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veggie kid problem

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Now, I may be wrong…

But you could do what my parents did, and

what other parents have done, when faced with a choice that their kids want to

make that they do not necessarily believe in.

Parents who do not believe in sex before

marriage will often tell their children that while this type of decision is the

children’s business, what they do in the parent’s home is the

PARENT’S business. So, the child may for the time being engage in the

consumption of meat, but the child must know that his decision stops the minute

he enters your home. You have just as much right to your control over your own

body as he does, and if consumption of meat makes you feel unsafe in your own

home, then he has to accept your decision as well.


Sounds like he is yanking your chain

possibly for other reasons. Is he angry at you for a disciplinary decision you

made recently?


On the humorous side, the decision I made

to NOT have sex until marriage pissed off my parents royally. While they knew

it was my decision, they would push me and my male friends to stay in the same

room in their home, or they even pushed us to stay on a boat down at the

boatyard they owned. I felt like they were saying that even though I had made

the decision to not have sex before marriage, when I was in their home, I WOULD

have sex before marriage.


Therapists call this cognitive dissonance.







On Behalf Of tina

Sunday, June 08, 2008 12:20



veggie kid







HI im new here and just thought id post up a bit of a

problem im

experiencing right now.


OK im a single mum of two veggie children age 9 and 12. My problem is

my 12 year old veggie son is telling his dad (my ex, whos a meat

eater) that he now wants to eat meat. Its the moment iv always been



Anyone here been through anything similar or can anyone offer advice



Iv been veggie since the age of 14, went vegan 2.5 years ago. If my

son is deciding to eat meat there is no way i could allow it in my

kitchen, prepare it, cook it or buy it.



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my kids have been vegie since birth, and are now 11 & 14. I have always told them that if they want to eat meat it will be their choice, but I will not be involved in its production. My wife is a carnie, and I do have to buy her meat products form time to time when I do the weekly shop. I dont like it, but I have agreed to respect her dietry choices and she respects mine, but there is no way I would prepare or cook that stuff.

All you can do is explain your concerns and monitor their diet to ensure they eat healthily, as responsible parents do.




Peter vv


tina <tina_761 Sent: Sunday, 8 June, 2008 5:20:28 PM veggie kid problem


HI im new here and just thought id post up a bit of a problem im experiencing right now.OK im a single mum of two veggie children age 9 and 12. My problem is my 12 year old veggie son is telling his dad (my ex, whos a meat eater) that he now wants to eat meat. Its the moment iv always been dreading. Anyone here been through anything similar or can anyone offer advice please?Iv been veggie since the age of 14, went vegan 2.5 years ago. If my son is deciding to eat meat there is no way i could allow it in my kitchen, prepare it, cook it or buy it.HELP!


Sent from Mail.


A Smarter Email.

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12 yrs old huh

well..kids have a lot to deal with...there's peer pressure, skool anmd of course the barrage of meat eating commercials prevalent in society

and he is at that age where he is going to want to start to forge his own path.

have you sat down and talked with him? can you? just ask why he wants to eat meat. don't accuse, no shrillness, no threats or whatever..just mum to boi, heart to heart. he's got his own mind, so you've got to respect that and run with it

figure out why he wants to eat meat. and then go from there. because his dad does, and since you guys are not together, remember the grass is always greener. "well, dad would let me eat it, and i get to stay up til midnite, and he bought me a nintendo and and and"

just remember when you were wee one. how would you react as a 12 yr old if yer parents decided you couldn't do something everyone else did. you'd be resentful, angry, and probably start rebelling and doing it anyways. more fun then.

i would try and understand why he wants to eat dead things, and go from there. is it peer pressure, does he want to do it because you don't, does he think he's missing something? always ways to counter that. and, there are a billion videos and websites out there which frankly, can be used to say "see, gross ain't it?!"

from your point of view, personally, i wouldn't bring meat into the house. if he wants to eat dead things at dad's well, nuthin you can do about it beyond try and bring him around. doesn't mean you are going to cook it for him.

it's a dangerous slippery street. on the one paw, he's getting older and can make decisions for himself and needs to be allowed to. on the other paw, everyone imagine if yer kid came home and said "mom, i've decided i really like lighting (insert name of nationality, color, creed, race, religion here) people on fire when they are sleeping" or "mom! i saw someone on tv toss a puppy off a cliff! thats so cool! so, we are going to do that after skool tomorrow.."

of course, what do i know...i don't have wee ones (at least none that i know of...eeeeep!) and the fur kids are vegan....


tina Jun 8, 2008 9:20 AM veggie kid problem




HI im new here and just thought id post up a bit of a problem im experiencing right now.OK im a single mum of two veggie children age 9 and 12. My problem is my 12 year old veggie son is telling his dad (my ex, whos a meat eater) that he now wants to eat meat. Its the moment iv always been dreading. Anyone here been through anything similar or can anyone offer advice please?Iv been veggie since the age of 14, went vegan 2.5 years ago. If my son is deciding to eat meat there is no way i could allow it in my kitchen, prepare it, cook it or buy it.HELP!





