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Gayle - no place to put kitchen things! Jeanne

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Wow!! one of my cats Fido is a scaredy cat, the other cat Blueberry is

into everything, especially if he thinks we are not paying attention to him.

Blueberry jumps on the kitchen counter all the time makes me crazy, Dino

and Hoppy never jumped on the kitchen counters.


A couple weeks ago a came home late after a meeting my husband and

daughter were asleep my son probably was not home yet, I remember noticing a

package with one roll left sitting next to the bread box, the next morning on

the floor with a nice chunk taken from it.


How great that you have time to make fresh bread, I hardly ever make bread,

every once in a awhile I do but not often, I find kneading the dough very



In a message dated 12/28/2009 8:42:55 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

treazured writes:





We have a large Kitchen Aid fridge and I have my espresso maker, tea pot,

immersion blender and kettle in it. I'm hoping to find room for the toaster



Cats approach a new (or old) object in their domicile thinking several

different thoughts. Will it eat me? Can I eat it? Can I sleep on it? How can I

totally destroy it?


Number 2 son visited us several years ago and " helped " me by getting all

the cats out of the main living areas of the house - which left the kitchen

and garage area. Since then the cats have decided they like the kitchen and

sleep EVERYWHERE, even on the shelves we bought for the appliances and

things like food. Sigh.


Carl forgot to put the bread up last night after I went to bed and he was

forced to make his own sandwich. What the brats didn't eat last night, they

slept on. Nothing like a nice loaf of fresh bread to turn into sandwich

and snack at the same time.


Now I've got to go make bread again. Totally ruins my schedule and is

taking prime Diablo playing time away. Grumble.


Hugs, Jeanne in GA










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