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posted april 1 getting to know you

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so, please please please, if you like..fill it out

if not....ummm...make one up!


ok, its been rather quiet in here lately...and, this is a great

break for me

from job hunting!

we haven't done one of these in a REALLY long time...

the annoying getting to know you survey....

respond with yer answers, AND add a question to the end


1.ok, whats' yer name?


2. where do you live?


3. Vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, fence sitter, or secret carnivore



4. how long have you been vegan/vegetarian


5. what made you go vegan/veg?


6. are you finding it easy, moderately difficult or hellish to

follow your diet

in your region?


7. What is your fave food style/region?


8. Name a food/dish you've had recently that you really like


9. Any dishes you miss/wish you could have that you know longer eat?


10. Any food you don't like (we can safely assume that meat is on

that list, and

we can exclude it!)


11. Fave Color


12. Fave Beverage


13. Fave Flower


14. Fave Band


15. Fave thing to do on a weekend?


16. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be...?


17. Name 5 of your fave books/authors







18. What makes you happy?


19. what makes you angry?


20. What makes you sad?



answer with your own and add a question

yeah, this is lame, but i'm BORED!

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Hi Fraggle & all


> so, please please please, if you like..fill it out

> if not....ummm...make one up!


Well, with a fairly good number of recent new posters on the list (which is

really great to see)... seems like a good idea!


> 1.ok, whats' yer name?




> 2. where do you live?


Bristol, UK


> 3. Vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, fence sitter, or secret carnivore

> lurker?


Vegan... for 10 years in September. Veggie for a year before that.


> 4. how long have you been vegan/vegetarian


Ooops - should read ahead... see above!


> 5. what made you go vegan/veg?


Initially animal rights, now a lot of environmental issues and health.


> 6. are you finding it easy, moderately difficult or hellish to

> follow your diet in your region?


Bristol's really pretty easy. We have some fantastic local veg shops, 4 good

wholefood stores including one which is focussed on vegan / veggie stuff,

and a dozen veggie eateries all within walking distance.


> 7. What is your fave food style/region?


Depends on what I've just eaten!


> 8. Name a food/dish you've had recently that you really like


Leek, Mushroom and " Bacon " pie at Cafe Kino, the local all-vegan cafe! (If

ever you're in Bristol, go eat there....)


> 9. Any dishes you miss/wish you could have that you know longer eat?


Still would really like to find a good alternative for cheese flan

(basically cheese-only quiche)


> 10. Any food you don't like (we can safely assume that meat is on

> that list, and we can exclude it!)


Tomatoes and Chick Peas!


> 11. Fave Color




> 12. Fave Beverage


Shakeaway's Maple Syrup Soya Smoothie!


> 13. Fave Flower




> 14. Fave Band


Dream Theater


> 15. Fave thing to do on a weekend?


Whatever comes along... gigs are fun, relaxing is nice at times...


> 16. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be...?


In the countryside somewhere not too far from Bristol!


> 17. Name 5 of your fave books/authors


Now that's a tough one! Narrowing it down to 5 is not easy!


> a. PG Wodehouse

> b. Douglas Adams

> c. Malcolm Pryce

> d. JRR Tolkein

> e. Nicholas Fisk


> 18. What makes you happy?


Lots of things :-)


> 19. what makes you angry?


Articles entitled " vegan parents arrested for child abuse " !


> 20. What makes you sad?


People not caring.


> answer with your own and add a question

> yeah, this is lame, but i'm BORED!


OK... what skill would you bring to a post-holocaust community? (cheery,





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Fraggle wrote:




<<<so, please

please please, if you like..fill it out

if not....ummm...make one up!


ok, its been rather quiet in here lately...and, this is a great

break for me

from job hunting!

we haven't done one of these in a REALLY long time...

the annoying getting to know you survey....

respond with yer answers, AND add a question to the end>>>






1.ok, whats' yer name? Cynthia (Cyn)


2. where do you live? Maryland, USA


3. Vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, fence sitter, or secret carnivore

lurker? Vegan


4. how long have you been vegan/vegetarian 5 years


5. what made you go vegan/veg? Health first, then disgust with animal treatment



6. are you finding it easy, moderately difficult or hellish to

follow your diet in

your region? Difficult to hellish


7. What is your fave food style/region? American home cooking

(sorry I cannot explain it more than that, except to say mash potatoes, apple

pie, vegan burgers, vegan hot dogs, etc.)


