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Becoming a vegan requires a little research

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BY KIM PAINTER USA TODAY Tuesday, February 5, 2008





Post CommentIt's hip to be a vegan: Best-selling books tout the no-meat, no-eggs, no-dairy eating style. Celebrities such as actress Natalie Portman and former presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich reportedly eat the vegan way, for reasons ranging from ethics to weight control. So veganism is in. But is it healthy? Short answer: Yes, it can be. But there are a few catches. The biggest is that you must be willing, at least at first, to do much more food homework than average fast-food-eating Americans. And you'll have to extend your studies beyond those amusingly profane "Skinny Bitch" books (which suggest anyone who can't kick the "dead, rotting, decomposing flesh diet" in a month or so is a wimp -- though the authors use a cruder word).

"A lot of individuals are interested in trying this," says Keri Gans, a registered dietitian in New York City and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association (ADA). "Unfortunately, they don't all do the necessary research that can make it a healthy choice." Gans says some under-informed newbie vegans end up just plain hungry, attempting to subsist on salads and soy milk. Others "end up gaining weight because they eat too many carbohydrates from pasta and rice or too many fatty nuts and seeds," says Tara Gidus, a registered dietitian in Orlando, who also is an ADA spokeswoman. "Appropriately planned" vegetarian and vegan diets have nutritional advantages, including low levels of saturated fat and cholesterol, says a 2003 position statement from the ADA (at eatright.org). But a poorly planned vegan diet could fall short on some key nutrients, including: • Protein -- Plant foods can provide plenty -- and, no, you don't have to eat your rice and beans together to get the right mix. But you should eat a variety of foods, including whole grains, beans and nuts, to replace the proteins in meat, milk and eggs, Gidus says. • Calcium -- Dark, leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli and bok choy, contain quite a bit, but not as much as milk or cheese. Even figs, almonds and soy foods have some. But most vegans will need fortified foods (such as soy milk or orange juice) and a supplement to get enough, Gidus says. Although some vegans say they need less calcium because their overall diets are better for bones, the ADA says they need as much as anyone. • Vitamin D -- The "sunshine vitamin" is good for bones, and emerging research suggests it may also help prevent certain cancers and heart disease. The main source in the U.S. diet: milk. The sun is a good source, too, but not always in winter or for dark-skinned people. So many vegans will need fortified foods or supplements. • Vitamin B-12 -- This essential vitamin is only in animal foods. So vegans need a supplement or fortified foods. The good news is that a basic multivitamin and a bountiful variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and a few fortified products -- increasingly available in regular grocery stores -- can cover these bases. But you will need to read labels, quiz waiters and, Gans says, become "a fairly adventurous eater." Those who live outside urban areas may also need online sources (such as Veganstore.com and VeganEssentials.com) for some items, says John Cunningham, a vegan and consumer research manager at the Vegetarian Resource Group (vrg.org). Gans says: "People who choose this diet just because they think it might help them lose weight are going to have a hard time sticking with it. It takes commitment." But eating a healthy vegan diet "is not difficult once you get used to it," says Jack Norris, a vegan and registered dietitian who offers tips at VeganHealth.org. Cunningham says: "There is a little learning curve, though once you get down a core repertoire of foods and meal plans, it's really not a big deal." His group offers occasional free, 20-minute phone consultations with registered dietitians.

Peter H


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