What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so.

- Mark Twain

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are you in the UK?

jo, are there sites in the UK for this sorta thing?

i know there are a number of books on the subject over here in the colonies

good luck tina

tina Jun 8, 2008 9:20 AM veggie kid problem




HI im new here and just thought id post up a bit of a problem im experiencing right now.OK im a single mum of two veggie children age 9 and 12. My problem is my 12 year old veggie son is telling his dad (my ex, whos a meat eater) that he now wants to eat meat. Its the moment iv always been dreading. Anyone here been through anything similar or can anyone offer advice please?Iv been veggie since the age of 14, went vegan 2.5 years ago. If my son is deciding to eat meat there is no way i could allow it in my kitchen, prepare it, cook it or buy it.HELP!





What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so.

- Mark Twain

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Thanks for your replies everyone. I think im going to allow him to

have school meals (shudders) that way if he feels he needs to choose

the animal option he can. I will tell him though that there is no

way he will be allowed to bring dead animals into the house, even in

a take away EVER!


His dad said he will buy organic meat for him when he stays at his

if that makes me feel better, maybe more healthy i guess but i do

shudder at the thought of him eating stuff that has been fed

anitibiotics and steriods, treated cruely, abused and slaughtered



I do have a nice vid to show him called eat this also got some stuff

from animal aid that might help. I hope he gets a piece of steak

with a gross piece of grisstle in it or is served up liver at

school, might put him off. Oh god the thought of him eating chicken

thats been kept in some battery farm just makes me feel ill.


This is stuff nightmares are made of and my little boy is going to

take part in it.


Hope you dont think im like this with everything, its just that im

so passionate about animals, its one thing that really upsets me, i

must sound like a total nutter.

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is he still young enough to go to a *shudder* petting zoo?

do they have those hideous things in the UK?

anyways..worked for lisa simpson....


tina Jun 8, 2008 1:52 PM Re: veggie kid problem




Thanks for your replies everyone. I think im going to allow him to have school meals (shudders) that way if he feels he needs to choose the animal option he can. I will tell him though that there is no way he will be allowed to bring dead animals into the house, even in a take away EVER!His dad said he will buy organic meat for him when he stays at his if that makes me feel better, maybe more healthy i guess but i do shudder at the thought of him eating stuff that has been fed anitibiotics and steriods, treated cruely, abused and slaughtered inhumanly.I do have a nice vid to show him called eat this also got some stuff from animal aid that might help. I hope he gets a piece of steak with a gross piece of grisstle in it or is served up liver at school, might put him off. Oh god the thought of him eating chicken thats been kept in some battery farm just makes me feel ill. This is stuff nightmares are made of and my little boy is going to take part in it. Hope you dont think im like this with everything, its just that im so passionate about animals, its one thing that really upsets me, i must sound like a total nutter.





What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so.

- Mark Twain

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Nah you dont sound like a nutter at all. Everyone has their own beliefs and ways of living with them. The last thing you want to do is alienateyourself from your boy, so I would suggest that you let him follow his own path, but at the same time explain exactly how that flesh got on his plate, and why it is against what you beleive in.

Hope it works out.




Peter vv


tina <tina_761 Sent: Sunday, 8 June, 2008 9:52:54 PM Re: veggie kid problem


Thanks for your replies everyone. I think im going to allow him to have school meals (shudders) that way if he feels he needs to choose the animal option he can. I will tell him though that there is no way he will be allowed to bring dead animals into the house, even in a take away EVER!His dad said he will buy organic meat for him when he stays at his if that makes me feel better, maybe more healthy i guess but i do shudder at the thought of him eating stuff that has been fed anitibiotics and steriods, treated cruely, abused and slaughtered inhumanly.I do have a nice vid to show him called eat this also got some stuff from animal aid that might help. I hope he gets a piece of steak with a gross piece of grisstle in it or is served up liver at school, might put him off. Oh god the thought of him eating chicken thats been kept in some battery farm just makes me feel ill. This is

stuff nightmares are made of and my little boy is going to take part in it. Hope you dont think im like this with everything, its just that im so passionate about animals, its one thing that really upsets me, i must sound like a total nutter.