8. Name a food/dish you've had recently that you really like a macaroni, peas, vegannaise

salad dish


9. Any dishes you miss/wish you could have that you know longer eat? Ahhh,

juicy hamburgers…(vegan burgers are often DRY) (Anyone know how to make Vegan Burgers less dry???)


10. Any food you don't like (we can safely assume that meat is on

that list, andwe can exclude it!) DIE, BROCCOLI


11. Fave Color hot red


12. Fave Beverage Ahhh, Beer


13. Fave Flower Allergic, hate flowers




15. Fave thing to do on a weekend?



16. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be...? Australia


17. Name 5 of your fave books/authors


Danielle Steele

b. Kellerman

c. Anything about World War II

d. Anything about American History

e. Romantic, smutty novels


18. What makes you happy? Friends who adore me


19. what makes you angry? People who bully weaker people, or animals –

just watch me turn into a tigress when that happens


20. What makes you sad? Being alone for extended periods of time




there a book around that tells people like me how to throw Vegan meals together

in 4-8 minutes, which is about the length of my attention span, and run out the

door with the food in my hand to be eaten while driving – which I may not

be doing a lot more of if the gas keeps going up??? <pantpantpant>


I am

one of two, possibly 3 overweight Vegans in the world – long story, don’t

ask. Anyone else around with this problem who might wanna share some Vegan

eating tips with me?








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On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 1:22 PM, fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:

1.ok, whats' yer name?




2. where do you live?


Boston, MA


3. Vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, fence sitter, or secret carnivorelurker?




4. how long have you been vegan/vegetarian


Vegan for the most part past 2+ years with some occasional ovo-lacto relapses. I am healthiest when I am vegan, honestly, and I've made up my mind based on everything I've read in regards to how cows and chickens are treated for dairy and eggs respectively to give up on the items altogether. Honey's already dead to me due to intense seasonal allergies (ick, pollen) and I rarely ate it anyhow.


5. what made you go vegan/veg?


Originally it was a food elimination diet based on IBS. Meat and dairy were instant triggers. Then poultry was eliminated and I was down to fish and eggs, which were only issues based on quantity. After reading about the mercury levels in seafood and reading up on fish farming I gave up seafood and was down to eggs. Then I had a nasty experience with some eggsalad and that went away too.


Every time I tried to bring back dairy and eggs into my diet, my health suffered, my IBS flared up, and I gained weight. Obviously my body is smarter than me. I made up my mind to go vegan some weeks back but couldn't seem to stay away from that occasional cube of cheese, et cetera.


Then I read " Skinny Bitch " , which thrilled me to no end because it was a diet book for VEGANS. Omgs. I'm tired of being told by dieters to eat chicken, fish, yogurt--gah! After reading the descriptions of how animals were treated for eggs and dairy, I said noooo way. After thinking about it for a time, I've decided to go the full vegan route and stop buying anything made with animal products in them. The stuff I already own I plan to use until they wear out or sell.


6. are you finding it easy, moderately difficult or hellish to follow your diet in your region?


Easy. I am blessed to live in a such a veg*n friendly area! Whole Foods is practically within walking distance of me and there's a vegan friendly coffeehouse near me as well.


7. What is your fave food style/region?


I love Italian, Japanese, and Indian. I also love Mexican, Thai, and Cajun. I've made awesome vegan jambalaya.


8. Name a food/dish you've had recently that you really like


I've been making for myself this awesome salad with baby spinach, mixed diced peppers (red, green, yellow, and orange) with organic garlic onion tofu. Salad dressing is one tbl olive oil, one tbl balsamic vinegar and add pepper. Yuuuum!


9. Any dishes you miss/wish you could have that you know longer eat?


Shrimp creole. Need to learn how to make it with veggie shrimp. Already have made eggplant " parm " , vegan jambalaya, veg chili that tastes meaty and to DIE for (secret's in the red wine hee), et cetera.


Also...whole jalapeno peppers stuffed with cheese and spices. I've tried doing this on my own but was time consuming and messy. There's gotta be a good way to do it. I use Vegan Gourmet Cheddar.


