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Another alien vegetable

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Romanesco is a wonderful veggie, Jeanne - tastes like a cross between

cauliflower and broccoli. I used to see it in the supermarket occasionally

but haven't seen it here for a long while. Got to love that beautiful shape

- I think it is a fractal.







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I just had some on Thursday :) I think it is a little milder tasting

than broccoli or cauliflower.


Terri :)


Sent from my iPhone


On Feb 27, 2010, at 10:12 AM, " Christie " <christie0131 wrote:


> Romanesco is a wonderful veggie, Jeanne - tastes like a cross between

> cauliflower and broccoli. I used to see it in the supermarket

> occasionally

> but haven't seen it here for a long while. Got to love that

> beautiful shape

> - I think it is a fractal.


> Christie



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I love romanescu brocolli, I got it in my CSA and had never seen anything like

it before! It is a natural fractal. Beautiful, and delicious too, it tastes like

a mixture between brocolli and cauliflower. This and Swiss chard are my two

favorite veg discoveries from joining a CSA.

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Re: Another alien vegetable (AKA Broccoli Romanesco)


    It DOES look like a sort-of Martian cauliflower/mutant broccoli thing,

doesn't it?  I have tried it a few times and really like the flavor.  I'd say

it's closer to cauliflower in flavor, but

there is a definite hint of broccoli taste, as well.  The florets are so cool,

with that lime-green color.  But also, there's that almost-mathematical

" spiral-spike "  atop each one--that's just plain STRANGE looking!  They seem

" architectural " , instead of " botanical " ! 


    I hope you get LOTS of 'em from your garden!  (Yummy-yummy!) 


Best wishes and greetings!

--Laura B., in Illinois--still frozen and cold up here!







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I can't wait for it to grow! Like you, one of the first things I noticed was the

fractal pattern. Amazing, isn't it?


How tall does it get? Where I am planning on putting it, the sunlight will be

intensely full for about 4 hours and moderately filtered the rest of the time.

It is enough for my roses without frying them to cinders.

I also found red hens and chicks which will compliment that part of the yard and

look nifty with the Romanescu broc. I'm seriously considering getting a dozen 2

year asparagus roots and building a small bed for them with the broccoli. All

that together would look oddly stunning.


Hmm...I could put the Brussels sprouts there as well. That and the roses would

make a truly schizophrenic looking garden.Maybe someone will offer one of those

garden gnomes on Freecycle and I can repaint him to look like a cone-headed

alien and put him in with the veggies.


OH, and I found producing OLIVE TREES not 30 miles from here and the price is

pretty cheap. We're planting 3 different beets (golden, cylindra and red heart

hybrid) and lots of other veggies. I made my first fresh mozzarella a few weeks

ago - can't you just see the plate of veggie antipasto with the Romanescu,

cooked sprouts, sliced beets, olives and cubes of fresh mozzarella?


Yum, someone pass the olive oil and lemon.


Jeanne in GA

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It sounds so delicious! I can't wait to get it in and growing. You know how some

folks grow kale in their yards as fall and winter decoration? I'm betting this

would be like that as well and the cold will probably make it taste even better,

since the rest of the brassica get sweeter with cold.


Remind me to nag the husband person about a larger freezer (the Romanescu,

broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, peas, a zillion kinds of dried beans,

summer and winter squash, tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes and other garden greats)

and another canner.


We're going out to see what seeds are for sale around here. Jeanne in GA

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