're not a bunch of bark-eating girls,' " said Valencia, 43, a vivacious blonde who looks half her age. "We're fun, we like to party."She and the other Vegan Vixens also want to show young women that it's possible to be slim and fit without purging. The present Vixen lineup includes: Kimmy Somers, 33, who works with disabled children; Sunny Subramanian, 26, a model; Jenae Noonan, 24, a schoolteacher. All are single, except for Somers, whose husband is a lawyer and a vegan. A fifth Vixen will be cast this month.The group is the brainchild of Valencia, a former Frederick's of Hollywood lingerie model who hails from Phoenix. Twenty years ago, she came west and joined Shock Baby, an all-girl heavy metal band that played the Sunset Strip club

circuit.In 2004, Valencia launched the Vegan Vixens as a cable TV show specializing in vegan cooking tips and a zooming cleavage-cam. "At first, we were a little over-the-top with the sexpot image," Valencia said with a laugh.The 10 original episodes, which still turn up on cable stations, also featured interviews with role-model vegans - basketball star John Salley, Poison drummer Rikki Rockett - animal rights activists and environmentalists, including Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Watson now calls on the Vixens to attend local environmental- awareness events."Vegan Vixens are kind of the activist sweethearts, " Valencia said. "We make it fun. We draw a crowd." Most recently, they joined Watson, Martin Sheen and Ed Begley Jr. in a protest against harp seal hunting, held in front of the Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles.They are often guests at the Playboy Mansion West, where they went to Hugh

Hefner's 80th birthday bash last spring. (Despite their efforts, Valencia reported, Hef has yet to adopt a vegan diet.)The Vixens are not preaching to the choir. Their mission is to educate the folks listening to Howard Stern, whose provocative show they've appeared on."OK, we're sexy. Big deal," Valencia said. "The people we're trying to reach aren't paying attention" to animal-rights issues."If that means I have to run down the street naked to keep animals from being abused and boiled alive, I'll do it," she said. "We're making a difference and that's all that matters to me."Their contribution has been noted in official vegetarian circles."I think they're great! " said Christine Vitale of the San Francisco Vegetarian Society. "They're appealing to the younger generation. They are getting attention; and that's good for the cause of vegetarianism, good for animal welfare and good for the planet."It's more

productive than a dull lecture on the perils of meat-eating, " she added. "People would rather hear about it from these hot young girls."

The Vixens hope to attract even more converts during the holiday season."Thanksgiving is a great time for families and friends to get together, count our blessings and give thanks for this beautiful planet," Valencia said. "Why celebrate by killing tens of thousands of turkeys?"The California Poultry Federation has not yet noticed the ire of the Vixens. "They sound funny - and they're not harming anybody," said President Bill Mattos, who noted that turkey sales are up this year.That could change. With a handful of new projects in the works, the Vegan Vixens have momentum.The pilot of a brand-new reality TV show is being "shopped" to the networks.A rock video, soon up on YouTube, previews their forthcoming album of original tunes, including "Real Men Don't Hunt" and "Fishnets."A pinup cookbook is planned, which will feature: "sexy photos with recipes, tips on the environment and how to be kind to

animals."A line of bikini bathing suits - made of organic cotton-and-bamboo fabric - is set to be launched and soon may be followed by a line of cruelty-free cosmetics.Early this month, the Vixens came to San Francisco to soak up inspiration at the Green Festival, a joint project of Global Exchange and Co-Op America. They brought copies of their new anti-dogfighting poster, in which they pose with adorable pit bull puppies. Valencia was inspired to reach out to kids who look up to sports stars after Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick pleaded guilty in August to federal dogfighting charges."We want it to be in every man's locker room, in car garages and in teenagers' bedrooms," Valencia said. The poster is available through their Web site - www.veganvixens. com - along with useful links and tips for identifying and anonymously reporting dog-fighting rings.Valencia has been committed to animal rights for

decades."I'm an only child," she said, "so growing up, my dogs were my siblings." In 1998, she and her mother, Mimi Valencia, started a nonprofit, St. Martin's Animal Foundation, north of Los Angeles, that is going strong today."It's a sanctuary for homeless pit bulls and other abused animals who can live out their lives here," she added. "A lot of them have been taught to be aggressive or they've been neglected, left on a chain in a yard over years. We rehabilitate the ones we can and adopt them out."Puppies are fed a vegetarian diet, and at 6 months, they go vegan. When they're adopted, the new owners sign a contract promising to continue feeding the dog a vegan diet."Our dogs rarely get sick, and their coats look great," Valencia said.The foundation is named for Saint Martin de Porres, the Peruvian saint."I spent my early years - from 1 to 5 - in Lima, Peru, with my grandmother. She told me about the

