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Major changes to Endangered Species Act

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Major changes to Endangered Species Act

Jane Kay, Chronicle Environment Writer


Friday, December 12, 2008


(12-11) 20:28 PST -- Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne announced major changes

Thursday to the Endangered Species Act, causing environmental groups to charge

that the " midnight rules " set to go into effect before President-elect Barack

Obama takes office are intended to eviscerate the nation's premier

wildlife-protection law.







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The regulations eliminate a requirement that federal agencies seek review by

government scientists before approving logging, mining and construction projects

to make sure the activities don't endanger rare animals and plants.


In addition, the regulations say the law could not be used to protect polar

bears, walrus, mountain frogs and other species vulnerable to the effects of

global warming.


" The Bush administration is using this to go after our most imperiled wildlife

and kick them when they are down, " said Janette Brimmer, an attorney with

Earthjustice, an environmental group. " The act is our nation's most important

law for protecting wildlife like wolves, grizzlies, salmon and lynx. "


Reid Cherlin, a spokesman for the Obama-Biden transition team, said,

" President-elect Obama will review all 11th-hour regulations and will address

them once he takes office. " Obama has said he does not favor changing the

Endangered Species Act.


Kempthorne, at a news conference in Washington, said that he knew changes to the

act would evoke controversy but that he is certain the new rules would clear up

confusion over the law that had existed for years.


" Nothing in the regulation relieves a federal agency of its responsibilities to

ensure that species are not harmed, " he said.


Law covers 1,400 species

The law protects 1,400 species. In the last eight years, there has been a

slowdown in adding new plants and animals, building a backlog of hundreds of

species waiting for scientific review and approval, including California's furry

Pacific fisher and Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog.


The Interior Department proposed the new regulations in May and since has

received nearly 300,000 comments, the vast majority opposing the changes.


Hours after Thursday's announcement, three environmental groups, Greenpeace,

Defenders of Wildlife and Center for Biological Diversity, filed a lawsuit in

U.S. District Court in San Francisco seeking to halt regulations that they say

are inconsistent with the act.


The regulations don't require federal agencies to seek consultation with U.S.

Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service before approving

projects, the lawsuit said.


In Congress, Rep. Edward Markey, D-Mass., called a hearing to review the

regulations and said members would work to restore the act. Rep. Nick Rahall,

D-W.Va., said members may try to eliminate the regulations by using a special

congressional act that allows the review of newly adopted administrative rules.


Part of the new regulations prohibit regulators from taking into account the

effects of greenhouse gases on habitats and on species. Kempthorne said his

legal advisers concluded that considering global warming a threat to the

survival of the polar bear would require tracking emissions to a particular

factory and determining how that would melt Arctic ice and harm the bear.


" That's completely wrong, and they're just making that up, " said attorney Kassie

Siegel of the Center for Biological Diversity, which is suing the federal

government in an attempt to protect polar bears.


Federal agencies are supposed to look at sources of greenhouse gases from

projects they approve, then analyze ways to reduce those emissions, Siegel said.


" There's no requirement to trace any molecule of DDT to the thinning of bald

eagle eggs just as there's no requirement to trace any molecule of carbon

dioxide to the death of any particular polar bear, " she said.


In California, the requirement to consult with government biologists before

construction projects is particularly crucial, said Mark Rockwell, California

state representative of the Endangered Species Coalition, an alliance of 50

environmental, business, hunting and fish and religious groups in the state.


The U.S. Forest Service approves logging plans that might affect coastal coho

salmon and steelhead, marbled murrelets and Pacific fishers on national forests.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers give permits for filling wetlands.


Without the requirement, there's no incentive for the agencies to seek

consultation and a biological opinion, Rockwell said.


For example, the Bureau of Reclamation was forced by the current requirement to

seek biological opinions on whether the amount of water being diverted from the

southern part of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta would hurt the delta

smelt or harm chinook salmon.


Protections found lacking

Environmental groups challenged opinions that water flows for the fish were

adequate, and won decisions agreeing that the protections were indeed lacking in

the plans.


" It was the biological opinions that led to the challenges, " Rockwell said. " If

you don't have an opinion, you have nothing to challenge. "


Under the new regulations, the federal agencies would have the discretion of

deciding whether or not to ask for a consultation and opinion, Rockwell said.


E-mail Jane Kay at jkay.


This article appeared on page A - 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle




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kcopen12/11/2008 9:48:25 PM


These people are really the greatest criminals ever to hold power in this

country. I only hope that Obama's team can undo this disaster.



Recommend: (94)(10)[Report Abuse]

mtn_cat712/11/2008 8:44:28 PM


DUMB, Dumb and dumber. These are last ditch criminal acts to reward his cronies

and move along the End Times. Sarah Palin must be getting ready for a midnight

helicopter polar bear hunt.



Recommend: (89)(16)[Report Abuse]

rhymetime12/11/2008 10:06:21 PM


Bush has spent his entire presidency satisfying his corporate buddies at the

expense of the environment and the public. This is more of the same. Thank

goodness for those who are watching all the sneaky things the Bush

administration is trying to pull in their last days. They won't get away with


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