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Vegan health

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I have been vegan for alittle over a year now. I have actually been more sickly

than i have been in a long time. I try to eat very well, with a mix of veggie

and am sure to get my protein, i take a multi vitamin, bcomplex, c, can any of

suggest something to help keep my immune system up? I have been sick this week

now for 5 days. I am not saying it is from my veganism, i am just looking for an

immune boost. help :(

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That's interesting, I have had the same cold since Tuesday last week, and it

doesn't seem to be getting much better. Normally I have a cold for 5 days or so,

but I'm going on 10 days. Maybe try EmergenC or something of the sort? I tried

Airborne when I started feeling sick, and it made it worse (again, this has

never happened). Granted, I haven't been vegan as long as you have, so I'm still

attributing it to detox/my body being down due to detox. You could also try

Echinacea, which has been a remedy for generations. I hope you feel better, and

I just wanted to let you know that someone else is in the same boat :)




, " sprightcat " <sprightcat wrote:


> I have been vegan for alittle over a year now. I have actually been more

sickly than i have been in a long time. I try to eat very well, with a mix of

veggie and am sure to get my protein, i take a multi vitamin, bcomplex, c, can

any of suggest something to help keep my immune system up? I have been sick this

week now for 5 days. I am not saying it is from my veganism, i am just looking

for an immune boost. help :(


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At 1:14 PM +0000 3/12/10, sprightcat wrote:

>I have been vegan for alittle over a year now. I have actually been

>more sickly than i have been in a long time. I try to eat very well,

>with a mix of veggie and am sure to get my protein, i take a multi

>vitamin, bcomplex, c, can any of suggest something to help keep my

>immune system up? I have been sick this week now for 5 days. I am

>not saying it is from my veganism, i am just looking for an immune

>boost. help :(



What kind of sick? Colds? Flu?


I've avoided getting sick mostly by being aware of subclinical

symptoms such as a lower energy level, or the first signs of a mildly

scratchy or sore throat or runny nose, then treating ASAP. I eat some

raw garlic at the first sign of any respiratory stuff. It's east to

eat a lot of garlic (4-5 cloves at least) in a tomato or avocado

sandwich. I sometimes gargle with saltwater if my throat starts to

feel scratchy, or I use an herbal spray with elderberry and red root.

I've seen other people recommend steam at the first sign of a cold --

a hot shower or facial steamer will create an environment not

conducive to viruses (they like it colder).




Here's an article by Dr. Klaper:


Institute of Nutrition Education and Research 1601 N. Sepulveda

Blvd., Ste 342 Manhattan Beach, California 90266 Tel/Fax: (310)



Questions & Answers




Dear Dr. Klaper,

I have been lacto-vegetarian for ten years and find myself getting

several episodes of bronchitis every winter. I am a drummer in a rock

music band and hate to miss work. Why do I keep getting ill? Is there

something I'm not seeing?

-- J.R.G.


Dear J.R.G:


Whenever I hear, " Doctor, why did I get sick? " I am reminded of the

last words of famed microbiologist, Louis Pasteur. In the late

1800's, Dr. Pasteur's scientific insights into microbiology pioneered

great strides in public health and food safety including

pasteurization. Pasteur felt that bacteria and other microbes were

the all-powerful factors in causing disease - and for good reason.

The terrible tissue destruction caused by the staphylococcus and

pneumococcus bacteria which Pasteur observed and described, are

rightly feared by physicians and patients everywhere. We now know

that even smaller particles such as viruses, can be agents of

scourges like smallpox and encephalitis, as well as of influenza and

the common cold. Pasteur believed that conquering these invading

organisms was the key to maintaining health.


However, Pasteur's academic rival, physiologist Dr. Claude Bernard,

felt that whether infection actually would occur was determined not

by the presence of microbes, but by the health of the body's tissues.

The classic duel between them was Pasteur claiming the supremacy of

invisible bacterial assailants, while Bernard championed the

resistance of the body tissues in saying " the terrain is all. " Much

of modern medicine's campaign against disease has focused on

developing antibiotics to thwart bacteria-caused infections. However,

the truth of Dr. Bernard's assertion of the primacy of the body's

natural resistance to infection has become clearly evident.


As my professor of internal medicine told me in medical school,

" People don't 'get' diseases - they 'earn' them... "


Getting sick is easy. The recipe for depressing your body's

resistance to disease and thus inviting illness to set up

housekeeping in your system is well known:


1.Short-change yourself on sleep (averaging 4 or 5 hours per night,

for several nights in a row, usually does it for me),


2.Diminish your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables,


3.Increase the intake of sugary or fatty junk foods,


4.Spend too much time breathing in smoke-filled meeting rooms,

exhaust-choked traffic jams, or other chemical ambushes,


5.Top with a layer of life stresses (assignment deadlines, financial

worries, relationship difficulties, traffic tie-ups, etc.) and -



Your throat gets scratchy, your nose begins to run, every muscle in

your body begins to ache, and the readings on the fever thermometer

begin to creep up. The next thing you know, you feel terrible, and

you know you're in for at least a few days of bodily miseries.


(How to treat an infection once it has begun is the subject of

another article. If the feeling of being too ill to go to work or

function normally in your daily life lasts more than 48 hours and/or

does not respond to fluids, rest, and pain relievers, you should

contact your physician.)


The old adage, " An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure " is

certainly true, and since this article is about not getting sick in

the first place, here are some tips:


1.Get enough sleep! Babies grow while they sleep and adults heal and

restore their immunity while they " get their Z's. " Consistently

short-changing yourself of needed sleep is a great way to lower your

immunity and open the door for infections - and worse... Often, you

can help abort an infection in the early stages by going to bed

early, taking an afternoon nap (snooze at lunch instead of eating or

put your head down on the desk for ten minutes during a " coffee

break, " etc.), or otherwise increasing your sleep. Sleep around the

clock if you need to...


