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Dog Food--Vegan Dilemma

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I was wondering if some of you vegan folks would like to chat about pet

food--if any of you have dogs or cats. What do you feed? If you feed

meat, how do you feel about it and cope with your decision? If you don't

feed meat, how do you feel about that decision? Just curious. I'm kind

of struggling with a decision I made, but I want to get a feel of the

group before I get into my details.


Chanda in Demorest, GA

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honestly.. I know its not what most want to hear.. but I too struggle with this and personally have found that I have a terrible time justifying feeding my meat eating companions and pets vegetables. I fell you don't see them hunting carrots etc. see I can see where people were not meant to eat meat, but for a k9 feline, ferret etc.. I just cant do it! I haven't found much help on this note as for finding cruelty _ less pets food that's not VEGAN, you know like something that is at least More friendly, but I have had no answers. personally I feel my dog wellness because its a nice brand, unfortunately I feed my ferret what I can afford but again I think it would be cruel (personally) to feed them vegetables...that's my 2 cents.



Chanda M. DeFoor

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 9:56 AM

Dog Food--Vegan Dilemma



Hello,I was wondering if some of you vegan folks would like to chat about pet food--if any of you have dogs or cats. What do you feed? If you feed meat, how do you feel about it and cope with your decision? If you don't feed meat, how do you feel about that decision? Just curious. I'm kind of struggling with a decision I made, but I want to get a feel of the group before I get into my details.Thanks,Chanda in Demorest, GA

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Hi Chanda


Welcome to Vegan Chat :-)


> I was wondering if some of you vegan folks would like to chat about pet

> food--if any of you have dogs or cats. What do you feed? If you feed

> meat, how do you feel about it and cope with your decision? If you don't

> feed meat, how do you feel about that decision? Just curious. I'm kind

> of struggling with a decision I made, but I want to get a feel of the

> group before I get into my details.


I don't have naturally carniverous pets, but I thought I'd throw in this

thought... I was recently chatting to someone who had this dilemma, and they

came up with a compromise that worked for them personally - they approached

the National Trust (in the UK), and asked them what they did with the

various animals they kill in order to manage the numbers (I'd rather they

didn't but that's another story). As a result, they now buy the dead deer,

which would have been killed and left to rot otherwise, cheaply from the

National Trust, butcher it themselves, and use it for their dog food...

they're also making sure that they use everything they can from the animal!

They said the main drawback is that they needed to get a larger freezer!!!!




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our kids are vegan

they are happy and healthy....






What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so.

- Mark Twain

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I had a friend (an omnivore) who had a veggie dog - said she smelled better than when she was fed meat. The dog was lovely and lived to be very old.







Wednesday, April 23, 2008 5:35 PM

Re: Dog Food--Vegan Dilemma




honestly.. I know its not what most want to hear.. but I too struggle with this and personally have found that I have a terrible time justifying feeding my meat eating companions and pets vegetables. I fell you don't see them hunting carrots etc. see I can see where people were not meant to eat meat, but for a k9 feline, ferret etc.. I just cant do it! I haven't found much help on this note as for finding cruelty _ less pets food that's not VEGAN, you know like something that is at least More friendly, but I have had no answers. personally I feel my dog wellness because its a nice brand, unfortunately I feed my ferret what I can afford but again I think it would be cruel (personally) to feed them vegetables...that's my 2 cents.



Chanda M. DeFoor

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 9:56 AM

Dog Food--Vegan Dilemma



Hello,I was wondering if some of you vegan folks would like to chat about pet food--if any of you have dogs or cats. What do you feed? If you feed meat, how do you feel about it and cope with your decision? If you don't feed meat, how do you feel about that decision? Just curious. I'm kind of struggling with a decision I made, but I want to get a feel of the group before I get into my details.Thanks,Chanda in Demorest, GA

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The dog I spend the most time with is not my dog, but I feed her at

least half the time. She gets dry kibble. I cope by not thinking

about it, and washing my hands after I feed her. (Just like I cope

with knowing what other people eat, and not commenting on it.) We

also give her vegan dog treats, which are readily available at Trader

Joe's and which her owners also find the easiest to use -- they like

to give her small pieces, and other treats were not easy to break

into pieces. When they bought nonveg dog treats, I did not like to

handle them and would not put them in my pockets. Now, with the vegan

treats, I have crumbs in every jacket pocket!


If the dog's diet were my decision, I'd look for a vegetarian kibble

and/or prepare fresh vegan food, because dogs are omnivores and don't

need meat. Years ago I read a book that detailed the nutrition needs

of dogs and cats, complete with veg*n recipes and info on what

supplements to add (the same supplements that are added to commercial

pet food), as well as where to find vegan-source supplements.


When we had a cat, she also ate dry kibble. Cats are carnivores, but

cows and pigs and sheep are not " natural " for cats to eat. If I ever

got a cat, I'd try veg kibble or cook fresh vegan food with

supplements added. I have known cats that loved corn, cantaloupe,

alfalfa sprouts, and dry seaweed as treats.


I have taken care of friends' pets for a day or two at a time that

ate canned pet food, but that stuff makes me gag and I couldn't

handle having it in my own house. Also, knowing a little about what

goes into animals that are killed to feed people and especially

pets...ick. I think it'd be cruel to feed that to anyone, not even

including the ethical issues.



At 9:56 AM -0400 4/23/08, Chanda M. DeFoor wrote:


>I was wondering if some of you vegan folks would like to chat about pet

>food--if any of you have dogs or cats. What do you feed? If you feed

>meat, how do you feel about it and cope with your decision? If you don't

>feed meat, how do you feel about that decision? Just curious. I'm kind

>of struggling with a decision I made, but I want to get a feel of the

>group before I get into my details.


>Chanda in Demorest, GA

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