10. Any food you don't like (we can safely assume that meat is on that list, and we can exclude it!)


Peas. *makes a face*


11. Fave Color


Blue. *looks at her email address* (duhhh)


12. Fave Beverage

Alcoholic, red wine. Nonalcoholic, chai.


13. Fave Flower


Roses! *look at her emai-*


14. Fave Band




15. Fave thing to do on a weekend?


Depends on my mood, really. :) I do the socializing bit, the outdoors bit, the travel bit....


16. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be...?\


Someplace warm.


17. Name 5 of your fave books/authorsa. The Neverending Story by Michael Endeb. Wrinkle in Time series by Madeleine L'Engle

c. Neil Gaimand. Robert Calasso, especially " Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony " e. " The Secret Garden " 18. What makes you happy?


When I am doing what makes me the most me.


19. what makes you angry?


Intolerance, insensitivity, lack of compassion, et cetera.


20. What makes you sad?


When others are hurt, or I am hurt by others.-- Email: bluerose156AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose-x.livejournal.com


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Hi Fraggle


I think I already did this (bet some of my answers will be different this time:




so, please please please, if you like..fill it outif not....ummm...make one up!ok, its been rather quiet in here lately...and, this is a great break for mefrom job hunting!we haven't done one of these in a REALLY long time...the annoying getting to know you survey....respond with yer answers, AND add a question to the end1.ok, whats' yer name?

Josephine Lucy2. where do you live?

Surrey, England3. Vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, fence sitter, or secret carnivore lurker?

Veggie, nearly Vegan4. how long have you been vegan/vegetarian

11 years (= 1 year a long time ago)5. what made you go vegan/veg?

Health - then animal welfare6. are you finding it easy, moderately difficult or hellish to follow your dietin your region?

Yes7. What is your fave food style/region?

British /Indian /Italian - can't choose one8. Name a food/dish you've had recently that you really like

Cacciatore9. Any dishes you miss/wish you could have that you know longer eat?

Not really - I was never a meat or cheese fan - always preferred my veggies and potatoes.10. Any food you don't like (we can safely assume that meat is on that list, andwe can exclude it!)

Tart fruits.11. Fave Color

Lavendar12. Fave Beverage

Redbush tea13. Fave Flower

Lily (fragrant) but any fragrant flower is good14. Fave Band

Loads, but best favourites are probably Opeth.15. Fave thing to do on a weekend?

Gigs, gentle walks, gardening, taking photos, watching sport, having a cuddle :-)16. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be...?

Where I live now. (Been here over 30 years)17. Name 5 of your fave books/authorsa. Joanne Harrisb. Susan Hillc. Emma Restall Orrd. Ann Cleevese. Nikki French18. What makes you happy?

Loads of things - being with Colin, seeing the kids, enjoying the countryside19. what makes you angry?

I don't get angry, but get niggled and upset when people are nasty to others20. What makes you sad?

As above -sorry - didn't read aheadanswer with your own and add a questionyeah, this is lame, but i'm BORED!

Do you grow your own veggies?

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Rush is teh awesome. They've been my fav band for about 2/3s of my life.

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:00 PM, Peter <metalscarab wrote:



Hi Andrea


>14. Fave Band

> Rush!


Aha... another prog rock fan :-).



Peter -- Email: bluerose156AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156



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Aw gawd, now youve done it,

Oh I used to like Rush in the mid to late70`s............




Peter vv


Peter <metalscarab Sent: Thursday, 26 June, 2008 10:00:55 PMRe: posted april 1 "getting to know you"



Hi Andrea


>14. Fave Band

> Rush!


Aha... another prog rock fan :-).




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Yeah they sounded more like Led Zeppelin then--also a good group--but I like the song that emerged from them in the 80s and early 90s. They've definitely recaptured that in their latest album, I think.


Just went to their concert a few weeks ago. It rocked. :D

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:07 PM, Peter VV <swpgh01 wrote:




Aw gawd, now youve done it,

Oh I used to like Rush in the mid to late70`s............




Peter vv



Peter <metalscarab

Sent: Thursday, 26 June, 2008 10:00:55 PMRe: posted april 1 " getting to know you "



Hi Andrea


>14. Fave Band

> Rush!