2.Drink enough pure water! When we don't keep up with our water needs

- while losing hydration with every breath, through our perspiration,

each time we urinate or defecate, etc. - the normal mucus secretions

of the lungs, throat, intestinal tract, etc., become thickened.

Antibodies in these viscous secretions do not protect us as well, and

thus we lay out the " microbial welcome mat " ... To stay more hydrated

and healthy, drink a glass of water, fresh vegetable juice, or

something else liquid and healthful every few hours.


3.Keep your diet clean! Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

(preferably organically grown) have antioxidants, bioflavonoids and

other phytochemicals that strengthen our immunity. Vegetarians are

often at an advantage here because of their generally higher intake

of high-quality produce. Refined sugars, hydrogenated oils, and other

chemicals in processed food, weaken our immunity and here, " junk food

vegetarians " lose their healthy diet advantage. In addition, specific

foods in a vegetarian diet, especially dairy products and wheat, have

been associated with increased allergic reactions and mucus flow -

possibly factors that facilitate infection. A trial without these

foods for a few weeks or months during your " sickness season " - and

especially at the first sign of illness - may be quite beneficial.


4.If necessary, assure vitamin and trace mineral adequacy by taking a

high-potency multivitamin/mineral tablet each day. Vegetarians take

note: a healthy immune system requires sufficient zinc, vitamin B12,

and omega-3 fats, nutrients that can be scarce on a completely

plant-based diet. Be sure your diet supplies enough of these (zinc in

whole grains, fortified cereals, etc.; omega-3 fats in walnuts,

flaxseeds, hempseed oil, etc.; B12 in fortified soy milk, rice milk

and other B12-enriched foods.) If you are not consuming enough of

these nutrients in your diet, consider taking them in the appropriate

supplement form.


5.Walk every day - " Rev up the engine " through gentle exercise. (Even

walking back and forth in your living room, taking some deep breaths,

helps.) Gentle exercise increases the heart rate which forces more

blood through the liver and kidneys, resulting in more rapid removal

from the blood of bacterially-derived proteins and other waste

products of infection that keep you feeling ill.


6.Consider herbal immune support. Preparations made from plants like

echinacea are reported to strengthen the immune system in general,

and herbs like lemon balm are reported to have anti-viral properties.

Consuming tea or juice from the elderberry plant has been shown to

shorten the duration of influenza attacks. Consider using these

herbal preparations, alone or in combination, at the earliest signs

of infection. Of course, the old standby of Vitamin C, 250-1000 mg. 2

to 4 times per day, is still probably a good idea.


7.Finally, don't worry - be happy! It is well known that when we are

under stress (it could be anger, worry, jealousy, depression, etc.)

our entire body reflects the dysfunction. Stress makes us more prone

to infections, cancers, autoimmune diseases, and other health

problems. Fix what you can fix and release the rest with blessings

and a smile.


If you are a drummer in a rock band like the writer of our question,

late nights, sleep deprivation, fast foods, smoke-filled rooms, and

other immune-depressing factors common to your lifestyle are probably

part of the assault on your immune system. You need to compensate for

them with afternoon naps, a produce-rich diet (with increased fresh

fruits and vegetables on the nights you play,) frequent walks outside

(between musical sets) for fresh air, and probably taking extra

antioxidant vitamins - C and E. (For all you

non-rock-drummer-readers, if your lifestyle inflicts upon you any of

the similar stresses that our drummer-writer describes, the same

strategies described for him could benefit you...)


Louis Pasteur finally realized the truth in Dr. Bernard's assertion.

Pasteur's last words are reported to have been: " The terrain is

all... " His lesson to us is that if we keep our mind, spirit, and

body's tissues healthy, the bacteria will be far less likely to gain

a toehold (or tentacle-hold, or flagellum-hold, or whatever microbes

hold on with). Take care of your precious terrain. Salud!




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Sorry to hear that you've felt so unwell. Sometimes I think it can help just to ask your GP to do some routine blood tests for you, just to rule anything out that could be low. (I did this once and mentioned I was vegan as I wanted to see how I was doing with B12 and iron.) Or a nutritionist or chinese herbalist could be really helpful. (I saw an acupuncturist a few yrs ago who also did some chinese medicene and he told me I was low in one of the minerals, manganese, so I took a supplement for a bit, and definitely felt an improvement in my overall health.)Isn't the best nutrient for immunity Vitamin C? So lots of the coloured fruit and veg, oranges, peppers, broccoli, grapefruit, etc, etc. The thing is is that Vit C doesn't stay in the body very long so you do have to eat

good sources of it very day.Really hope you feel better asapBeasprightcat <sprightcat Sent: Fri, 12 March, 2010 13:14:16 Vegan health



I have been vegan for alittle over a year now. I have actually been more sickly than i have been in a long time. I try to eat very well, with a mix of veggie and am sure to get my protein, i take a multi vitamin, bcomplex, c, can any of suggest something to help keep my immune system up? I have been sick this week now for 5 days. I am not saying it is from my veganism, i am just looking for an immune boost. help :(

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Try taking vitamin C – about 5 grams a day for a week and then

one gram a day afterwards.







On Behalf Of sprightcat

12 March 2010 13:14


Vegan health







I have been vegan for alittle over a year now.

I have actually been more sickly than i have been in a long time. I try to eat

very well, with a mix of veggie and am sure to get my protein, i take a multi

vitamin, bcomplex, c, can any of suggest something to help keep my immune

system up? I have been sick this week now for 5 days. I am not saying it is

from my veganism, i am just looking for an immune boost. help :(

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Echinacea is useful mostly at the first signs of a cold. It hasn't

helped much when I used to ignore colds until they got so bad I

couldn't, and started treating then. If I'm aware of a cold coming on

and treat it with garlic, echinacea, vitamin c, or whatever as soon

as possible, I can almost always stop it from progressing.


I don't have forced-air heat, but I think that is also a big factor

in respiratory infections. If I had to live somewhere with that kind

of drying heat, I'd probably invest in a facial steamer and use it

all winter.



