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Exclusive: Gossip Girl’s Dreama Walker Goes Vegan For 30 Days!!

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Full disclosure: Dreama Walker is one of my nearest and dearest. A friend of over 17 years (I’m 25 – do the math, yo), Dreama and I grew up together in the suburbs of Tampa, Florida. With a rapidly blossoming career (Gossip Girl, Gran Torino, Sex and the City, The End of Steve, In the Meantime), Walker is without a doubt an actress to watch out for!

Last year for World Vegan Day I held a screening of Earthlings for 40 of my friends and Dreama was among the crowd. As a natural born animal lover, it was impossible for her not to be moved while watching the brutal documentation of how animals are so often treated in our society.

As well as showing the film, I put together a packet of information and had Skinny Bitch author Rory Freedman write the forward.

Last week, shortly after getting rid of her Uggs, I received a text from Dreama saying, “I’m reading Skinny Bitch…already on Chapter 5!!†3 days later Dreama announced she would be going vegan for 30 days. Check out how she’s done so far!

Ecorazzi: OK, today is Day 11! How’s it going?

Dreama Walker: I feel wonderful! I was completely surprised how easy it is, and that so many things I already love (guacamole, hummus, fruits, vegs) are vegan. And then I’ve been even more taken aback and enamored with all the new discoveries: Follow Your Heart vegan cheeze, Tofurky sausages, dairy free ice cream. There are so many yummy and healthy treats out there!

E: What’s been the most challenging part so far?

DW: I really missed cheese at the beginning, but when I started thinking about where it came from and what it was, I was able to dismiss the craving. That, and I’m sure the exciting new cheese supplement helped too!! At first, I thought it would be hard to eat on the go, but I have since found that I’m eating much healthier than I ever have before.


E: I gave our readers a little background, but why don’t you tell everyone how your journey towards living a more compassionate lifestyle began.

DW: Well, I love animals. I’ve always felt both guilty and a little curious about what I was putting in on my body, but it really took sitting through Earthlings to put it all in perspective. I began to understand that everything I’ve ever stood for is a giant contradiction if I’m going to continue eating meat and wearing leather, fur or any other animal products. Also, having an intelligent, educated, supportive dear, dear friend as a vegan had a lot to do with my decision!

(Editor note: I take a bow)

E: Out of all the new kinds of food you’ve tried so far, what’s been your favorite?

DW: OOOH!!! That’s tough! Its uncanny how much the soy ice cream tastes like real ice cream!! But, I’m really fascinated by the Tofurky Italian Sausages, and genuinely look forward to my chocolate soy protein shake with rice milk each morning!

E: We had dinner a couple weeks ago at Caravan of Dreams, but is there a specific VEG restaurant that you really love in the city?

DW: I am very fortunate to live on the Lower East Side (where there are TONS of good VEG places). We’ve got Teany, Rice, Whole Foods and loads of great falafel places — just to name a few. Honestly, I’ve been loving my grocery store purchases! Thanks to you!

E: Do you think you’ll keep going after the 30 days?

DW: For the most part, yes! I think I will definitely take a major cut back in the dairy intake ( I was eating a lot of it before to avoid eating meat.) I am curious to see how it will make me feel if I try eating dairy again. I am really, really happy with this lifestyle and see it as something I could enjoy for a lifetime. I also think (in the future) it will be necessary to educate my hypothetical children about veganism.

E: Now let’s talk shop! Tell me about working on Gossip Girl every week.

DW: HAHA! Well, I play a little Upper East Side brat with not a care in the world! Its been a truly awesome experience! I’ve been on the show since the first season and am so thankful for it. We shoot a lot on location, which has been a dream of mine since I can remember. I just love the show and all my co-workers!

E: Oh, can we talk about Showtime thing?

DW: Yes, yes of course!!! I just recently did a pilot for Showtime with Matthew Perry. Its a splendidly funny dark comedy, that hopefully (fingers crossed) will be picked up! I play a 16 year old Lolita type that on a regular basis seduces Matthew Perry. It was an absolute blast to work on. And if I move out to LA I’m getting an eco-friendly car!

Do you have any favorite restaurants, delicious recipes or general vegan tips that might help Dreama along the way. Comment below and I’ll make sure she reads them. Keep rockin’ the green stuff, ya’ll!

photo credit: michaeldudell.com





6 Responses to “Exclusive: Gossip Girl’s Dreama Walker Goes Vegan For 30 Days!!â€






Renée says on February 12th, 2009 at 10:03 pm

Great work, both of you.





Alyson says on February 13th, 2009 at 12:34 am

Dreama - don’t watch Gossip Girls but really liked you in Gran Torino. Working with Clint Eastwood must have been an experience to say the least.

Here are some of my veg favorites:

http://www.fieldroast.com/ - awesome faux meat products. The best I’ve ever had actually.

http://www.veganyumyum.com is one of my favorite vegan blogs. You’ll find lots of fun stuff on there.

http://www.cri-de-coeur.com for shoes.

Oooh - and if you miss yogurt like I did, try this: http://www.purelydecadent.com/products/coconut_yogurt.htmlI hate soy yogurts so this really did the trick for me.

Best of luck with living the veg life!





Donald says on February 13th, 2009 at 4:55 am

Great! How did you manage to get 40(!) of your friends to watch Earthlings?





YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME | A Gossip Girl Fansite | YouKnowYouLoveMe.ORG | Damn You MotherChucker says on February 13th, 2009 at 10:24 am

[...] ecorazzi.com: [...]





Spotted » Blog Archive » Gossip Girl actress goes vegan for 30 days says on February 13th, 2009 at 10:36 am

[...] to this interview from Ecorazzi, Walker has made a commitment to only eat vegan food for 30 [...]





parrish says on February 13th, 2009 at 10:52 am

1. Facebook.2. I have some awesome friends.3. I was a bit general in the description of the evening. I just said it was an animal rights documentary narrated by Joaquin Phoenix.


Peter vv

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