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Does anyone know how to remove MasterChef formatting?

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I'm getting pretty close to blind now and have to copy/paste/increase font on

everything I read online and some groups are really huge into using the

MasterChef formatting. It's driving me nuts because if I copy/paste/increase

font, the MC formatting makes it so I have to look over every line and hopefully

be able to paste it together sufficiently so I can read it and not do something

idiotic like add 3 cups of Bacardi dark rum rather than 3 large eggs. (Not that

it would be a bad thing necessarily, just a lot more liquid than it needs to be,



Note: If you want to know what things look like when I try to see them, heavily

smear your glasses or sunglasses with vaseline them dust them heavily with

flour. Voila, instant cataracts and whatever else the other thing is which I

cannot remember because I don't want to. Oh yeah, and turn off all the lights

but the nightlight.


I've been sitting here for 4 hours now trying to figure out several of the

MasterChef recipes and am about to give up. There's no use asking the husband

person to help with it - he still cannot/will not admit that wifie is going

blind a lot faster than the doctor said and having to walk a non-computer/

windoz office word literate person through changing the recipes to a format I

can read is a joke.


Sort of like this little conversation yesterday. Husband " Dear, how do I make

this full screen? " (watching a movie in Windoz media player.)


Me: " Right click in the screen, scroll down to full size, click full screen. "


Husband person: " Uh, so where do I click? "


Me: " Anywhere on the screen where the movie is. "


Husband: " It didn't work. "


Me: " What do you mean by it didn't work? "


Husband: " It closed the movie. "


Me: " Did you click the X at the top right hand part of the window? "


Husband: " You said click anywhere. "


Me: " Never mind, dear, I'll do it. "


Husband: " Don't bother, I need to learn how to do this. "


Me, gritting teeth, knowing where this is going and there it blows.


Husband: " OK, I got the movie open again, now where do I click? "


Me: " Oh for.... just hit alt enter.. "


Husband: " Is that before or after I click anywhere in the screen? "


Me, grinding teeth: " In place of clicking anywhere in the screen and going to

full screen, you can just hit alt enter. "


Husband: Where is the altenter key? "


Me: " There isn't one. "


Husband: " Then why did you say hit the altenter key? "


Me: " It is two keys, hit the alt key then the enter key. "


Husband: " Why didn't you say so then? "


See why I am not about to walk him through things like " Backspace the number

till it lines up next to the left margin, then hit delete until the name of the

ingredient is a space away from the number .... " He's been watching media on

computers for years now but we're STILL doing the same song and dance about the

following questions:

1.) Where are the movies? (answer - we've got 8 hard drives in the media

computer, do a search for the title you want or just look at everything. If it

isn't on the media computer it is in the bedroom, on the shelves, in

alphabetical order unless the cats knocked them off, in that case, look on the

floor. Yes, the floor underneath the shelves hanging on the wall in the bedroom.

Yes, our bedroom.)

2.)  What happened to the player? (answer - you used the KM player and a cat

walked across the screen, screwing up the formatting. Open the control box.....)

3.) Where is the program I was watching? It disappeared. (answer - don't click

the little X until you want to END the program.

4.) Program? Do you mean like movie or tv show? (answer: a quiet whimper)


Think that was funny, imagine me doing this over the phone while in hospital and

very heavily sedated. (Dear, where's Bourne Supremacy? " " On the lower left hand

shelf in the bedroomi n its case. " " Well, I was watching it last night and can't

find it now.' " Oh God. Did you look IN the DVD player? " " Yes, it wasn't there. "

" Did you watch it on the computer? " " Oh wait, never mind, here it is in the

kitchen. "


(Beginning to see why my hair is turning white and why I put all DVD's on the

computer after we buy them, then hide the original DVD's in their nice plastic

cases on the shelves?)


I love the man, really, and he can build anything I come up with, make do with

next to nothing and even changes litter boxes but anything above or after DOS

and he is totally lost. His employer doesn't like anything BUT DOS and that's

what they've used since the first dinosaur was delivered.


I really wanted to make this rum cake, too. Sigh.


Hugs, Jeanne in GA







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I'm not sure about the removing the formating, but have you tried using

Opera's web browser? (www.opera.com). You can adjust the size of the print

by either hitting the '+' key. It also has a tiny icon at the bottom of the

screen that looks like a page with two arrows to either side of it so that

it forces the increased size of the print to stay on one page so you don't

have to scroll left to right and back again.



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Are you talking about the older Mastercook format, or the newer

Mastercook format that embeds the recipe in XML?


I assume the latter, since the older format recipes are pretty easy

to read. I also assume that you don't want to buy Mastercook or a

program that can read Mastercook format such as Living Cookbook.


Try this: go to cnet.com or downloads.com (I think they're actually

the same now). Search on " XML editor " and download and install one of

the highly rated ones that shows a large number of downloads.


Copy and paste the recipe into Notepad and save it with an .xml

extension. Then open it in the XML editor. There should be two views:

one that shows all the XML code and one that just shows the formatted text.


If this is heading in the right direction but you need more detail

feel free to email me off-list.


Hope this helps,




At 04:57 AM 1/2/2010, you wrote:

I'm getting pretty close to blind now and have to copy/paste/increase

font on everything I read online and some groups are really huge into

using the MasterChef formatting. It's driving me nuts because if I

copy/paste/increase font, the MC formatting makes it so I have to

look over every line and hopefully be able to paste it together

sufficiently so I can read it and not do something idiotic like add 3

cups of Bacardi dark rum rather than 3 large eggs. (Not that it would

be a bad thing necessarily, just a lot more liquid than it needs to be, kwim?)

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