At 2:12 PM +0000 3/12/10, sweet_taurean85 wrote:

>That's interesting, I have had the same cold since Tuesday last

>week, and it doesn't seem to be getting much better. Normally I have

>a cold for 5 days or so, but I'm going on 10 days. Maybe try

>EmergenC or something of the sort? I tried Airborne when I started

>feeling sick, and it made it worse (again, this has never happened).

>Granted, I haven't been vegan as long as you have, so I'm still

>attributing it to detox/my body being down due to detox. You could

>also try Echinacea, which has been a remedy for generations. I hope

>you feel better, and I just wanted to let you know that someone else

>is in the same boat :)




> , " sprightcat " <sprightcat wrote:


>> I have been vegan for alittle over a year now. I have actually

>>been more sickly than i have been in a long time. I try to eat very

>>well, with a mix of veggie and am sure to get my protein, i take a

>>multi vitamin, bcomplex, c, can any of suggest something to help

>>keep my immune system up? I have been sick this week now for 5

>>days. I am not saying it is from my veganism, i am just looking for

>>an immune boost. help :(








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I imagine a facial steamer would work great. The thing that I swear by is using a Neti Pot. Prior to starting the Neti Pot six years ago, I was one of those people that would get a "fall" cold and it wouldn't go away til spring. I'd have varying degrees of nasal congestion and cough. I always thought it was because I was probably anemic.Then, I started using a Neti Pot everyday with warm saline to irrigate and I surprisingly noticed that I was into January and had not gotten sick. It's been six years now and I rarely get sick. If I'm in a store and I hear people hacking, I come home and Neti Pot. During bad seasons, I may Neti Pot 3-4 times a day. It takes less than a minute. It took my family 2 years to get on board and realize that it wasn't just some kind of fluke and I really wasn't

getting sick any longer. My husband now does it daily and is off of allergy meds for the first time in 10 years.That would be my best advise. ~~Vicky "Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do other creatures."-Dalai Lama of Tibet, His Holiness, The XIV "yarrow" <yarrow Sent: Fri, March 12, 2010 12:19:06 PM Re: Vegan health



Echinacea is useful mostly at the first signs of a cold. It hasn't

helped much when I used to ignore colds until they got so bad I

couldn't, and started treating then. If I'm aware of a cold coming on

and treat it with garlic, echinacea, vitamin c, or whatever as soon

as possible, I can almost always stop it from progressing.


I don't have forced-air heat, but I think that is also a big factor

in respiratory infections. If I had to live somewhere with that kind

of drying heat, I'd probably invest in a facial steamer and use it

all winter.


At 2:12 PM +0000 3/12/10, sweet_taurean85 wrote:

>That's interesting, I have had the same cold since Tuesday last

>week, and it doesn't seem to be getting much better. Normally I have

>a cold for 5 days or so, but I'm going on 10 days. Maybe try

>EmergenC or something of the sort? I tried Airborne when I started

>feeling sick, and it made it worse (again, this has never happened).

>Granted, I haven't been vegan as long as you have, so I'm still

>attributing it to detox/my body being down due to detox. You could

>also try Echinacea, which has been a remedy for generations. I hope

>you feel better, and I just wanted to let you know that someone else

>is in the same boat :)




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As others have mentioned, it is often the most simple preventative measures that

can keep a person healthy. Provided that you do not have some underlying immune

system problem, try to keep yourself protected from illness by: lowering your

stress levels, regular moderate exercise, vitamins like C and E help as

antioxidants, and never underestimate the importance of hand-washing. Be very

aware of what you touch through the day. Whenever you have to contact something

like a door knob in public with your bare hands, wash them before touching your

face or eating. Hand to eye or nose contact is one of the main ways that people

infect themselves with viruses or bacteria from the environment. Also, in

addition to the nettipot that someone suggested, gargling, just with plain tepid

water, can help reduce the number of bacteria/viruses in the back of your throat

which can help your body get the upper hand when fighting infection. I've been

doing all of these things regularly and I'm seeing far fewer illnesses than I

did several years ago.




, " sprightcat " <sprightcat wrote:


> I have been vegan for alittle over a year now. I have actually been more

sickly than i have been in a long time. I try to eat very well, with a mix of

veggie and am sure to get my protein, i take a multi vitamin, bcomplex, c, can

any of suggest something to help keep my immune system up? I have been sick this

week now for 5 days. I am not saying it is from my veganism, i am just looking

for an immune boost. help :(


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So, sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I just know for me when i start to

feel really down that's when I double up on my veggies.


Now, Vicky, I want to talk to you about your neti pot. I bought one about a year

ago and have tried it a couple of times but I think I'm doing something wrong or

maybe it is just me. Whenever I do it, it rushes up to my head and actually

hurts, like if you jump into a pool from a very high platform and the water

rushes up your nose and the pressure is a killer. Any tips for using it

properly? It might just be that my sinus are so clogged up and I need to un-clog

them, but it hurt so much the last time I haven't wanted to use it any more.

Everyone who has ever had one raves about it so much and being someone with

allergies I want it to work but can't get past the pain. Any suggestions would

be helpful and would probably help spritecat too.




, damiensmom <damiensmom1995 wrote:


> I imagine a facial steamer would work great. The thing that I swear by is

using a Neti Pot. Prior to starting the Neti Pot six years ago, I was one of

those people that would get a " fall " cold and it wouldn't go away til spring.

I'd have varying degrees of nasal congestion and cough. I always thought it was

because I was probably anemic.


> Then, I started using a Neti Pot everyday with warm saline to irrigate and I

surprisingly noticed that I was into January and had not gotten sick. It's been

six years now and I rarely get sick. If I'm in a store and I hear people

hacking, I come home and Neti Pot. During bad seasons, I may Neti Pot 3-4 times

a day. It takes less than a minute. It took my family 2 years to get on board

and realize that it wasn't just some kind of fluke and I really wasn't getting

sick any longer. My husband now does it daily and is off of allergy meds for the

first time in 10 years.