saint who cared for animals. St. Martin was a kind soul. Everything that I want to be."ResourcesTo keep up with the Vegan Vixens - and to hear their theme song - go to www.veganvixens. com.The Vixens recommend-- Fabulous Furs: faux-fur coats ( www.fabulousfurs. com).-- Mink Shoes: non-leather shoes hand-made in Italy ( www.minkshoes. com).-- Moo Shoes: vegetarian shoes ( www.mooshoes. com).Vegetarian organizations-- San Francisco Vegetarian Society. Call (415) 273-5481 or go to www.sfvs.org.-- The Vegetarian Resource Group: www.vrg.org.-- Vegan Action: www.vegan.org.Anti-fur eventFur Free Friday 2007, an anti-fur exhibition and outreach event. Noon-3 p.m. Friday, Union Square in San Francisco. For details, www.furkills. org; or call In Defense of Animals, (415) 388-9641. www.idausa.org.Vixens' Thanksgiving recipesSky's Pumpkin Cheesecake

Delight1 cup canned organic pumpkin12 ounces firm silken tofu3 teaspoons flour1 cup agave syrup1/2 teaspoon nutmeg8 ounces non-dairy cream cheese1/8 teaspoon baking sodaPreheat oven to 350 degrees.Blend the mixture well and pour into a ready-made vegan pie crust.Bake 45-50 minutes.Allow to cool.(Cover and refrigerate overnight.)Kim's Groovy Gravy1/2 cup mushrooms, chopped.1/2 cup onion, chopped2 tablespoons flour

1 cup organic veggie broth1 teaspoon garlic powderSea salt to taste1 1/2 tablespoons margarineSaute onions and mushrooms until lightly brown.Add the rest of the ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon until it thickens.Sunny's Muffin Madness1 1/2 cup yellow corn meal1/4 cup vegetable oil (not olive)1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour1 tablespoon baking powder (non-aluminum)1 cup agave or maple syrup1/2 teaspoon sea salt1 1/4 cup organic soy milkPreheat oven to 400 degrees.Mix liquid and dry ingredients in separate bowls.Combine and pour into muffin pan (greased with a little oil).Bake 20 minutes.Jenae's Smashing Mashed Potatoes5-6 large potatoes, peeled, boiled and cooled1 cup vegetarian mayonnaise2 tablespoons vegetarian whipped margarineSea salt to taste1 teaspoon

garlic powder1 teaspoon rosemaryMash everything together and reheat until warm and ready to serve.E-mail Heidi Benson at hbenson@sfchronicle .com.This article appeared on page F - 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle




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I'm still not convinced that this sort of thing does bring people to veganism though. People might look and show interest because they like the girls, but I strongly doubt they are going to become vegan because of it. Seems like a waste of time to me.





cortney aldrich

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:46 PM

Re: drab or vixenish, your choice (sigh)


Wow....Blake sounds like a major hippie.


Just kidding Blake, I dig ya. And I think you're right. It's just kinda sad that the Vixen's campaign needs to turn "them" against "us". Although if it gets more folks into veganism then great! I'm just having a hard time with the fact that something I'm doing might be trendy. I mean, in the past, my lifestyle has turned many people off.....do you think I'll be more popular with the boys now? One can only hope! Thanks Vixens!


-cortBlake Wilson <mbw wrote:




At 5:37 PM +0000 11/20/07, jo wrote:

It always annoys me when they say about people being boring, and hippies and tree huggers - as if there is something wrong with any of those!


i think that's just the marketing they're trying out; it's a way to get the message across to folks who are otherwise put off by hippies, tree hugging, etc....i.e., anyone under 30 in the USA!


the buddha taught that "skillful (or expedient) means" (sanskrit: upaya) be employed to teach "the way". these means aren't always "truthful", meaning that it's ok to tell stories, parables, and riddles in order to bring the truth to already deceived beings as long as you're guided by compassion. so, trying to bring veganism to a particular audience using this kind of "marketing" (girls, antagonism to hippies, silly rock songs, etc) is certainly skillful, in my eyes.


i wish them great success.










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At 11:41 PM +0000 11/20/07, jo wrote:

I'm still not convinced that this sort of thing does bring people

to veganism though. People might look and show interest because

they like the girls, but I strongly doubt they are going to become

vegan because of it. Seems like a waste of time to me.



I agree that over-the-top marketing ploys don't appeal to me as a

way to get people to consider veganism.


But the approach I like best -- " just the facts,

ma'am " -- won't convert people either.


