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Vegan vacation spots!

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Hello everyone! We are looking at getting away with our 3 children. We are wanting to go to the beach. I wanted to see if you guys could help out with any suggestions of vegan/veg friendly places/cities we could visit. We are wanting to drive and live in Texas. We have driven as far as Destin, Florida before. We have been vegan/veg for 7 months now and have not taken a vacation since changing our lifestyles. I appreciate any and all tips that you guys throw my way!



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, " Mikki " <miksadie wrote:


> Hello everyone! We are looking at getting away with our 3 children. We are

wanting to go to the beach. I wanted to see if you guys could help out with any

suggestions of vegan/veg friendly places/cities we could visit. We are wanting

to drive and live in Texas. We have driven as far as Destin, Florida before.

We have been vegan/veg for 7 months now and have not taken a vacation since

changing our lifestyles. I appreciate any and all tips that you guys throw my



> Blessings,

> Mikki

> www.funder5.blogspot.com


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I'd say the Hippocrates Health Oasis in West Palm Beach, FL:http://www.hippocratesinst.org/MatthewUnitarian-Universalists are often asked where they stand. The only true answer to give to this question is that we do not stand at all, we move.

http://www.peopleschurch.net/The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have too much, It is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.

       -President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 2nd Inaugural AddressMatthew Morris McCormickGrace House721 Whitcomb St. Apt  BKalamazoo, MI 49008Phone: 269.OXford 2.3692email: mattmcco

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 10:45 AM, Mikki <miksadie wrote:







Hello everyone!  We are looking at getting away with our 3 children.  We are wanting to go to the beach.  I wanted to see if you guys could help out with any suggestions of vegan/veg friendly places/cities we could visit.  We are wanting to drive and live in Texas.  We have driven as far as Destin, Florida before.  We have been vegan/veg for 7 months now and have not taken a vacation since changing our lifestyles.  I appreciate any and all tips that you guys throw my way!



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I would check Happy Cow and related sites for areas you would like to visit.

Mikki Mar 2, 2010 10:45 AM , Vegan vacation spots!





Hello everyone! We are looking at getting away with our 3 children. We are wanting to go to the beach. I wanted to see if you guys could help out with any suggestions of vegan/veg friendly places/cities we could visit. We are wanting to drive and live in Texas. We have driven as far as Destin, Florida before. We have been vegan/veg for 7 months now and have not taken a vacation since changing our lifestyles. I appreciate any and all tips that you guys throw my way!







You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!

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