> That would be my best advise. ~~Vicky


> " Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do other

creatures. "


> -Dalai Lama of Tibet, His Holiness, The XIV



> " yarrow " <yarrow


> Fri, March 12, 2010 12:19:06 PM

> Re: Vegan health



> Echinacea is useful mostly at the first signs of a cold. It hasn't

> helped much when I used to ignore colds until they got so bad I

> couldn't, and started treating then. If I'm aware of a cold coming on

> and treat it with garlic, echinacea, vitamin c, or whatever as soon

> as possible, I can almost always stop it from progressing.


> I don't have forced-air heat, but I think that is also a big factor

> in respiratory infections. If I had to live somewhere with that kind

> of drying heat, I'd probably invest in a facial steamer and use it

> all winter.


> At 2:12 PM +0000 3/12/10, sweet_taurean85 wrote:

> >That's interesting, I have had the same cold since Tuesday last

> >week, and it doesn't seem to be getting much better. Normally I have

> >a cold for 5 days or so, but I'm going on 10 days. Maybe try

> >EmergenC or something of the sort? I tried Airborne when I started

> >feeling sick, and it made it worse (again, this has never happened).

> >Granted, I haven't been vegan as long as you have, so I'm still

> >attributing it to detox/my body being down due to detox. You could

> >also try Echinacea, which has been a remedy for generations. I hope

> >you feel better, and I just wanted to let you know that someone else

> >is in the same boat :)

> >

> >Ellen

> >


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Very giod advice – that is easily forgotten. Thanks.







On Behalf Of Faith

13 March 2010 14:18


Re: Vegan health







As others have mentioned, it is often the most

simple preventative measures that can keep a person healthy. Provided that you

do not have some underlying immune system problem, try to keep yourself

protected from illness by: lowering your stress levels, regular moderate

exercise, vitamins like C and E help as antioxidants, and never underestimate

the importance of hand-washing. Be very aware of what you touch through the

day. Whenever you have to contact something like a door knob in public with

your bare hands, wash them before touching your face or eating. Hand to eye or

nose contact is one of the main ways that people infect themselves with viruses

or bacteria from the environment. Also, in addition to the nettipot that

someone suggested, gargling, just with plain tepid water, can help reduce the

number of bacteria/viruses in the back of your throat which can help your body

get the upper hand when fighting infection. I've been doing all of these things

regularly and I'm seeing far fewer illnesses than I did several years ago.



" sprightcat " <sprightcat wrote:


> I have been vegan for alittle over a year now. I have actually been more

sickly than i have been in a long time. I try to eat very well, with a mix of

veggie and am sure to get my protein, i take a multi vitamin, bcomplex, c, can

any of suggest something to help keep my immune system up? I have been sick

this week now for 5 days. I am not saying it is from my veganism, i am just

looking for an immune boost. help :(


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such great information, thank you. I have now gotten yet another prescription

from my doctor for another antibiotic....yippee...i am feeling better except for

some congestion in my chest that i cannot seem to break up and cough out. other

than that i feel ok.

I do have a few questions....

does anyone have any information on what vitamins and minerals a vegan should be

getting on a daily basis? I am going to start taking my multi vitamins

religiously now and i want to be sure that they are covering at least the

basics, along with eating alittle better too. I know i had been neglecting

things because i hadn't felt like wanting to cook every night for the following


next...i have been thinking of trying that nettie pot thing. How many people

have tried this and good or bad, i want to hear the comments. You being up good

things on this, but i am kind of scared of putting water up my nose. doesn't it

run out the back of your throat? does it hurt or feel uncomfortable? I am all

for trying it, but i don't want it washing stuff into my throat or ears or

whatever else is suppose to be connected....stupid i know...i am a baby...

and herbal things, anyone have info on what herbs do what...i of course will

look things up also, but if anyone has a good site of what herbs help with

certain daily requirements to keep you healthy. I want to try starting to

incorporate them into daily eating.

oh...and i have to say this...ha ha ha...so you commented that raw garlic would

help...here is what i did...:) i was so mad that my doctor didn't call back, i

thought...what the heck...i took alittle vegan cream cheese in a condiment cup

and crushed up 12 cloves of garlic(yes, 12, maybe more) mixed it, put it on

crackers...and omg, i felt like i had been given a shot. I serious felt better

within minutes...i am not joking. not perfect feeling, but alert and alittle

better. You should really try this...now i stunk terribly and there were

definatly no vampires within 50 miles from me, but no joke...i am debating on

eating some more today. now, no nose was stuffed up so i am sure on a normal

healthy day i doubt i could have stomached all the garlic...but if you are

sick...go try this.

now if i could just get rid of this phleminess in my throat/lungs, i would be

much better.

anyone know where to buy one of these nettis pots at a regular store? i am still

scared, but going to try it. i am also curious that if my nose is stuffed up,

will it still flow through my sinuses??


thank you all again for the advice....**HUGS**


, damiensmom <damiensmom1995 wrote:


> I imagine a facial steamer would work great. The thing that I swear by is

using a Neti Pot. Prior to starting the Neti Pot six years ago, I was one of

those people that would get a " fall " cold and it wouldn't go away til spring.

I'd have varying degrees of nasal congestion and cough. I always thought it was

because I was probably anemic.


> Then, I started using a Neti Pot everyday with warm saline to irrigate and I

surprisingly noticed that I was into January and had not gotten sick. It's been

six years now and I rarely get sick. If I'm in a store and I hear people

hacking, I come home and Neti Pot. During bad seasons, I may Neti Pot 3-4 times

a day. It takes less than a minute. It took my family 2 years to get on board

and realize that it wasn't just some kind of fluke and I really wasn't getting

sick any longer. My husband now does it daily and is off of allergy meds for the

first time in 10 years.


> That would be my best advise. ~~Vicky


> " Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do other

creatures. "


> -Dalai Lama of Tibet, His Holiness, The XIV



> " yarrow " <yarrow


> Fri, March 12, 2010 12:19:06 PM

> Re: Vegan health



> Echinacea is useful mostly at the first signs of a cold. It hasn't

> helped much when I used to ignore colds until they got so bad I

> couldn't, and started treating then. If I'm aware of a cold coming on

> and treat it with garlic, echinacea, vitamin c, or whatever as soon

> as possible, I can almost always stop it from progressing.


