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another question abt proteins

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You know those bars that are advertised on tv now called Soyjoy? Are those

protein bars that can help us ward off the problems facing us with the

vegetarian diet? I mean I don't need to go hungry at dinner parties but I don't

want to eat the wrong things either like any old candy bar either. Soyjoy looks

like it might be right. Is it?



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I haven't heard of those - maybe they aren't available in the UK>


You won't have to worry about getting enough protein on a vegan diet though -

there should be plenty unless you are starving yourself.




, " Marilyn " <Bkspedit wrote:


> You know those bars that are advertised on tv now called Soyjoy? Are those

protein bars that can help us ward off the problems facing us with the

vegetarian diet? I mean I don't need to go hungry at dinner parties but I don't

want to eat the wrong things either like any old candy bar either. Soyjoy looks

like it might be right. Is it?


> ~M


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You may want to look at the ingredients online. Just because it has the word

" Soy " doesn't mean that it's vegan.



, " Marilyn " <Bkspedit wrote:


> You know those bars that are advertised on tv now called Soyjoy? Are those

protein bars that can help us ward off the problems facing us with the

vegetarian diet? I mean I don't need to go hungry at dinner parties but I don't

want to eat the wrong things either like any old candy bar either. Soyjoy looks

like it might be right. Is it?


> ~M


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Hi Marilyn,


I have heard of these and seen them advertised here in the U.S. I have looked

at them before and some, if not all, of them do have eggs. So, while they're

not vegan they can be consumed by vegetarians who consume eggs.


So, because they're not vegan, I have not tried them. I don't know much about





, " Marilyn " <Bkspedit wrote:


> You know those bars that are advertised on tv now called Soyjoy? Are those

protein bars that can help us ward off the problems facing us with the

vegetarian diet? I mean I don't need to go hungry at dinner parties but I don't

want to eat the wrong things either like any old candy bar either. Soyjoy looks

like it might be right. Is it?


> ~M


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At 3:32 PM +0000 3/6/09, Marilyn wrote:

>You know those bars that are advertised on tv now called

Soyjoy? Are those protein bars that can help us ward off the

problems facing us with the vegetarian diet? I mean I don't need

to go hungry at dinner parties but I don't want to eat the wrong

things either like any old candy bar either. Soyjoy looks like

it might be right. Is it?



What problems are you thinking about? For vitaming b-12, either

eat foods that have added it (such as cereals or plant milks) or take

a supplement.


I think of most of those " nutrition bars " as junk food.

Some of them are not as bad as others (and I do eat some vegan

fruit/nut ones occasionally), but they're not meal substitutes and I

consider them to be in the same category as high-calorie desserts: ok

as an occasional indulgence, but not necessary. I imagine they'd be

great if you needed to gain weight. Nutrient-dense foods such as sweet

potatoes, canteloupe, and berries make much better snacks, and I think

apples are the ultimate fast food.


Are you concerned about getting enough protein? Most Americans

eat more than twice the amount of protein they need. The rule of thumb

is that if you're eating enough calories and eating whole foods (that

is, not eating mostly empty calories such as sodas or alcohol, or lots

of junk food), you're getting enough protein. It's not necessary to

eat soy products, and in fact it's best to eat a variety of foods. One

way to avoid overdoing the soy is to look at the amount of protein per

serving, and make sure you're eating _less than_ 10 grams per day of

soy protein. These days, manufacturers of foodlike edible substances

are putting soy derivatives in everything, which is not a good thing.

Many Asian cultures have used soy (as tofu, tempeh, and soymilk) for

centuries, and I think soy is best eaten in one of these traditional

forms, or, of course, as edamame or soybeans.




A very good source for lots of nutrition articles is


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I bought two of them, the mango and the strawberry-somethingorother and then

read the ingredients. They contained dairy and milk-byproducts so I had to

leave them on the employee table for someone else to enjoy. Serves me right for

assuming something with " Soy " on the label was vegan-friendly. It did look

ovo-lacto vegetarian, however.


, " Marilyn " <Bkspedit wrote:


> You know those bars that are advertised on tv now called Soyjoy? Are those

protein bars that can help us ward off the problems facing us with the

vegetarian diet? I mean I don't need to go hungry at dinner parties but I don't

want to eat the wrong things either like any old candy bar either. Soyjoy looks

like it might be right. Is it?


> ~M


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