Either people are ready to consider it or not. If they are not,

they will find excuses or rationalizations to continue doing even what

they'll readily admit is bad for them. If they are ready, who knows

what ploy will catch their attention.


So I think the main value in doing these kinds of publicity

stunts is to say, " this is who I am! You may have preconceptions

about the kind of person who looks like this or eats like this, but

ha! fooled you! " The more of these kinds of quirky characters who

infiltrate the media, the less writers will be able to say things



" Many newer restaurants feature extensive vegetarian

offerings from chefs who respect the concept, rather than treating it

as an irksome neurosis. "


or sneer at " health food " with cliches such as

" It is the restaurant that brought vegetarian food out from

sprout-infested health food stores and established it as a cuisine in

America. "


or characterize the nonvixenish vegans as drab, as in

" Vegans are strict vegetarians who don't eat eggs or dairy

products or wear leather. And if that sounds drab, that's exactly the

image the Vixens intend to dispel. "


I think the " image " vegans need to convey is " you

can't stereotype us " and " we're everywhere. "


But, I gotta admit, I'm amused by this recent spate of articles

by writers who have descended into the dreaded realms of vegan culture

only to find -- gasp! -- peculiar foods and strange people you just

won't meet in real life, or at least that's the impression I get. The

only problem is, they do tend to perpetuate the stereotype of

" they're not like us, " which is a big deal because then

vegans and vegan concerns are pooh-poohed as not important (or such a

small subculture as to be invisible), so ignore them and they'll go

away (or pass out from protein deficiency).


On the other hand, has anyone looked at all the vegan food blogs?

Gorgeous photos and it seems every other one is coming out with a new

cookbook, so who cares what the traditional media focuses on?

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Staunch meat-eaters will always think vegans and vegetarians are

weird because they are eating differently. We are fooling ourselves

if we imagine that they might give us more than a passing thought

once in a while. If people are interested in veganism they will

become vegan, if they are not they will not. The antics of various

groups of people won't convert people.


If you were a Pagan and a Christian group was advertising

Christianity by using scantily clad women (or men) you would not

suddenly think " Now let me see - I think I'll become Christian " . If

you like scantily-clad people you might enjoy looking at that

particular group of Christians, but it will not change your thoughts

or lifestyle at all. The same is true when applied to veganism.


Would you join the BNP/KKK/OBOD/(any other group) if they advertised

in a sexy way?






, yarrow wrote:


> At 11:41 PM +0000 11/20/07, jo wrote:

> I'm still not convinced that this sort of thing does bring people


> veganism though. People might look and show interest because they

> like the girls, but I strongly doubt they are going to become vegan

> because of it. Seems like a waste of time to me.

> >>


> I agree that over-the-top marketing ploys don't appeal to me as a


> to get people to consider veganism.


> But the approach I like best -- " just the facts, ma'am " -- won't

> convert people either.


> Either people are ready to consider it or not. If they are not,


> will find excuses or rationalizations to continue doing even what

> they'll readily admit is bad for them. If they are ready, who knows

> what ploy will catch their attention.


> So I think the main value in doing these kinds of publicity stunts


> to say, " this is who I am! You may have preconceptions about the


> of person who looks like this or eats like this, but ha! fooled

you! "

> The more of these kinds of quirky characters who infiltrate the

> media, the less writers will be able to say things like


> " Many newer restaurants feature extensive vegetarian offerings


> chefs who respect the concept, rather than treating it as an


> neurosis. "


> or sneer at " health food " with cliches such as

> " It is the restaurant that brought vegetarian food out from

> sprout-infested health food stores and established it as a cuisine


> America. "


> or characterize the nonvixenish vegans as drab, as in

> " Vegans are strict vegetarians who don't eat eggs or dairy products

> or wear leather. And if that sounds drab, that's exactly the image

> the Vixens intend to dispel. "


> I think the " image " vegans need to convey is " you can't stereotype

> us " and " we're everywhere. "


> But, I gotta admit, I'm amused by this recent spate of articles by

> writers who have descended into the dreaded realms of vegan culture

> only to find -- gasp! -- peculiar foods and strange people you just

> won't meet in real life, or at least that's the impression I get.


> only problem is, they do tend to perpetuate the stereotype of

> " they're not like us, " which is a big deal because then vegans and

> vegan concerns are pooh-poohed as not important (or such a small

> subculture as to be invisible), so ignore them and they'll go away

> (or pass out from protein deficiency).


> On the other hand, has anyone looked at all the vegan food blogs?

> Gorgeous photos and it seems every other one is coming out with a


> cookbook, so who cares what the traditional media focuses on?