> I don't have forced-air heat, but I think that is also a big factor

> in respiratory infections. If I had to live somewhere with that kind

> of drying heat, I'd probably invest in a facial steamer and use it

> all winter.


> At 2:12 PM +0000 3/12/10, sweet_taurean85 wrote:

> >That's interesting, I have had the same cold since Tuesday last

> >week, and it doesn't seem to be getting much better. Normally I have

> >a cold for 5 days or so, but I'm going on 10 days. Maybe try

> >EmergenC or something of the sort? I tried Airborne when I started

> >feeling sick, and it made it worse (again, this has never happened).

> >Granted, I haven't been vegan as long as you have, so I'm still

> >attributing it to detox/my body being down due to detox. You could

> >also try Echinacea, which has been a remedy for generations. I hope

> >you feel better, and I just wanted to let you know that someone else

> >is in the same boat :)

> >

> >Ellen

> >


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Hey Jackie.Sorry to hear about your experience. And I do know what you're talking about because I have had that happen to me, as well. That's mostly a case of your head not being tilted correctly. Don't turn your head down completely. I tend to look up at the mirror as I do it, while bent at the waist. Also, adding in the salt makes a huge difference. You are using saline, correct? I just use warm water from the tap and add about 1/8 tsp of sea salt. Mix well. As for the temp, I do it til it feels warm coming out if it's little spout! If the water is cold or gets too warm, you will experience pain. There is a knack to doing it right, but the rewards are great once you get it working. Also, after you're done, if

you still feel water in there, lean over completely from the waist (like toe touches) and hang your head down to run any left over water out. It seems like a lot to do, but once you get it going, it really only takes a minute or two. When you are congested, it does take a lot longer as the water has to work its way through to get to the other side. I have had that. I did get a terrible sinus infection when I was at my Dad's house. He smokes like a chimney and I'm just not used to it. I Neti Potted like crazy, but it just wasn't enough. Try again and let me know how it goes this time.Good luck!! ~~Vicky "Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do other creatures."-Dalai Lama of Tibet, His Holiness, The XIV bcoffthegrid <jttranscripts Sent: Sat, March 13, 2010 11:38:18 AM Re: Vegan health





So, sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I just know for me when i start to feel really down that's when I double up on my veggies.


Now, Vicky, I want to talk to you about your neti pot. I bought one about a year ago and have tried it a couple of times but I think I'm doing something wrong or maybe it is just me. Whenever I do it, it rushes up to my head and actually hurts, like if you jump into a pool from a very high platform and the water rushes up your nose and the pressure is a killer. Any tips for using it properly? It might just be that my sinus are so clogged up and I need to un-clog them, but it hurt so much the last time I haven't wanted to use it any more. Everyone who has ever had one raves about it so much and being someone with allergies I want it to work but can't get past the pain. Any suggestions would be helpful and would probably help spritecat too.



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I love garlic! It's a great antibiotic. I personally wouldn't do

this, but in one of her books, herbalist Jeanne Rose said she cured a

longtime sinus problem by snorting garlic juice. She said it

practically set her head on fire...


I'm a big believer in getting nutrients from food. So my Rx would be

trying to get 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. It's not

that much; a serving is a half cup. Aim for 5 veg and 3 fruit

servings, with lots of variety. Focus on nutrient-dense foods, with

some crucifers (broccoli, kale, cabbage) every day, some vitamin

C-rich foods (citrus, but also many other fruits and veg), lots of

colors (often a marker for different phytochemicals).


For bacterial infections I'd go with fresh garlic, as much as you can

eat. For viral, I'd go with steam, maybe with an elderberry syrup

(several years ago, research in Israel showed it was effective

against flu).



At 8:07 PM +0000 3/13/10, sprightcat wrote:

>such great information, thank you. I have now gotten yet another

>prescription from my doctor for another antibiotic....yippee...i am

>feeling better except for some congestion in my chest that i cannot

>seem to break up and cough out. other than that i feel ok.

>I do have a few questions....

>does anyone have any information on what vitamins and minerals a

>vegan should be getting on a daily basis? I am going to start taking

>my multi vitamins religiously now and i want to be sure that they

>are covering at least the basics, along with eating alittle better

>too. I know i had been neglecting things because i hadn't felt like

>wanting to cook every night for the following day.

>next...i have been thinking of trying that nettie pot thing. How

>many people have tried this and good or bad, i want to hear the

>comments. You being up good things on this, but i am kind of scared

>of putting water up my nose. doesn't it run out the back of your

>throat? does it hurt or feel uncomfortable? I am all for trying it,

>but i don't want it washing stuff into my throat or ears or whatever

>else is suppose to be connected....stupid i know...i am a baby...

>and herbal things, anyone have info on what herbs do what...i of

>course will look things up also, but if anyone has a good site of

>what herbs help with certain daily requirements to keep you healthy.

>I want to try starting to incorporate them into daily eating.

>oh...and i have to say this...ha ha ha...so you commented that raw

>garlic would help...here is what i did...:) i was so mad that my

>doctor didn't call back, i thought...what the heck...i took alittle

>vegan cream cheese in a condiment cup and crushed up 12 cloves of

>garlic(yes, 12, maybe more) mixed it, put it on crackers...and omg,

>i felt like i had been given a shot. I serious felt better within

>minutes...i am not joking. not perfect feeling, but alert and

>alittle better. You should really try this...now i stunk terribly

>and there were definatly no vampires within 50 miles from me, but no

>joke...i am debating on eating some more today. now, no nose was

>stuffed up so i am sure on a normal healthy day i doubt i could have

>stomached all the garlic...but if you are sick...go try this.

>now if i could just get rid of this phleminess in my throat/lungs, i

>would be much better.