Sent from Mail.


A Smarter Email.

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My son was never full veggie, or vegan, but I tried to prepare all

vegan meals for him, and even brought them to school, but that

eventualy came to an end. It was worth the try, and at least I got to

see my son that little bit more during the day. But at least he loves

his boca chickenless patties. And yes he lives with me(just in case).

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Tina, this sounds terrible and I feel for you. I've brought my children up as vegetarians, but they have eaten the odd sausage roll at birthday parties and have been given meat by their grandparents. I've tried my best to not over react when this has happened (although I have been screaming with rage inside!), but have always explained what is involved in the production of meat, as well as the health and environmental advantages of not eating it. My children are almost five now (twins), but, when they are of an age to choose for themselves, they will eat what they like outside the house, although I shall always refuse to buy or handle meat for anybody, as I find it so repulsive. In my opinion, if you make something forbidden, it always makes it more alluring,

especially when children become rebellious teenagers. I was always, as a child, allowed to drink a little alcohol on social occasions and consequently have never felt the need to binge drink, unlike many of my peers. However, if you make your views clear and explain your reasons, your son may later decide to revert back to only eating vegetarian food.. Good luck! Kathleen


tina <tina_761 Sent: Sunday, 8 June, 2008 5:20:28 PM veggie kid problem


HI im new here and just thought id post up a bit of a problem im experiencing right now.OK im a single mum of two veggie children age 9 and 12. My problem is my 12 year old veggie son is telling his dad (my ex, whos a meat eater) that he now wants to eat meat. Its the moment iv always been dreading. Anyone here been through anything similar or can anyone offer advice please?Iv been veggie since the age of 14, went vegan 2.5 years ago. If my son is deciding to eat meat there is no way i could allow it in my kitchen, prepare it, cook it or buy it.HELP!


Sent from Mail.


A Smarter Email.

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Well i had a chat with him earlier just asking why he wanted to

start eating meat, he said he wanted to try different foods (yeah

whats wrong with seaweed i thought). Anyway i talked to him about

the consequences of eating meat on our health using factory farming

as an example of the farmers putting unnecesary chemicals and

medication into the animals food to make them bigger in order to

sell more, he seemed to take all that on board. Then i went on

about animal cruelty how theywere kept and killed (in great detail

actualy) think i went a bit far cause he seemed upset by that. Also

had a copy of animal aid magazine left open on a page with a photo

of turkeys in a factory farm looking rather cramped and mistreated.

He didnt want to talk about it.


I feel its just peer pressure thats making him want to try meat, iv

had his friends round and they all seem to be surprised that we dont

have meat products and do go on in front of my son about how good it

tastes which does make me angry. But they have been bought up to

know no different, they have probably thought chicken nuggets come

out that shape from the shelves of tesco anyway.


So sad. But i cant stop him from eating meat outside the home. Did

lay down the rules about him not bringing meat home though, he

understands that perfectly.


, Kathleen Lloyd

<kathleenannelloyd wrote:


> Tina, this sounds terrible and I feel for you.  I've brought my

children up as vegetarians, but they have eaten the odd sausage roll

at birthday parties and have been given meat by their

grandparents.  I've tried my best to not over react when this has

happened (although I have been screaming with rage inside!), but

have always explained what is involved in the production of meat, as

well as the health and environmental advantages of not eating it. 

My children are almost five now (twins), but, when they are of an

age to choose for themselves, they will eat what they like outside

the house, although I shall always refuse to buy or handle meat for

anybody, as I find it so repulsive.  In my opinion, if you make

something forbidden, it always makes it more alluring, especially

when children become rebellious teenagers.  I was always, as a

child, allowed to drink a little alcohol on social occasions and

consequently have never felt the need to binge

> drink, unlike many of my peers.  However, if you make your

views clear and explain your reasons, your son may later decide to

revert back to only eating vegetarian food.  Good luck!  Kathleen





> tina <tina_761


> Sunday, 8 June, 2008 5:20:28 PM

> veggie kid problem



> HI im new here and just thought id post up a bit of a problem im

> experiencing right now.


> OK im a single mum of two veggie children age 9 and 12. My problem


> my 12 year old veggie son is telling his dad (my ex, whos a meat

> eater) that he now wants to eat meat. Its the moment iv always


> dreading.


> Anyone here been through anything similar or can anyone offer


> please?


> Iv been veggie since the age of 14, went vegan 2.5 years ago. If


> son is deciding to eat meat there is no way i could allow it in my

> kitchen, prepare it, cook it or buy it.