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OOOhhh good point Jo!heartwerk <jo.heartwork wrote: Staunch meat-eaters will always think vegans and vegetarians are weird because they are eating differently. We are fooling ourselves if we imagine that they might give us more than a passing thought once in a while. If people are interested in veganism they will become vegan, if they are not they will not. The antics of various groups of people won't convert people. If you were a Pagan and a Christian group was advertising Christianity by using scantily clad

women (or men) you would not suddenly think "Now let me see - I think I'll become Christian". If you like scantily-clad people you might enjoy looking at that particular group of Christians, but it will not change your thoughts or lifestyle at all. The same is true when applied to veganism.Would you join the BNP/KKK/OBOD/(any other group) if they advertised in a sexy way?Jo , yarrow wrote:>> At 11:41 PM +0000 11/20/07, jo wrote:> I'm still not convinced that this sort of thing does bring people to > veganism though. People might look and show interest because they > like the girls, but I strongly doubt they are going to become vegan > because of it. Seems like a waste of time to me.> >>> > I agree that over-the-top marketing ploys don't appeal to me as a way

> to get people to consider veganism.> > But the approach I like best -- "just the facts, ma'am" -- won't > convert people either.> > Either people are ready to consider it or not. If they are not, they > will find excuses or rationalizations to continue doing even what > they'll readily admit is bad for them. If they are ready, who knows > what ploy will catch their attention.> > So I think the main value in doing these kinds of publicity stunts is > to say, "this is who I am! You may have preconceptions about the kind > of person who looks like this or eats like this, but ha! fooled you!" > The more of these kinds of quirky characters who infiltrate the > media, the less writers will be able to say things like> > "Many newer restaurants feature extensive vegetarian offerings from > chefs who respect the concept, rather than

treating it as an irksome > neurosis."> > or sneer at "health food" with cliches such as> "It is the restaurant that brought vegetarian food out from > sprout-infested health food stores and established it as a cuisine in > America."> > or characterize the nonvixenish vegans as drab, as in> "Vegans are strict vegetarians who don't eat eggs or dairy products > or wear leather. And if that sounds drab, that's exactly the image > the Vixens intend to dispel."> > I think the "image" vegans need to convey is "you can't stereotype > us" and "we're everywhere."> > But, I gotta admit, I'm amused by this recent spate of articles by > writers who have descended into the dreaded realms of vegan culture > only to find -- gasp! -- peculiar foods and strange people you just > won't meet in real life, or at least that's the impression I get. The

> only problem is, they do tend to perpetuate the stereotype of > "they're not like us," which is a big deal because then vegans and > vegan concerns are pooh-poohed as not important (or such a small > subculture as to be invisible), so ignore them and they'll go away > (or pass out from protein deficiency).> > On the other hand, has anyone looked at all the vegan food blogs? > Gorgeous photos and it seems every other one is coming out with a new > cookbook, so who cares what the traditional media focuses on?>

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>OOOhhh good point Jo!


regarding " joining " veganism:


as you know, you don't join veganism like you would join the KKK or

the jehovah's witnesses, jo. there is no central authority to let you

in, or ruling body to kick you out if you don't play the game. i

think it's a very different thing for folks to advocate veganism,

than it is for folks to join a church and advocate for that

particular church.


and i don't think that folks would become vegan simply because this

group of scantily clad ladies were, in fact, attractive or alluring.

they become vegan for the message they promote.


there is a buddhist saying: " A finger pointing at the moon is not the

moon " . this means that the teaching, or method for finding the moon,

is not the real moon. here, the vegan vixens are like the finger

pointing at the moon. or maybe a breast or two. or three.





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yeah - but I stilldon't think it actually turns anyone vegan.





" Blake Wilson " <mbw


Sunday, November 25, 2007 6:54 PM

Re: Re: drab or vixenish, your choice (sigh)



> >OOOhhh good point Jo!


> regarding " joining " veganism:


> as you know, you don't join veganism like you would join the KKK or

> the jehovah's witnesses, jo. there is no central authority to let you

> in, or ruling body to kick you out if you don't play the game. i

> think it's a very different thing for folks to advocate veganism,

> than it is for folks to join a church and advocate for that

> particular church.


> and i don't think that folks would become vegan simply because this

> group of scantily clad ladies were, in fact, attractive or alluring.

> they become vegan for the message they promote.


> there is a buddhist saying: " A finger pointing at the moon is not the

> moon " . this means that the teaching, or method for finding the moon,

> is not the real moon. here, the vegan vixens are like the finger

> pointing at the moon. or maybe a breast or two. or three.


> regards,


> blake



> To send an email to -


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