>anyone know where to buy one of these nettis pots at a regular

>store? i am still scared, but going to try it. i am also curious

>that if my nose is stuffed up, will it still flow through my



>thank you all again for the advice....**HUGS**


> , damiensmom <damiensmom1995 wrote:


>> I imagine a facial steamer would work great. The thing that I

>>swear by is using a Neti Pot. Prior to starting the Neti Pot six

>>years ago, I was one of those people that would get a " fall " cold

>>and it wouldn't go away til spring. I'd have varying degrees of

>>nasal congestion and cough. I always thought it was because I was

>>probably anemic.


>> Then, I started using a Neti Pot everyday with warm saline to

>>irrigate and I surprisingly noticed that I was into January and had

>>not gotten sick. It's been six years now and I rarely get sick. If

>>I'm in a store and I hear people hacking, I come home and Neti Pot.

>>During bad seasons, I may Neti Pot 3-4 times a day. It takes less

>>than a minute. It took my family 2 years to get on board and

>>realize that it wasn't just some kind of fluke and I really wasn't

>>getting sick any longer. My husband now does it daily and is off of

>>allergy meds for the first time in 10 years.


>> That would be my best advise. ~~Vicky


>> " Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Just as

>>one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and

>>not to die, so do other creatures. "


>> -Dalai Lama of Tibet, His Holiness, The XIV








>> ________________________________

>> " yarrow " <yarrow


>> Fri, March 12, 2010 12:19:06 PM

>> Re: Vegan health



>> Echinacea is useful mostly at the first signs of a cold. It hasn't

>> helped much when I used to ignore colds until they got so bad I

>> couldn't, and started treating then. If I'm aware of a cold coming on

>> and treat it with garlic, echinacea, vitamin c, or whatever as soon

>> as possible, I can almost always stop it from progressing.


>> I don't have forced-air heat, but I think that is also a big factor

>> in respiratory infections. If I had to live somewhere with that kind

>> of drying heat, I'd probably invest in a facial steamer and use it

>> all winter.


>> At 2:12 PM +0000 3/12/10, sweet_taurean85 wrote:

>> >That's interesting, I have had the same cold since Tuesday last

>> >week, and it doesn't seem to be getting much better. Normally I have

>> >a cold for 5 days or so, but I'm going on 10 days. Maybe try

>> >EmergenC or something of the sort? I tried Airborne when I started

>> >feeling sick, and it made it worse (again, this has never happened).

>> >Granted, I haven't been vegan as long as you have, so I'm still

>> >attributing it to detox/my body being down due to detox. You could

>> >also try Echinacea, which has been a remedy for generations. I hope

>> >you feel better, and I just wanted to let you know that someone else

>> >is in the same boat :)

>> >

>> >Ellen

>> >








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Fantabulous advice. :) I am curious about the nettie pot, i may see where i can

pick one of those up at. I am definately going to start with more fruits and

veggies too.

my mom has always been heavy. she started weight watchers. she is hardcore with

things when you have to be strict. My mom has lost 50lbs and i have never seen

her this small. The point of why i am telling you about this is that at her 40lb

loss point, she was so inspiring, that i wondered if i could use the info from

her weight watchers eating, into my vegan eating. well....i have lost about

35lbs and i feel terrific. problem is, and i am kind of blaming this on my

illnesses these past few weeks, was that i got super lazy being so busy at work,

and just got run down and tired. when i was watching what i was eating, and

especially with the weight watcher info, it really helps you to get the veggies

and fruits that i needed. it was almost like it was all layed out for you. i not

only was eating well, but i was losing weight too. I now know that i have to get

my butt back in gear and get back to the " plan " because it helped so much with

being sure i had the veggie/fruit intake that i needed. i laugh sometimes when i

think that oreos and most potato chips are vegan...i could eat those all day..ha

ha ha

but thank you so much for all of the advice, i am going to put my vegan weight

watchers plan into place and start adding some of the ideas you all have offered

here to incorporate it into my eating. I just have to try harder. but sometimes,

it gets hard when you have so much going on in your life. but i have too :)

thanks guys.


, yarrow wrote:


> I love garlic! It's a great antibiotic. I personally wouldn't do

> this, but in one of her books, herbalist Jeanne Rose said she cured a

> longtime sinus problem by snorting garlic juice. She said it

> practically set her head on fire...


> I'm a big believer in getting nutrients from food. So my Rx would be

> trying to get 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. It's not

> that much; a serving is a half cup. Aim for 5 veg and 3 fruit

> servings, with lots of variety. Focus on nutrient-dense foods, with

> some crucifers (broccoli, kale, cabbage) every day, some vitamin

> C-rich foods (citrus, but also many other fruits and veg), lots of

> colors (often a marker for different phytochemicals).


> For bacterial infections I'd go with fresh garlic, as much as you can

> eat. For viral, I'd go with steam, maybe with an elderberry syrup

> (several years ago, research in Israel showed it was effective

> against flu).



> At 8:07 PM +0000 3/13/10, sprightcat wrote:

> >such great information, thank you. I have now gotten yet another

> >prescription from my doctor for another antibiotic....yippee...i am

> >feeling better except for some congestion in my chest that i cannot

> >seem to break up and cough out. other than that i feel ok.

> >I do have a few questions....

> >does anyone have any information on what vitamins and minerals a

> >vegan should be getting on a daily basis? I am going to start taking

> >my multi vitamins religiously now and i want to be sure that they

> >are covering at least the basics, along with eating alittle better

> >too. I know i had been neglecting things because i hadn't felt like

> >wanting to cook every night for the following day.

> >next...i have been thinking of trying that nettie pot thing. How

> >many people have tried this and good or bad, i want to hear the

> >comments. You being up good things on this, but i am kind of scared

> >of putting water up my nose. doesn't it run out the back of your

> >throat? does it hurt or feel uncomfortable? I am all for trying it,

> >but i don't want it washing stuff into my throat or ears or whatever

> >else is suppose to be connected....stupid i know...i am a baby...

