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Karla - McKays chicken style seasoning.

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Hi Karla,

I too love the McKays vegetarian Chicken and Beef style seasoning. I've used

these all my life.


Great for flavoring gravy, rice and making up broth for soups, etc.




If any of you haven't tried these seasonings, well they are available worldwide

at health food stores in Adventist book Stores, other heath foods stores, and

many places in the internet including Amazon. It comes in a powder form and

uses 1 tsp./cup of water to make up a nice broth.





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You can make your own vegetarian " chicken " seasoning. I have made it, and it

tasted pretty close to McKays. I love Mckays, it is good. There is another

brand, too, that you can purchase. It is called Bill's Best Chick'nish

Flavoring. It, too is good. Here is website for it: http://www.billsbest.net/

You can purchase these at the Adventist Book Centers. I have. Those stores

have a good variety of vegetarian foods, and seasonings, plus loads of

vegetarian/vegan cookbooks.




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Do you have the recipe for making your own, home made, chicken flavoring?



, " karfranw " <karfranw wrote:


> You can make your own vegetarian " chicken " seasoning. I have made it, and it

tasted pretty close to McKays. I love Mckays, it is good. There is another

brand, too, that you can purchase. It is called Bill's Best Chick'nish

Flavoring. It, too is good. Here is website for it: http://www.billsbest.net/

> You can purchase these at the Adventist Book Centers. I have. Those stores

have a good variety of vegetarian foods, and seasonings, plus loads of

vegetarian/vegan cookbooks.


> Karla

> __________

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Dear Katie, Yes I do have it. I will give credit where it is due. It is from

the Weimar Institute study book my mother in law gave me years ago. Now my

mother in law, is 91 years old and still makes her own. She and my father in

law (same age as she) are still going strong. He is getting frail but his mind

is as sharp as a tack. Hers is too. They are great, they and their son that

lives with them, are vegans, and have been for years.

I will try to remember to send it tomorrow. It is 12:04am, here and I have

things to do before I can go to bed. If you don't hear from me, say by Sunday,

please shoot me an email off list and I will send it to you.




Karla Williams


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  • 2 weeks later...

Karla, would you post the recipe for the chicken flavored seasoning, please. I

use a lot of it and it is expensive. I would surely appreciate it.



, " karfranw " <karfranw wrote:


> You can make your own vegetarian " chicken " seasoning. I have made it, and it

tasted pretty close to McKays. I love Mckays, it is good. There is another

brand, too, that you can purchase. It is called Bill's Best Chick'nish

Flavoring. It, too is good. Here is website for it: http://www.billsbest.net/

> You can purchase these at the Adventist Book Centers. I have. Those stores

have a good variety of vegetarian foods, and seasonings, plus loads of

vegetarian/vegan cookbooks.


> Karla

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This recipe for " Chicken " Style Seasoning is from Marcella Lynch's cookbook,


" Cooking by the Book " --God's Eating Plan As UnFolded Through Scripture




4 tsp celery salt

1 tsp tumeric

4 tsp onion powder

1/2 tsp garlic powder

14 tsp marjoram

4 tsp parsley flakes, ground

Pinch savory

14 c. salt

1 tsp brown sugar


One teaspoon of this seasoning may be substituted for one packet of George


Seasoning (Golden). When substituting for McKay's Chicken Seasoning use less

salt in recipe. For 1 c. Chicken style broth, add 1 ts chicken style seasoning

to 1 c water.



Personally, I haven't made this recipe yet. I will find the other one and try

to send it soon.





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