Aha... another prog rock fan :-).






Not happy with your email address? Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at -- Email: bluerose156AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156



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1.ok, whats' yer name? Faith Kathryn


2. where do you live? Grand Cayman... (but moving to Illinois in 51 days)


3. Vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, fence sitter, or secret carnivore

lurker? Vegan


4. how long have you been vegan/vegetarian: vegetarian most of my

life, vegan for 4 years.


5. what made you go vegan/veg? Respect for life.


6. are you finding it easy, moderately difficult or hellish to

follow your diet

in your region? Easy at home, hellish eating out.


7. What is your fave food style/region? Japanese food.


8. Name a food/dish you've had recently that you really like: sticky

rice with mango.


9. Any dishes you miss/wish you could have that you know longer eat?

I can make anything with substitutes.


10. Any food you don't like (we can safely assume that meat is on

that list, and we can exclude it!) raw celery.


11. Fave Color: periwinkle


12. Fave Beverage: red wine


13. Fave Flower: tea rose


14. Fave Band: U2


15. Fave thing to do on a weekend? Hiking, but we don't have that

here, so snorkeling.


16. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be...?

Vancouver, Canada.


17. Name 5 of your fave books/authors

a. Stranger in a strange land

b. Vegan Freak

c. Skinny Bitch

d. The Ten Trusts

e. Freakonomics


18. What makes you happy? Life, nature, energy, connections.


19. what makes you angry? The current US administration.


20. What makes you sad? Humans living so far below their potential.

We could be better!


21. I could offer a post holocaust world: back rubs! I'm great at it.

And in another three years, medical support.

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21. I could offer a post holocaust world:

a can opener...to open up all those cans left behind in fall out shelters

oh, and brewing beer...


Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.


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1.ok, whats' yer name? Heather Farlow

2. where do you live? San Antonio (actually Cibolo just outside SA)

3. Vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, fence sitter, or secret carnivore

lurker? Vegan

4. how long have you been vegan/vegetarian: vegetarian since age 9, vegan 2 years

5. what made you go vegan/veg? my dad is a vegetarian, My daughter asked me to go vegan for the animals and environment and health

6. are you finding it easy, moderately difficult or hellish to

follow your diet

in your region? EASY

7. What is your fave food style/region? chinese

8. Name a food/dish you've had recently that you really like: Orange sesame tofu with broccoli and rice

9. Any dishes you miss/wish you could have that you know longer eat? no

10. Any food you don't like (we can safely assume that meat is on

that list, and we can exclude it!) beets

11. Fave Color: green

12. Fave Beverage: water

13. Fave Flower: rose

14. Fave Band: indigo girls

15. Fave thing to do on a weekend? gardening

16. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be...? Colorado, mountains.

17. Name 5 of your fave books/authors

a. Bible

b. brother odd

c. among us

d. the bible code

e. just like me

18. What makes you happy? My family.

19. what makes you angry? My family,lol.

20. What makes you sad? anyone hurting, poverty, abuse, there is to much to list!

21. I could offer a post holocaust world: nursing care (I'm a nurse)

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21. Not much really - someone to chat to :-)




21. I could offer a post holocaust world:


a can opener...to open up all those cans left behind in fall out



oh, and brewing beer...

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Hi Fraggle


> 21. I could offer a post holocaust world:

> a can opener...to open up all those cans left behind in fall out shelters


I think that's the best answer I've ever heard :-)




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Hi Heather,





Peter vv


Heather Farlow <farjoy2 Sent: Friday, 27 June, 2008 6:44:38 AMRe: Re: posted april 1 "getting to know you"







1.ok, whats' yer name? Heather Farlow2. where do you live? San Antonio (actually Cibolo just outside SA)

3. Vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, fence sitter, or secret carnivorelurker? Vegan4. how long have you been vegan/vegetarian: vegetarian since age 9, vegan 2 years5. what made you go vegan/veg? my dad is a vegetarian, My daughter asked me to go vegan for the animals and environment and health6. are you finding it easy, moderately difficult or hellish tofollow your dietin your region? EASY7. What is your fave food style/region? chinese8. Name a food/dish you've had recently that you really like: Orange sesame tofu with broccoli and rice9. Any dishes you miss/wish you could have that you know longer eat? no10. Any food you don't like (we can safely assume that meat is onthat list, and we can exclude it!) beets11. Fave Color: green12. Fave Beverage: water13. Fave Flower: rose14. Fave Band: indigo girls15. Fave thing to do on a weekend?

