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In the World of a Hypoglycemic

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I prefer to call my condition " glucose instability syndrome. " It's more

accurate, and less confusing with diabetes. Sometimes, GIS is a symptom of

developing diabetes. Other times, it's just what we live with.


I don't look at it as a disease, though I have decided to finally see a

naturopathic doctor about it. For the most part, I think I'm just highly



Hypoglycemics require whole grains, low glycemic load foods, and above all, high

amounts of fiber. Adequate amounts of protein PER MEAL and ample amounts of

healthy fats (such as avocado, coconut oil/milk, olives) are essential

stabilizers. The protein induces glucagen release, which tells the digestive

system to turn off the insulin release. The fats/oils coat the carbohydrates and

slow down their digestion.


A week ago, with a wacky metabolism, I was having a crisis of faith. I wasn't

sure anything was working! I am taking supplements recommended by Julia Ross

(she does not agree with veganism, but supports us and provides very helpful

information specific to both vegans and vegetarians). I try to eat several small

balanced meals throughout the day--fat, protein and carbohydrates. Above all, I

have discovered my magic snack! A major component of any diet! Tofu jerky and a

vegan cake with 30% protein! The two together stabilize me like nothing else!


My biggest problem is not getting enough calories--because I'm afraid of

overdosing on carbs. If I get more than 45 grams of carbs in a meal, I'M OUT FOR

THE COUNT. Energy is gone, shakes, feel miserable, queasy etc. All the hulabaloo

that comes with glucose instability.


I should probably just hire a nutritionist--but I have no money! What I'm

looking for: what are your favorite meals? where do you get recipes? what are

your traditional meals and food items?


This will help--I just need the basic structure of a vegan pantry! I can read

all the books in the world, but I still have to learn the recipes and starve

while I make mistakes! Jo Stepaniak seems to be the best so far--


well. I'll let everyone chew on that for awhile. don't know what else to ask.

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Right back at you, what are YOUR fav-or-ite meals? what do you enjoy? what interests you?

what don't you like? what foods do you run screaming from?

what have you always wanted to try? what dish would you like to see "vegan-ized"?

do you like pina coladas?

getting caught in the rain?


I should probably just hire a nutritionist--but I have no money! What I'm looking for: what are your favorite meals? where do you get recipes? what are your traditional meals and food items? This will help--I just need the basic structure of a vegan pantry! I can read all the books in the world, but I still have to learn the recipes and starve while I make mistakes! Jo Stepaniak seems to be the best so far--well. I'll let everyone chew on that for awhile. don't know what else to ask.




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amaranth, potatoes, corn . . . white bread, arborio rice, bananas I RUN!


sweet things too--they just make me sick.


What do I like? tempeh sandwich salad with red onion and cilantro, ezekiel

bread, apples, tom yum soup, miso, apple-walnut salad with sweet vinaigrette.


pretty much, everything my family DOESN'T like!

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i'd invest in some thai and vietnamese vegan cookbooks


Zanna Jan 20, 2010 7:37 PM Re: In the World of a Hypoglycemic




amaranth, potatoes, corn . . . white bread, arborio rice, bananas I RUN!sweet things too--they just make me sick.What do I like? tempeh sandwich salad with red onion and cilantro, ezekiel bread, apples, tom yum soup, miso, apple-walnut salad with sweet vinaigrette.pretty much, everything my family DOESN'T like!




You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!

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