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Hello everyone, my name is Katie. My family and I are all beginning a journey to

a diet free of animal protein. Our health status, lack of energy and general

pudginess has driven us to want better for ourselves. I have to say that we're a

little overwhelmed with all of this because it would seem that not all " vegan "

foods are created equal. The world of soy has me whirling with confusion;

apparently unfermented soy is evil while fermented soy is good. How do you know

which is which? Does it specify on the ingredients list whether or not the soy

has been fermented? What about protein? I'm afraid I will grow annoyed with

eating beans all the time but someone I know assured me that I won't require

nearly the amount of protein that I do as a carnivore. This is difficult for me

to imagine. Oh, then there's the topic of my kids. At the mere mention of

vegetables my oldest breaks out in a horrible bout of vehemant protest. How can

I get my kids to eat this way and LIKE it? Was it this confusing for any of you?

We really want to succeed with this so any advice or help that anyone can offer

will be greatly appreciated. TIA.



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hello and welcome katie

first things first...sit down...take a deep breathe...it'll all be ok


Soy...just like any other food, or anything really, its all about moderation. soybeans have been in asia for thousands of years. there is nothing wrong with the lil ol soybean. now, stripped down isolated soy protein is a different matter entirely. its like calling a twinkie "healthy whole wheat bread"

in general, fermeted soy has a number of different attributes which can be better for you, but eating tofu isn't going to cause you undue harm (unless of course you eat 19 blocks of it each and every day)

protein. we get waaaaaaaaaaaaay toooo much protein in the western diet. we don't need that much. to put it very simply, EVERYTHING has protein in it. even iceburg lettuce. of course, you probably aren't going to get your daily requirement eating a head of lettuce, but the point is, protein is easy. besides beans, seeds, nuts, grains, etc are all choke full of protein in general.

then there are always the meat analogs.../tofu burgers, seitan, veggie burgers, etc and so forth.



Katie Jan 20, 2010 10:47 AM Greetings




Hello everyone, my name is Katie. My family and I are all beginning a journey to a diet free of animal protein. Our health status, lack of energy and general pudginess has driven us to want better for ourselves. I have to say that we're a little overwhelmed with all of this because it would seem that not all "vegan" foods are created equal. The world of soy has me whirling with confusion; apparently unfermented soy is evil while fermented soy is good. How do you know which is which? Does it specify on the ingredients list whether or not the soy has been fermented? What about protein? I'm afraid I will grow annoyed with eating beans all the time but someone I know assured me that I won't require nearly the amount of protein that I do as a carnivore. This is difficult for me to imagine. Oh, then there's the topic of my kids. At the mere mention of vegetables my oldest breaks out in a horrible bout of vehemant protest. How can I get my kids to eat this way and LIKE it? Was it this confusing for any of you? We really want to succeed with this so any advice or help that anyone can offer will be greatly appreciated. TIA.Katie




You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!

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