gardening16. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be...? Colorado, mountains.17. Name 5 of your fave books/authorsa. Bibleb. brother oddc. among usd. the bible codee. just like me18. What makes you happy? My family.19. what makes you angry? My family,lol.20. What makes you sad? anyone hurting, poverty, abuse, there is to much to list!21. I could offer a post holocaust world: nursing care (I'm a nurse)

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Hope you enjoy it here, theres plenty of

Charity on here.




Peter vv


Faith <tigerpainter Sent: Thursday, 26 June, 2008 10:51:18 PM Re: posted april 1 "getting to know you"


1.ok, whats' yer name? Faith Kathryn2. where do you live? Grand Cayman... (but moving to Illinois in 51 days)3. Vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, fence sitter, or secret carnivorelurker? Vegan4. how long have you been vegan/vegetarian: vegetarian most of mylife, vegan for 4 years.5. what made you go vegan/veg? Respect for life.6. are you finding it easy, moderately difficult or hellish tofollow your dietin your region? Easy at home, hellish eating out.7. What is your fave food style/region? Japanese food.8. Name a food/dish you've had recently that you really like: stickyrice with mango.9. Any dishes you miss/wish you could have that you know longer eat? I can make anything with substitutes.10. Any food you don't like (we can safely assume that meat is onthat list, and we can exclude it!) raw celery.11. Fave Color: periwinkle 12. Fave

Beverage: red wine13. Fave Flower: tea rose14. Fave Band: U215. Fave thing to do on a weekend? Hiking, but we don't have thathere, so snorkeling.16. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be...? Vancouver, Canada.17. Name 5 of your fave books/authorsa. Stranger in a strange landb. Vegan Freakc. Skinny Bitchd. The Ten Trustse. Freakonomics18. What makes you happy? Life, nature, energy, connections.19. what makes you angry? The current US administration.20. What makes you sad? Humans living so far below their potential. We could be better!21. I could offer a post holocaust world: back rubs! I'm great at it.And in another three years, medical support.

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thxPeter VV <swpgh01 Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 2:29:04 PMRe: Re: posted april 1 "getting to know you"


Hi Heather,





Peter vv


Heather Farlow <farjoy2 >@gro ups.comFriday, 27 June, 2008 6:44:38 AMRe: Re: posted april 1 "getting to know you"







1.ok, whats' yer name? Heather Farlow2. where do you live? San Antonio (actually Cibolo just outside SA)

3. Vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, fence sitter, or secret carnivorelurker? Vegan4. how long have you been vegan/vegetarian: vegetarian since age 9, vegan 2 years5. what made you go vegan/veg? my dad is a vegetarian, My daughter asked me to go vegan for the animals and environment and health6. are you finding it easy, moderately difficult or hellish tofollow your dietin your region? EASY7. What is your fave food style/region? chinese8. Name a food/dish you've had recently that you really like: Orange sesame tofu with broccoli and rice9. Any dishes you miss/wish you could have that you know longer eat? no10. Any food you don't like (we can safely assume that meat is onthat list, and we can exclude it!) beets11. Fave Color: green12. Fave Beverage: water13. Fave Flower: rose14. Fave Band: indigo girls15. Fave thing to do on a weekend?

gardening16. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be...? Colorado, mountains.17. Name 5 of your fave books/authorsa. Bibleb. brother oddc. among usd. the bible codee. just like me18. What makes you happy? My family.19. what makes you angry? My family,lol.20. What makes you sad? anyone hurting, poverty, abuse, there is to much to list!21. I could offer a post holocaust world: nursing care (I'm a nurse)

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I haven't read The Secret Garden, but love the old film of it.






Blue Rose

Thursday, June 26, 2008 9:48 PM

Re: posted april 1 "getting to know you"




On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 1:22 PM, fraggle <EBbrewpunx (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> wrote:

1.ok, whats' yer name?




2. where do you live?