> >and herbal things, anyone have info on what herbs do what...i of

> >course will look things up also, but if anyone has a good site of

> >what herbs help with certain daily requirements to keep you healthy.

> >I want to try starting to incorporate them into daily eating.

> >oh...and i have to say this...ha ha ha...so you commented that raw

> >garlic would help...here is what i did...:) i was so mad that my

> >doctor didn't call back, i thought...what the heck...i took alittle

> >vegan cream cheese in a condiment cup and crushed up 12 cloves of

> >garlic(yes, 12, maybe more) mixed it, put it on crackers...and omg,

> >i felt like i had been given a shot. I serious felt better within

> >minutes...i am not joking. not perfect feeling, but alert and

> >alittle better. You should really try this...now i stunk terribly

> >and there were definatly no vampires within 50 miles from me, but no

> >joke...i am debating on eating some more today. now, no nose was

> >stuffed up so i am sure on a normal healthy day i doubt i could have

> >stomached all the garlic...but if you are sick...go try this.

> >now if i could just get rid of this phleminess in my throat/lungs, i

> >would be much better.

> >anyone know where to buy one of these nettis pots at a regular

> >store? i am still scared, but going to try it. i am also curious

> >that if my nose is stuffed up, will it still flow through my

> >sinuses??

> >scared....

> >thank you all again for the advice....**HUGS**

> >

> > , damiensmom <damiensmom1995@> wrote:

> >>

> >> I imagine a facial steamer would work great. The thing that I

> >>swear by is using a Neti Pot. Prior to starting the Neti Pot six

> >>years ago, I was one of those people that would get a " fall " cold

> >>and it wouldn't go away til spring. I'd have varying degrees of

> >>nasal congestion and cough. I always thought it was because I was

> >>probably anemic.

> >>

> >> Then, I started using a Neti Pot everyday with warm saline to

> >>irrigate and I surprisingly noticed that I was into January and had

> >>not gotten sick. It's been six years now and I rarely get sick. If

> >>I'm in a store and I hear people hacking, I come home and Neti Pot.

> >>During bad seasons, I may Neti Pot 3-4 times a day. It takes less

> >>than a minute. It took my family 2 years to get on board and

> >>realize that it wasn't just some kind of fluke and I really wasn't

> >>getting sick any longer. My husband now does it daily and is off of

> >>allergy meds for the first time in 10 years.

> >>

> >> That would be my best advise. ~~Vicky

> >>

> >> " Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Just as

> >>one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and

> >>not to die, so do other creatures. "

> >>

> >> -Dalai Lama of Tibet, His Holiness, The XIV

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> ________________________________

> >> " yarrow@ " <yarrow@>

> >>

> >> Fri, March 12, 2010 12:19:06 PM

> >> Re: Vegan health

> >>

> >>

> >> Echinacea is useful mostly at the first signs of a cold. It hasn't

> >> helped much when I used to ignore colds until they got so bad I

> >> couldn't, and started treating then. If I'm aware of a cold coming on

> >> and treat it with garlic, echinacea, vitamin c, or whatever as soon

> >> as possible, I can almost always stop it from progressing.

> >>

> >> I don't have forced-air heat, but I think that is also a big factor

> >> in respiratory infections. If I had to live somewhere with that kind

> >> of drying heat, I'd probably invest in a facial steamer and use it

> >> all winter.

> >>

> >> At 2:12 PM +0000 3/12/10, sweet_taurean85 wrote:

> >> >That's interesting, I have had the same cold since Tuesday last

> >> >week, and it doesn't seem to be getting much better. Normally I have

> >> >a cold for 5 days or so, but I'm going on 10 days. Maybe try

> >> >EmergenC or something of the sort? I tried Airborne when I started

> >> >feeling sick, and it made it worse (again, this has never happened).

> >> >Granted, I haven't been vegan as long as you have, so I'm still

> >> >attributing it to detox/my body being down due to detox. You could

> >> >also try Echinacea, which has been a remedy for generations. I hope

> >> >you feel better, and I just wanted to let you know that someone else

> >> >is in the same boat :)

> >> >

> >> >Ellen

> >> >

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >---

> >

> >To send an email to

> >-! Groups Links

> >

> >

> >


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you may still be detoxing from your former habits or your body has become

healthy enough to take on something more dormant and insidious

If this is true you can slow the detox by eating more complex foods like

avocados and nuts, If you want to get through it as fast as you can

then eat simple foods like bananas oranges....Jeff



, " sprightcat " <sprightcat wrote:


> I have been vegan for alittle over a year now. I have actually been more

sickly than i have been in a long time. I try to eat very well, with a mix of

veggie and am sure to get my protein, i take a multi vitamin, bcomplex, c, can

any of suggest something to help keep my immune system up? I have been sick this

week now for 5 days. I am not saying it is from my veganism, i am just looking

for an immune boost. help :(


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I presume your 'yippee' is sarcastic???




, " sprightcat " <sprightcat wrote:


> such great information, thank you. I have now gotten yet another prescription

from my doctor for another antibiotic....yippee...i am feeling better except for

some congestion in my chest that i cannot seem to break up and cough out. other

than that i feel ok.

> I do have a few questions....

> does anyone have any information on what vitamins and minerals a vegan should

be getting on a daily basis? I am going to start taking my multi vitamins

religiously now and i want to be sure that they are covering at least the

basics, along with eating alittle better too. I know i had been neglecting

things because i hadn't felt like wanting to cook every night for the following


> next...i have been thinking of trying that nettie pot thing. How many people

have tried this and good or bad, i want to hear the comments. You being up good

things on this, but i am kind of scared of putting water up my nose. doesn't it

run out the back of your throat? does it hurt or feel uncomfortable? I am all

for trying it, but i don't want it washing stuff into my throat or ears or

whatever else is suppose to be connected....stupid i know...i am a baby...

> and herbal things, anyone have info on what herbs do what...i of course will

look things up also, but if anyone has a good site of what herbs help with

certain daily requirements to keep you healthy. I want to try starting to

incorporate them into daily eating.

