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Vegan Gourmet cheese

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Made macaroni and cheese with this tonight -- good! The cat liked it, too.

She stole a piece and got my glass coffee table all smeary... This needs

onions, though. I've come to the conclusion that macaroni and cheese just

needs sauteed onions in it. Period. :)






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Hi Jeannie!

Cheese is something I miss too, but you know - there are no vegan police

anywhere, and should you decide to eat some real cheese, I don't think it is

going to kill you, and nobody is going to look down on you. You were probably

lacto-ovo vegetarian before becoming vegan, anyway, right? In the first

Laurel's Kitchen book, they affectionately refer to a friend as a

" pancake-o-vegan " - as he loved his pancakes, and yet still thought of himself

as primarily vegan. This is not an all or nothing approach to eating. Some

days, you may eat vegan, some days you may eat regular vegetarian, and don't

beat yourself up about it.

Having said all of that, I steam a frozen bag of veggies for my lunch every day,

and when I take it out of the microwave, I sprinkle the veggies with nutritional

yeast, and it does taste cheesey - not that you'd fool anybody, but it is cheesy

enough to get me to do it again and again. Your corn tortillas sound delicious -

I'd go ahead and have them! Nobody is watching what you eat and judging you for

it, and if you do have friends like that, then they are not friends. I consider

myself primarily vegan, but the other day I got a craving for some old-fashioned

popcorn - not microwave popcorn (to me it tastes " funny " ) - so my DH made me a

big bowl of popcorn and melted half a stick of real butter over it, and I sat

there, watching an old movie and ate every bit of it. And didn't feel too

guilty about - more guilty about the calories than the butter itself. We

shouldn't turn this into a war of who can be the most perfect vegan ever. Even

in the introduction to the book " How It All Vegan " , the authors state that

sometimes they mess up, So until they can come up with a good vegan cheese, I'd

go ahead and have your quick and easy lunch, and not worry about it. I know I'm

going to get flamed on this reply, so I've got my flame-retardant suit on. But

most of vegans came upon veganism by way of a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, so we

did eat cheese and felt good about it. Here is a link to some cheese I found. I

have not tried it out, but if you want to give it a try, let me know how it is.


good luck, and don't beat yourself up. There are worse things going on in this

world that need our energy!

Annie L.

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I appreciate your words Annie!


It is not that I am paranoid about any " vegan " police, lol.  It is just that in

the back of my mind I would love to find a nice vegan type cheese product.  I am

in love with cheese! I love many kinds of cheeses.  I love swiss, sharp cheddar,

provolone, mozzerella, cream cheese, etc....you name it and I probably love it

or like it. I have been so into cheeses for many years.


This is the only thing keeping me from being 100% vegan.  I have no problem

eating cheese right now. I still do.  It is just that I am always in search of a

nice alternative.  I mean who would have thought that someone would come up with

so many " meat " alternatives.



I have tried many vegan cheeses and so far have yet to find one that I haven't

had to throw away. I am always an optimist and will keep looking.  :-)







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