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Fun Raw Organic Thanksgiving Recipes that are also Eco and will help save the world!

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People often ask me what sort of Raw Organic Vegan Recipes can I make for the Thanksgiving? Well now you can rejoice because I have created special Holiday Raw Organic recipes that are also Eco/Green and will help save our Planet because there is no cooking or fossil fuels being used! For those that are new to Raw Organic Cuisine, it is all about preparing or what I call "Rawing" Food that looks and tastes like all of your favorite junk foods and comfort foods but now is the healthiest in the World. During the Holidays often times people unknowingly serve very toxic, processed or unhealthy foods to their loved ones and family! But their intention is to share love, laughter and health. Well now thanks to raw organic recipes, you really can share the best healthy gourmet foods with everyone and have it be amazingly festive. My recipes that I am about to share with you are fun and will bring back all the warm loving memories while being the most

healthy for you and the planet.

For this article some Raw Organic Vegan Holiday Recipes and tips include using sundried cranberries in salads, on top of desserts or entrees like my Mac & Cheese Recipe for example. It gives every recipe a nice bright red color and tangy flavor as well. Throw it on top of your favorite salad and you can even shape it into a "wreath" for that special holiday spirit! A really quick and amazing recipe is to throw in a few organic gala apples with 1/4 water, a few tablespoons of Raw Organic Agave, 1/4 cup of sundried organic cranberries into a Blendtec Blender(I recommend these because they are the best blenders available and I have tried them all) and blend until smooth. You have an instant red cranberry applesauce in just a few minutes that is so amazingly refreshing and tasty. Why would you bother buying pasteurized/unfresh applesauce with preservatives or chemicals in a jar?


It is totally baffling what passes for "food" now a days in so called supermarkets! The only thing "super" is how super badly people are being tricked into buying cancer causing chemicals that are being called and sold as "food"! If you try to read the ingredients in most supermarket "foods" there are things you cannot pronounce or read and they are really harmful chemicals, why would anyone want to buy or eat that? Normally you would be upset if someone tried to feed you harmful chemicals but put it in a bright colored box, and in a "supermarket" and all of a sudden preservatives, artificial colorings, artificial flavors, MSG, processed foods, chemicals, toxins, and carcinogens are labeled and sold as "food"? Please folks the Holidays and every day really is about sharing health and wealth with your friends, family and loved ones. So please try to buy and support real fresh wholesome all natural raw organic fruits and vegetables! Real food comes from

a plant, bush or tree not a box or factory. People wonder why disease, diabetes II, obesity, cancer and other modern day plagues are on the rise. Well you are what you eat so please take note of this when deciding on what to bring to that next Holiday Party. Don`t you want your friends, family and loved ones to be happy and healthy? That is what the spirit of the Holidays is really about so try raw organic cuisine and discover a whole new fresh tasty fun healthy treat just waiting for you to share with the World!


Raw Organic Candied Apples Recipe is fast and fun, only 5 minutes!

3 organic Gala Apples1 Cup Raw Organic Carob Powder5 Tablespoons of Real Raw Organic AgaveChopped Nuts: Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans3 Mixing Sticks or Chopsticks

Wash the Gala Apples and dry, place on a plate. In a large mixing bowl hand stir the Carob and Agave adjust the amount of Agave more for a more liquid "Chocolate Sauce" less for a thicker sauce. Mix by hand using a fork, put the sticks into the top of the apples, then with a spoon cover the three apples with the raw organic "Chocolate Sauce" then sprinkle the chopped nuts on the sauce and enjoy! Kids and adults love this recipe and there is a photo of it on my website.

All the best of health, love and laughter to you, your friends and family this Thanksgiving,Raw Organic Chef Bryan Auhttp://www.RawInTen.com


Peter vv

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