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Alicia Silverstone’s Dogs Go Vegan, Lose The Flatulence

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Ah flatulance................



A couple weeks ago, we were having a discussion here about whether or not Vegans or Vegetarians applied the same eating principles to their animals. If so, we were also curious to know how. Well apparently, actress Alicia Silverstone has found just the right recipe and claims her dogs are much better off because of it — especially when it comes to flatulence.

She told UK TV talk show host Graham Norton: “I really care about animals, there’s so much unnecessary suffering going on. All four of my dogs are vegan, they don’t fart anymore! I eat delicious food but without cruelty.â€

Silverstone also opened up on her decision to strip down for her sexy PETA ad last fall saying, “It was scary but I knew I really wanted to make this message appealing.â€

So, has anyone else taken the vegan/vegetarian route with their animals?

7 Responses to “Alicia Silverstone’s Dogs Go Vegan, Lose The Flatulenceâ€







Rose says on June 24th, 2008 at 1:03 pm

I’m a committed ethical vegan, and I’d love it if my cats could go vegan. However, cats are true carnivores, and it’s extremely difficult for them to eat vegan diets without specific supplementation (e.g., taurine) so that they thrive and don’t succumb to urinary tract infections and other illnesses. I don’t know anyone (and I have a lot of dedicated vegan friends) who feeds their cats a vegan diet (or continues to after trying it), though if it were healthy for them, we all would! That said, dogs can very easily eat vegan and be healthy, happy and less gassy. Kudos to Alicia for helping her dogs do the right thing!





Brookie says on June 24th, 2008 at 1:03 pm

I have cats and would never take meat from their diets but I’d do it with a dog, absolutely.





Alicia Silverstone’s meat-free dogs fart less | The Green Blog says on June 24th, 2008 at 8:30 pm

[...] harm Fido in the slightest — and, in fact, it has some surprising benefits. Alicia recently told TV host Graham Norton that: “All four of my dogs are vegan, they don’t fart [...]





Brandi says on June 25th, 2008 at 12:08 am

Hmm… I have read this debate many times. We feed our dog a ‘whole’ natural (expensive, ha) food. To be blunt though, he does fart… a lot.. and it smells awful. So, perhaps we should think about a vegan diet. I will have to do a little more research.

In other related comments.. I love Alicia.. she’s awesome.. And so pretty!





kerry says on June 25th, 2008 at 1:48 am

I asked my vet about that, and he gave me the same reply everyone here is saying about cats…. that dog’s NEED meat, it’s in their genetic makeup to eat meat and that it would not be good for the dogs to go veg or vegan….. I’ll need to do more research on this now, since I took his word for law…… if only for the gas…… oy!





Claire says on June 25th, 2008 at 5:54 am

We’ve been feeding our dogs vegan dog food for a few years now. They’re both very healthy. I think they still fart occasionally though….





Liz says on June 25th, 2008 at 8:06 am

Dogs and cats do need an amount of meat in their diets. I feed my coon cat an organic cat food and would do the same if I had a dog.


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