Boston, MA


3. Vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, fence sitter, or secret carnivorelurker?




4. how long have you been vegan/vegetarian


Vegan for the most part past 2+ years with some occasional ovo-lacto relapses. I am healthiest when I am vegan, honestly, and I've made up my mind based on everything I've read in regards to how cows and chickens are treated for dairy and eggs respectively to give up on the items altogether. Honey's already dead to me due to intense seasonal allergies (ick, pollen) and I rarely ate it anyhow.


5. what made you go vegan/veg?


Originally it was a food elimination diet based on IBS. Meat and dairy were instant triggers. Then poultry was eliminated and I was down to fish and eggs, which were only issues based on quantity. After reading about the mercury levels in seafood and reading up on fish farming I gave up seafood and was down to eggs. Then I had a nasty experience with some eggsalad and that went away too.


Every time I tried to bring back dairy and eggs into my diet, my health suffered, my IBS flared up, and I gained weight. Obviously my body is smarter than me. I made up my mind to go vegan some weeks back but couldn't seem to stay away from that occasional cube of cheese, et cetera.


Then I read "Skinny Bitch", which thrilled me to no end because it was a diet book for VEGANS. Omgs. I'm tired of being told by dieters to eat chicken, fish, yogurt--gah! After reading the descriptions of how animals were treated for eggs and dairy, I said noooo way. After thinking about it for a time, I've decided to go the full vegan route and stop buying anything made with animal products in them. The stuff I already own I plan to use until they wear out or sell.


6. are you finding it easy, moderately difficult or hellish to follow your diet in your region?


Easy. I am blessed to live in a such a veg*n friendly area! Whole Foods is practically within walking distance of me and there's a vegan friendly coffeehouse near me as well.


7. What is your fave food style/region?


I love Italian, Japanese, and Indian. I also love Mexican, Thai, and Cajun. I've made awesome vegan jambalaya.


8. Name a food/dish you've had recently that you really like


I've been making for myself this awesome salad with baby spinach, mixed diced peppers (red, green, yellow, and orange) with organic garlic onion tofu. Salad dressing is one tbl olive oil, one tbl balsamic vinegar and add pepper. Yuuuum!


9. Any dishes you miss/wish you could have that you know longer eat?


Shrimp creole. Need to learn how to make it with veggie shrimp. Already have made eggplant "parm", vegan jambalaya, veg chili that tastes meaty and to DIE for (secret's in the red wine hee), et cetera.


Also...whole jalapeno peppers stuffed with cheese and spices. I've tried doing this on my own but was time consuming and messy. There's gotta be a good way to do it. I use Vegan Gourmet Cheddar.


10. Any food you don't like (we can safely assume that meat is on that list, and we can exclude it!)


Peas. *makes a face*


11. Fave Color


Blue. *looks at her email address* (duhhh)


12. Fave Beverage

Alcoholic, red wine. Nonalcoholic, chai.


13. Fave Flower


Roses! *look at her emai-*


14. Fave Band




15. Fave thing to do on a weekend?


Depends on my mood, really. :) I do the socializing bit, the outdoors bit, the travel bit....


16. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be...?\


Someplace warm.


17. Name 5 of your fave books/authorsa. The Neverending Story by Michael Endeb. Wrinkle in Time series by Madeleine L'Englec. Neil Gaimand. Robert Calasso, especially "Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony"e. "The Secret Garden"18. What makes you happy?


When I am doing what makes me the most me.


19. what makes you angry?


Intolerance, insensitivity, lack of compassion, et cetera.


20. What makes you sad?


When others are hurt, or I am hurt by others.-- Email: bluerose156 AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose-x.livejournal.com~Boston_GothicBoston_MysticBoston-Pagans

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The only one I saw screwed up major plot details to turn it into a love story at the end. :P Sorry but in the book the two kids were COUSINS. Omgs.On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 5:57 PM, jo <jo.heartwork wrote:



I haven't read The Secret Garden, but love the old film of it.







Blue Rose


Thursday, June 26, 2008 9:48 PM

Re: posted april 1 " getting to know you "




On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 1:22 PM, fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:

1.ok, whats' yer name?




2. where do you live?


