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Is KFC Canada’s Vegan Sandwich Not Truly Vegan?

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I agree that thy are making very small steps in the right direction, and diversity is a good thing, and also that meeting every diets requirements to avoid segregation is good.. However, a lot of veans/vegetarians are enviromentalists and would not frequent such harmful establishments.




Peter vv


Spencer Davis <freyosol Sent: Wednesday, 23 July, 2008 11:49:52 PMRe: Re: Is KFC Canada’s Vegan Sandwich Not Truly Vegan?



Hello All,


I do agree that there is something to say about visibility for these products in "mainstream" eating haunts, but I don't think KFC or BK are out for that. It is important I think, to push for serious integration into these places if (big if) we can get past the contradiction of the restaurant in the first place. Part of being Vegan or Vegetarian is the commitment to one's own body, but there is also the commitment to society...we need to change how we do food.


If we isolate ourselves how will that ever happen? I don't know...just my two cents in thought change...



Spencer Hope




















Spencer Hope Davis


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On Jul 23, 2008, at 6:16 PM, Faith wrote:






I agree a bit with both sides of this. I like having at least anoption if I'm forced to eat at a fast food place (like at some of theUS airports that have dismal food selections, or on road trips). Iwish more fast food places would have healthier and vegan optionsavailable. These options are good for meat eaters to see, perhapssome of them will try it occasionally. I know a few vegetarians thatwere converted after eating the BK Veggie for a while. Impressive.On the other hand, KFC is the devil and I loathe supporting them inanyway. On this island, we have feral chickens. There are severalKFCs around, and the chickens roam around in front of the doors. Ilove that ironic sight. I would love a photograph of the "one thatgot away." The chicks are adorable!What I would really love to see is a completely vegetarian (maybe evenvegan?) fast food place that could cater to those that support

theideas behind veganism, but sill enjoy quick, inexpensive, junk food. I think that would help mainstream the meatless diet a bit.Peace,Faith


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unfortunately, so much of it isn't "vegan", tho they'll market it as that

and, they get the product from the same rube goldbergian type supply system in which they get everything else

meh...everyone is different....

Blue Rose Jul 24, 2008 11:34 AM Re: Re: Is KFC Canada’s Vegan Sandwich Not Truly Vegan?






My two cents' worth: it's supply and demand. If we prove to the fast food industry that veggie options sell, there will not only be more of them but perhaps someone will get the bright idea of having a vegan/vegetarian fast food joint.


Seriously. Make it mainstream. Sell it on losing weight or whatever the public will buy, and if they buy it it's more for us and less animals that particular industry is abusing and slaughtering.

On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 3:32 PM, Peter VV <swpgh01 (AT) talk21 (DOT) com> wrote:



I agree that thy are making very small steps in the right direction, and diversity is a good thing, and also that meeting every diets requirements to avoid segregation is good.. However, a lot of veans/vegetarians are enviromentalists and would not frequent such harmful establishments.



Peter vv



Spencer Davis <freyosol > Sent: Wednesday, 23 July, 2008 11:49:52 PMRe: Re: Is KFC Canada’s Vegan Sandwich Not Truly Vegan?




Hello All,


I do agree that there is something to say about visibility for these products in "mainstream" eating haunts, but I don't think KFC or BK are out for that. It is important I think, to push for serious integration into these places if (big if) we can get past the contradiction of the restaurant in the first place. Part of being Vegan or Vegetarian is the commitment to one's own body, but there is also the commitment to society...we need to change how we do food.


If we isolate ourselves how will that ever happen? I don't know...just my two cents in thought change...



Spencer Hope




















Spencer Hope Davis


Women's Wellness Marketplace


www.womenswellnessm arketplace. com/



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On Jul 23, 2008, at 6:16 PM, Faith wrote:






I agree a bit with both sides of this. I like having at least anoption if I'm forced to eat at a fast food place (like at some of theUS airports that have dismal food selections, or on road trips). Iwish more fast food places would have healthier and vegan optionsavailable. These options are good for meat eaters to see, perhapssome of them will try it occasionally. I know a few vegetarians thatwere converted after eating the BK Veggie for a while. Impressive.On the other hand, KFC is the devil and I loathe supporting them inanyway. On this island, we have feral chickens. There are severalKFCs around, and the chickens roam around in front of the doors. Ilove that ironic sight. I would love a photograph of the "one thatgot away." The chicks are adorable!What I would really love to see is a completely vegetarian (maybe evenvegan?) fast food place that could cater to those that support theideas behind veganism, but sill enjoy quick, inexpensive, junk food. I think that would help mainstream the meatless diet a bit.Peace,Faith


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