> ________

> Sent from Mail.

> A Smarter Email http://uk.docs./nowyoucan.html


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Hi Tina


I thinkif your son is saying he wants to eat meat there's not much you can do about it - apart from not cooking it in your home, of course. I would just explain to him that you think eating another being is horrible, and you couldn't possibly cook any for him, and leave it at that :-(







Sunday, June 08, 2008 5:20 PM

veggie kid problem



HI im new here and just thought id post up a bit of a problem im experiencing right now.OK im a single mum of two veggie children age 9 and 12. My problem is my 12 year old veggie son is telling his dad (my ex, whos a meat eater) that he now wants to eat meat. Its the moment iv always been dreading. Anyone here been through anything similar or can anyone offer advice please?Iv been veggie since the age of 14, went vegan 2.5 years ago. If my son is deciding to eat meat there is no way i could allow it in my kitchen, prepare it, cook it or buy it.HELP!

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Hi Fraggle


Sorry to take a while to answer - been on holiday :-)


I haven't checked the web for sites concerning youngsters, as mine are grown. The Vegan Society or Vegetarian Society might be able to help, especially with videos and books. There would also be local contacts for both socieitieswho would offer support.







Sunday, June 08, 2008 9:18 PM

Re: veggie kid problem




are you in the UK?

jo, are there sites in the UK for this sorta thing?

i know there are a number of books on the subject over here in the colonies

good luck tina

tina Jun 8, 2008 9:20 AM veggie kid problem




HI im new here and just thought id post up a bit of a problem im experiencing right now.OK im a single mum of two veggie children age 9 and 12. My problem is my 12 year old veggie son is telling his dad (my ex, whos a meat eater) that he now wants to eat meat. Its the moment iv always been dreading. Anyone here been through anything similar or can anyone offer advice please?Iv been veggie since the age of 14, went vegan 2.5 years ago. If my son is deciding to eat meat there is no way i could allow it in my kitchen, prepare it, cook it or buy it.HELP!

What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so.

- Mark Twain

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I don't think you are a nutter. You care very much about your kids and want them to have the best. Let's hope he does get lumps of gristle etc. and it puts him off.







Sunday, June 08, 2008 9:52 PM

Re: veggie kid problem



Thanks for your replies everyone. I think im going to allow him to have school meals (shudders) that way if he feels he needs to choose the animal option he can. I will tell him though that there is no way he will be allowed to bring dead animals into the house, even in a take away EVER!His dad said he will buy organic meat for him when he stays at his if that makes me feel better, maybe more healthy i guess but i do shudder at the thought of him eating stuff that has been fed anitibiotics and steriods, treated cruely, abused and slaughtered inhumanly.I do have a nice vid to show him called eat this also got some stuff from animal aid that might help. I hope he gets a piece of steak with a gross piece of grisstle in it or is served up liver at school, might put him off. Oh god the thought of him eating chicken thats been kept in some battery farm just makes me feel ill. This is stuff nightmares are made of and my little boy is going to take part in it. Hope you dont think im like this with everything, its just that im so passionate about animals, its one thing that really upsets me, i must sound like a total nutter.

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They do have lots of them here Fraggle. One of the National Trust gardens we visited recently had one. The standard of care did seem good - though it doesn't make it right.







Sunday, June 08, 2008 10:01 PM

Re: Re: veggie kid problem




is he still young enough to go to a *shudder* petting zoo?

do they have those hideous things in the UK?

anyways..worked for lisa simpson....


tina Jun 8, 2008 1:52 PM Re: veggie kid problem




Thanks for your replies everyone. I think im going to allow him to have school meals (shudders) that way if he feels he needs to choose the animal option he can. I will tell him though that there is no way he will be allowed to bring dead animals into the house, even in a take away EVER!His dad said he will buy organic meat for him when he stays at his if that makes me feel better, maybe more healthy i guess but i do shudder at the thought of him eating stuff that has been fed anitibiotics and steriods, treated cruely, abused and slaughtered inhumanly.I do have a nice vid to show him called eat this also got some stuff from animal aid that might help. I hope he gets a piece of steak with a gross piece of grisstle in it or is served up liver at school, might put him off. Oh god the thought of him eating chicken thats been kept in some battery farm just makes me feel ill. This is stuff nightmares are made of and my little boy is going to take part in it. Hope you dont think im like this with everything, its just that im so passionate about animals, its one thing that really upsets me, i must sound like a total nutter.

What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so.

- Mark Twain

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