Boston, MA


3. Vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, fence sitter, or secret carnivorelurker?




4. how long have you been vegan/vegetarian


Vegan for the most part past 2+ years with some occasional ovo-lacto relapses. I am healthiest when I am vegan, honestly, and I've made up my mind based on everything I've read in regards to how cows and chickens are treated for dairy and eggs respectively to give up on the items altogether. Honey's already dead to me due to intense seasonal allergies (ick, pollen) and I rarely ate it anyhow.


5. what made you go vegan/veg?


Originally it was a food elimination diet based on IBS. Meat and dairy were instant triggers. Then poultry was eliminated and I was down to fish and eggs, which were only issues based on quantity. After reading about the mercury levels in seafood and reading up on fish farming I gave up seafood and was down to eggs. Then I had a nasty experience with some eggsalad and that went away too.


Every time I tried to bring back dairy and eggs into my diet, my health suffered, my IBS flared up, and I gained weight. Obviously my body is smarter than me. I made up my mind to go vegan some weeks back but couldn't seem to stay away from that occasional cube of cheese, et cetera.


Then I read " Skinny Bitch " , which thrilled me to no end because it was a diet book for VEGANS. Omgs. I'm tired of being told by dieters to eat chicken, fish, yogurt--gah! After reading the descriptions of how animals were treated for eggs and dairy, I said noooo way. After thinking about it for a time, I've decided to go the full vegan route and stop buying anything made with animal products in them. The stuff I already own I plan to use until they wear out or sell.


6. are you finding it easy, moderately difficult or hellish to follow your diet in your region?


Easy. I am blessed to live in a such a veg*n friendly area! Whole Foods is practically within walking distance of me and there's a vegan friendly coffeehouse near me as well.


7. What is your fave food style/region?


I love Italian, Japanese, and Indian. I also love Mexican, Thai, and Cajun. I've made awesome vegan jambalaya.


8. Name a food/dish you've had recently that you really like


I've been making for myself this awesome salad with baby spinach, mixed diced peppers (red, green, yellow, and orange) with organic garlic onion tofu. Salad dressing is one tbl olive oil, one tbl balsamic vinegar and add pepper. Yuuuum!


9. Any dishes you miss/wish you could have that you know longer eat?


Shrimp creole. Need to learn how to make it with veggie shrimp. Already have made eggplant " parm " , vegan jambalaya, veg chili that tastes meaty and to DIE for (secret's in the red wine hee), et cetera.


Also...whole jalapeno peppers stuffed with cheese and spices. I've tried doing this on my own but was time consuming and messy. There's gotta be a good way to do it. I use Vegan Gourmet Cheddar.


10. Any food you don't like (we can safely assume that meat is on that list, and we can exclude it!)


Peas. *makes a face*


11. Fave Color


Blue. *looks at her email address* (duhhh)


12. Fave Beverage

Alcoholic, red wine. Nonalcoholic, chai.


13. Fave Flower


Roses! *look at her emai-*


14. Fave Band




15. Fave thing to do on a weekend?


Depends on my mood, really. :) I do the socializing bit, the outdoors bit, the travel bit....


16. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be...?\


Someplace warm.


17. Name 5 of your fave books/authorsa. The Neverending Story by Michael Endeb. Wrinkle in Time series by Madeleine L'Englec. Neil Gaimand. Robert Calasso, especially " Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony " e. " The Secret Garden " 18. What makes you happy?


When I am doing what makes me the most me.


19. what makes you angry?


Intolerance, insensitivity, lack of compassion, et cetera.


20. What makes you sad?


When others are hurt, or I am hurt by others.-- Email: bluerose156AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose-x.livejournal.com~'>http://x-bluerose-x.livejournal.com~Boston_Gothic




-- Email: bluerose156AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose-x.livejournal.com


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That's a shame - it is about children as you say - although there is no law against cousins being in love or marrying.


I thought it was lovely to discover this garden that had once been loved, and make it beautiful again, parallel to the relationship between the boy and his father, coming alive again once the girl got the boy walking.






Blue Rose

Saturday, June 28, 2008 12:28 AM

Re: posted april 1 "getting to know you"



The only one I saw screwed up major plot details to turn it into a love story at the end. :P Sorry but in the book the two kids were COUSINS. Omgs.

