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Quorn--How do they taste?

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Hi!  That's a good question!  I have tried about 5 of the available (in the

U.S.) products of the Quorn brand, and they are GOOD!


The flavor is savory, perhaps " earthy " , but somewhat mild.  I would say it is

hard to describe, and I can only describe it as being similar (but not exactly

LIKE) the tastes of the foods it can substitute for, if you know what I mean. 

Some might say it's a little like mushrooms, but not really....It's kinda close

to a good, rich BROTH flavor 

with a HINT of mushroom IN the broth!


The texture of Quorn foods is usually kind of chewy.  If you've had " seitan "

foods, it is probably the closest to that for texture.  There is this chewiness

that is not like most vegetairan foods, but this is an advantage when using

Quorn in a " traditional " recipe as a sub. for something else.


Basically, I highly recommend the products from Quorn.  I hope more of them are

made avaailable in the U.S. in the near future.  I keep a couple packages in my

freezer and look forward to having something " Quorn " with a meal about once a

week--for me, it's a TREAT!

(And, BTW, my husband, who is less into eating vegetarian foods than I am--HE

has had a few of these foods and thinks they are " okay " .  He isn't crazy about

Boca products but tolerates them, and HATES tofu...Quorn is something he will

eat and not fuss about it not being " real food " .)


Give it a try.  It's safe--no animal products in it, and it tastes GOOD: 

" savory " is a word I would use to describe it.  I would highly recommend it. 


Best wishes and hope you like it!

--Laura B., in Illinois






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