> oh...and i have to say this...ha ha ha...so you commented that raw garlic

would help...here is what i did...:) i was so mad that my doctor didn't call

back, i thought...what the heck...i took alittle vegan cream cheese in a

condiment cup and crushed up 12 cloves of garlic(yes, 12, maybe more) mixed it,

put it on crackers...and omg, i felt like i had been given a shot. I serious

felt better within minutes...i am not joking. not perfect feeling, but alert and

alittle better. You should really try this...now i stunk terribly and there were

definatly no vampires within 50 miles from me, but no joke...i am debating on

eating some more today. now, no nose was stuffed up so i am sure on a normal

healthy day i doubt i could have stomached all the garlic...but if you are

sick...go try this.

> now if i could just get rid of this phleminess in my throat/lungs, i would be

much better.

> anyone know where to buy one of these nettis pots at a regular store? i am

still scared, but going to try it. i am also curious that if my nose is stuffed

up, will it still flow through my sinuses??

> scared....

> thank you all again for the advice....**HUGS**


> , damiensmom <damiensmom1995@> wrote:

> >

> > I imagine a facial steamer would work great. The thing that I swear by is

using a Neti Pot. Prior to starting the Neti Pot six years ago, I was one of

those people that would get a " fall " cold and it wouldn't go away til spring.

I'd have varying degrees of nasal congestion and cough. I always thought it was

because I was probably anemic.

> >

> > Then, I started using a Neti Pot everyday with warm saline to irrigate and I

surprisingly noticed that I was into January and had not gotten sick. It's been

six years now and I rarely get sick. If I'm in a store and I hear people

hacking, I come home and Neti Pot. During bad seasons, I may Neti Pot 3-4 times

a day. It takes less than a minute. It took my family 2 years to get on board

and realize that it wasn't just some kind of fluke and I really wasn't getting

sick any longer. My husband now does it daily and is off of allergy meds for the

first time in 10 years.

> >

> > That would be my best advise. ~~Vicky

> >

> > " Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do other

creatures. "

> >

> > -Dalai Lama of Tibet, His Holiness, The XIV

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > " yarrow@ " <yarrow@>

> >

> > Fri, March 12, 2010 12:19:06 PM

> > Re: Vegan health

> >

> >

> > Echinacea is useful mostly at the first signs of a cold. It hasn't

> > helped much when I used to ignore colds until they got so bad I

> > couldn't, and started treating then. If I'm aware of a cold coming on

> > and treat it with garlic, echinacea, vitamin c, or whatever as soon

> > as possible, I can almost always stop it from progressing.

> >

> > I don't have forced-air heat, but I think that is also a big factor

> > in respiratory infections. If I had to live somewhere with that kind

> > of drying heat, I'd probably invest in a facial steamer and use it

> > all winter.

> >

> > At 2:12 PM +0000 3/12/10, sweet_taurean85 wrote:

> > >That's interesting, I have had the same cold since Tuesday last

> > >week, and it doesn't seem to be getting much better. Normally I have

> > >a cold for 5 days or so, but I'm going on 10 days. Maybe try

> > >EmergenC or something of the sort? I tried Airborne when I started

> > >feeling sick, and it made it worse (again, this has never happened).

> > >Granted, I haven't been vegan as long as you have, so I'm still

> > >attributing it to detox/my body being down due to detox. You could

> > >also try Echinacea, which has been a remedy for generations. I hope

> > >you feel better, and I just wanted to let you know that someone else

> > >is in the same boat :)

> > >

> > >Ellen

> > >

> >


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Thank you, thank you, thank you. Today I finally had the guts to try it again

with the neti pot and the first thing that came to mind were your exact words,

" Bend at the waist and look at the mirror. " It worked perfectly! No shooting

pain in my head, nothing. Now, that I have the technique down pat I'm going to

try to do it more often and hopefully that will help with my sinus issues.


Thanks again.




, damiensmom <damiensmom1995 wrote:


> Hey Jackie.


> Sorry to hear about your experience. And I do know what you're talking about

because I have had that happen to me, as well. That's mostly a case of your

head not being tilted correctly. Don't turn your head down completely. I tend to

look up at the mirror as I do it, while bent at the waist. Also, adding in the

salt makes a huge difference. You are using saline, correct? I just use warm

water from the tap and add about 1/8 tsp of sea salt. Mix well. As for the

temp, I do it til it feels warm coming out if it's little spout! If the water

is cold or gets too warm, you will experience pain. There is a knack to doing

it right, but the rewards are great once you get it working.


> Also, after you're done, if you still feel water in there, lean over

completely from the waist (like toe touches) and hang your head down to run any

left over water out. It seems like a lot to do, but once you get it going, it

really only takes a minute or two. When you are congested, it does take a lot

longer as the water has to work its way through to get to the other side. I

have had that. I did get a terrible sinus infection when I was at my Dad's

house. He smokes like a chimney and I'm just not used to it. I Neti Potted like

crazy, but it just wasn't enough.


> Try again and let me know how it goes this time.


> Good luck!! ~~Vicky



> " Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Just as one wants

happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do other

creatures. "


> -Dalai Lama of Tibet, His Holiness, The XIV



> bcoffthegrid <jttranscripts


> Sat, March 13, 2010 11:38:18 AM

> Re: Vegan health



> Spritecat,


> So, sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I just know for me when i start to

feel really down that's when I double up on my veggies.


> Now, Vicky, I want to talk to you about your neti pot. I bought one about a

year ago and have tried it a couple of times but I think I'm doing something

wrong or maybe it is just me. Whenever I do it, it rushes up to my head and

actually hurts, like if you jump into a pool from a very high platform and the

water rushes up your nose and the pressure is a killer. Any tips for using it

properly? It might just be that my sinus are so clogged up and I need to un-clog

them, but it hurt so much the last time I haven't wanted to use it any more.

Everyone who has ever had one raves about it so much and being someone with

allergies I want it to work but can't get past the pain. Any suggestions would

be helpful and would probably help spritecat too.


> Jackie


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