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 5:57 PM, jo <jo.heartwork > wrote:


I haven't read The Secret Garden, but love the old film of it.







Blue Rose




Thursday, June 26, 2008 9:48 PM

Re: posted april 1 "getting to know you"




On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 1:22 PM, fraggle <EBbrewpunx (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> wrote:

1.ok, whats' yer name?




2. where do you live?


Boston, MA


3. Vegan, vegetarian, raw foodie, fence sitter, or secret carnivorelurker?




4. how long have you been vegan/vegetarian


Vegan for the most part past 2+ years with some occasional ovo-lacto relapses. I am healthiest when I am vegan, honestly, and I've made up my mind based on everything I've read in regards to how cows and chickens are treated for dairy and eggs respectively to give up on the items altogether. Honey's already dead to me due to intense seasonal allergies (ick, pollen) and I rarely ate it anyhow.


5. what made you go vegan/veg?


Originally it was a food elimination diet based on IBS. Meat and dairy were instant triggers. Then poultry was eliminated and I was down to fish and eggs, which were only issues based on quantity. After reading about the mercury levels in seafood and reading up on fish farming I gave up seafood and was down to eggs. Then I had a nasty experience with some eggsalad and that went away too.


Every time I tried to bring back dairy and eggs into my diet, my health suffered, my IBS flared up, and I gained weight. Obviously my body is smarter than me. I made up my mind to go vegan some weeks back but couldn't seem to stay away from that occasional cube of cheese, et cetera.


Then I read "Skinny Bitch", which thrilled me to no end because it was a diet book for VEGANS. Omgs. I'm tired of being told by dieters to eat chicken, fish, yogurt--gah! After reading the descriptions of how animals were treated for eggs and dairy, I said noooo way. After thinking about it for a time, I've decided to go the full vegan route and stop buying anything made with animal products in them. The stuff I already own I plan to use until they wear out or sell.


6. are you finding it easy, moderately difficult or hellish to follow your diet in your region?


Easy. I am blessed to live in a such a veg*n friendly area! Whole Foods is practically within walking distance of me and there's a vegan friendly coffeehouse near me as well.


7. What is your fave food style/region?


I love Italian, Japanese, and Indian. I also love Mexican, Thai, and Cajun. I've made awesome vegan jambalaya.


8. Name a food/dish you've had recently that you really like


I've been making for myself this awesome salad with baby spinach, mixed diced peppers (red, green, yellow, and orange) with organic garlic onion tofu. Salad dressing is one tbl olive oil, one tbl balsamic vinegar and add pepper. Yuuuum!


9. Any dishes you miss/wish you could have that you know longer eat?


Shrimp creole. Need to learn how to make it with veggie shrimp. Already have made eggplant "parm", vegan jambalaya, veg chili that tastes meaty and to DIE for (secret's in the red wine hee), et cetera.


Also...whole jalapeno peppers stuffed with cheese and spices. I've tried doing this on my own but was time consuming and messy. There's gotta be a good way to do it. I use Vegan Gourmet Cheddar.


10. Any food you don't like (we can safely assume that meat is on that list, and we can exclude it!)


Peas. *makes a face*


11. Fave Color


Blue. *looks at her email address* (duhhh)


12. Fave Beverage

Alcoholic, red wine. Nonalcoholic, chai.


13. Fave Flower


Roses! *look at her emai-*


14. Fave Band




15. Fave thing to do on a weekend?


Depends on my mood, really. :) I do the socializing bit, the outdoors bit, the travel bit....


16. If you could live anywhere in the world, it would be...?\


Someplace warm.


17. Name 5 of your fave books/authorsa. The Neverending Story by Michael Endeb. Wrinkle in Time series by Madeleine L'Englec. Neil Gaimand. Robert Calasso, especially "Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony"e. "The Secret Garden"18. What makes you happy?


When I am doing what makes me the most me.


19. what makes you angry?


Intolerance, insensitivity, lack of compassion, et cetera.


20. What makes you sad?


When others are hurt, or I am hurt by others.-- Email: bluerose156 AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose-x.livejournal.com~Boston_GothicBoston_MysticBoston-Pagans -- Email: bluerose156 AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose-x.livejournal.com~Boston_GothicBoston_MysticBoston-Pagans

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