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Joe Sixpack | Frankenbeer: Up in arms over GMOnster mash


Philadelphia Daily News

WHAT IF science could make a better beer through genetic engineering?


A faster-fermenting Yuengling. A Guinness Stout with a bigger, foamier

head. A Heineken that required less grain. A Budweiser that produced

no hangover, no matter how much you drank.


In fact, scientists are already tinkering with the genetic makeup of

beer ingredients - and even as Americans seem largely unconcerned

about so-called genetically modified organisms (GMOs), Europeans are

gearing up to fight so-called Frankenbeer.


In a remarkable show of opposition, about a third of Germany's 1,200-

plus breweries have signed a petition to amend the 500-year-old

Reinheitsgebot (Germany's beer purity law) to ban the use of

genetically modified ingredients.


The law - the hallmark of Germany's world-renowned beer industry -

states that German beer may be made only with malt, hops, yeast and

water. It was established in 1516 to restrict the use of potentially

dangerous ingredients (tree bark, poisonous mushrooms) that often

found their way into beer. Over the years, Germany's proud brewers

have cited the law, and its ban on cheaper adjunct ingredients such as

rice and corn, as a symbol of their superior products.


Now, GMO opponents say that if German beer is going to remain pure,

the law shouldn't permit ingredients that have been artificially

enhanced in laboratories.


" It's against natural creation, " said Thomas Weiss, quality manager


Neumarkter Lammsbrau in Bavaria. " Farmers don't want it. Beer drinkers

don't want it. The only people who want GMOs is big industry. "


(Disclosure: I learned about the anti-GMO petition during a tour of

German breweries and hops producers that was sponsored in part by the

Bavarian Brewers Association.)


Lammsbrau is Germany's oldest organic beer maker, so it's not

surprising it would take a stance against genetically modified

ingredients. What's surprising is that so many others would join. Many

of the breweries backing the petition are old-fashioned operations

where the only thing green is their bottles. Even Warsteiner,

Germany's third-largest brewer, has signed on, said Weiss.


What's so bad about better beer through science?


Supporters of GMO crops say they can be more pest-resistant, withstand

harsher environmental conditions and have a longer shelf life. They

say that, through DNA technology, we can feed more of the world's



In America, GMOs are hardly a blip in the public consciousness. When

Greenpeace earlier this year charged that Anheuser-Busch was using

genetically modified rice in Budweiser, for example, it generated few

news reports. (A-B called the charge " false and defamatory, " and said

its rice strain was approved by federal regulators.)


In Germany, meanwhile, Greenpeace's allegations were widely reported,

partly because of an earlier scare over cross-pollination with

domestic crops.


There's also a huge political aspect to the debate. To opponents in

Europe, GMOs translate to big, bad American capitalism trying to make

more money from acres of crops.


" We see all these American companies like Monsanto - which was a big

supporter of George Bush - changing the entire agricultural system, "

Weiss said.


For example, Weiss said, since genetically modified plants are

patented, farmers must pay annual fees to corporations instead of

using naturally produced seeds to grow new crops. There also are

questions about long-term health consequences, he said.


Whether the brewers association amends the Reinheitsgebot is still up

in the air. Opponents of the change say it is unneeded because the law

already ensures the use of pure ingredients. An association statement

on GMOs cries, " Bavarian brewers will have none of this! "


The question is how long breweries - especially the big ones - will be

able to resist the lure of potentially cheaper and better ingredients.


About 10 years ago, when genetic researchers announced they were

experimenting with faster-fermenting " turbo " yeast, one of Germany's

largest newspapers launched a " Hands Off Our Beer " campaign. The

brewers association quickly insisted it had no reason to use

genetically modified beer ingredients.




Germany is just emerging from a hops crisis brought on by increasing

demand and bad weather. What if genetic scientists could develop

hardier, more abundant hops vines?


" It's important to use every technique to guarantee enough food and

crops for everyone in the world, " said Johann Pichlmaier, president of

the Association of German Hop Growers.


Then, straddling the fence, he added, " As long as consumers continue

to oppose GMOs, no, we won't use them. . . . But I don't know if we

can say 'no' forever. " *


" Joe Sixpack " by Don Russell appears weekly in Big Fat Friday. For

more on the beer scene in Philly and beyond, visit www.joesixpack.net.

Send e-mail to joesixpack.


Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.


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