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Hospital blunders 'kill 90,000 patients'

By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor

Last Updated: 2:39am GMT 29/11/2007




More than 90,000 patients die and almost one million are harmed each

year because of hospital blunders, research suggests.


Errors during surgery, misdiagnosis, falls, infections and

complications are all to blame for the problems that contribute to

the death and injury tolls in England each year.



Researchers found that up to half of

the mistakes made were preventable



Researchers found that between 8.7 per cent and 10 per cent of

hospital stays involved such mistakes and up to a half were



Prof Trevor Sheldon, the author of the study published in the British

Medical Journal, said a stay in hospital was as " risky as bungee

jumping " .


He examined medical notes from one hospital over six months and said

the results were representative of what is happening across the



In 15 per cent of cases the adverse event led to impairment or

disability that lasted for more than six months and increased the

average stay in hospital by eight days.


The study did not include patients who were in hospital for less than

a day, had mental health problems or gave birth.


There were 9.1 million hospital stays in England in 2005/6 if day

case, maternity and mental health patients are not included and Prof

Sheldon's figures mean 910,303 of these patients suffered harm as a

result of a blunder. In 91,030 cases it contributed to their death.


Prof Sheldon said: " This is not specific to the NHS, one finds this

in many health-care systems around the world.



" A hospital stay is about as risky as bungee jumping but fewer people

are exposed to


bungee jumping and you don't go into hospital for fun.


" It might be that people are focused on getting things done quickly

and on new technology and not enough on the safety and quality of

care. "


Prof Sheldon said some of the incidents were down to complex systems

and not all were errors by individuals. Some could have been

prevented with better communication or training.


Errors included a patient at high risk of blood clots who was not

given blood thinners, an avoidable delay in diagnosing cancer, a

patient addicted to painkillers after being prescribed them

repeatedly and a spleen that was torn during surgery, leaving the

patient needing treatment for life.


Peter Walsh, of Action against Medical Accidents, a charity, said the

real figures could be much higher as the research does not include

incidents in General Practice, ambulance trusts or mental health and

covers only England.


A Health Department spokesman said patient safety had long been a

priority. " It is important to remember that serious failures are

uncommon in relation to the volume of care provided by the NHS.


" We would encourage health-care providers to consider the findings of

this study and how it might be used to support their existing

arrangements for patient safety.


" We have put in place a comprehensive quality framework with clear

national standards and will continue to ensure patient safety is

integral to NHS priorities and objectives. "

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Reminds me of an article I saw earlier this week about one hospital

in the U.S. where brain surgeons operated on the wrong side of the

brain **three times** this year! After the first patient, they said

they revised their procedures so it wouldn't happen again. Oops! and

Oops again!




At 7:33 AM +0000 11/29/07, heartwerk wrote:

>Hospital blunders 'kill 90,000 patients'

>By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor

>Last Updated: 2:39am GMT 29/11/2007




>More than 90,000 patients die and almost one million are harmed each

>year because of hospital blunders, research suggests.


>Errors during surgery, misdiagnosis, falls, infections and

>complications are all to blame for the problems that contribute to

>the death and injury tolls in England each year.

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That is terrible!!!




, yarrow wrote:


> Reminds me of an article I saw earlier this week about one hospital

> in the U.S. where brain surgeons operated on the wrong side of the

> brain **three times** this year! After the first patient, they said

> they revised their procedures so it wouldn't happen again. Oops!


> Oops again!




> At 7:33 AM +0000 11/29/07, heartwerk wrote:

> >Hospital blunders 'kill 90,000 patients'

> >By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor

> >Last Updated: 2:39am GMT 29/11/2007

> >

> >

> >

> >More than 90,000 patients die and almost one million are harmed


> >year because of hospital blunders, research suggests.

> >

> >Errors during surgery, misdiagnosis, falls, infections and

> >complications are all to blame for the problems that contribute to

> >the death and injury tolls in England each year.


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