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Sarah Palin blasts Defenders of Wildlife for new anti-Palin campaign

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Sarah Palin blasts Defenders of Wildlife for new anti-Palin campaign

By Jimmy Orr | 02.04.09


Just like Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin continues to be in the news.


Although Ms. Palin may not prefer to be lumped in with Mr. Plumber Mr.

Wurzelbacher, both were a part of the Republican presidential campaign, both are

active now in Republican politics, and both are getting a lot of news attention.


Palin, as the governor of Alaska and possible presidential candidate, and

Wurzelbacher as adviser to the GOP on the economy (not to mention war

correspondent, author, country western singer, and plumber).


Defenders of Wildlife


Regardless, on Monday, the environmental advocacy group Defenders of Wildlife

went after Governor Palin for her support of a predator-control program in



The reason they’re focusing on her? It’ll make news. According to a

statement from the group, she’s a high profile target.


“Sarah Palin isn’t fading into the background, so neither are we,†said

Defenders Action Fund President Rodger Schlickeisen in a statement. “Given her

known political aspirations, the American public deserves to know what she’s

doing in Alaska, and about her extreme anti-conservation policies.â€


The policy in question is aerial hunting. Specifically, shooting wolves from

helicopters. Defenders calls it cruel. Palin calls it wildlife management.


Eye on Palin


Defenders launched a new website (EyeonPalin.org) and actress Ashley Judd is

cause’s spokeswoman.


“I am outraged by Sarah Palin’s promotion of this cruel, unscientific and

senseless practice which has no place in modern America,†Ms. Judd said in a

statement. “Because she is apparently determined to continue and expand this

horrific program, I am grateful that Defenders will aggressively fight to stop

her. I am proud to be a part of that effort.â€


Predator control


Palin doesn’t see it that way. Although the practice might seem akin to

throwing dynamite in a lake for catching trout, in Alaska, they call it predator



She says the new commercial perverts the issue.


“The ad campaign by this extreme fringe group, as Alaskans have witnessed over

the last several years, distorts the facts about Alaska’s wildlife management

programs,†Palin said in a statement.


“Alaskans depend on wildlife for food and cultural practices which can’t be

sustained when predators are allowed to decimate moose and caribou populations.

Our predator control programs are scientific and successful at protecting

vulnerable wildlife.â€


“Shame on the Defenders of Wildlife for twisting the truth in an effort to

raise funds from innocent and hard-pressed Americans struggling with these rough

economic times,†the statement concluded



The video is here








So, men are scattered and smeared over the desert grass,

And the generals have accomplished nothing.


-Nefarious War

Li Po (Circa 750)

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