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another alien vegetable (Romanesco Broccoli)

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    Have you considered trying purple asparagus?  I don't know if the " bush "

foliage is purple or not, but the spears are a nice, burgundy color.  I tried

them (from the produce at the supermarket) a couple of times and I think they

are " sweeter " and better-tasting than the conventional green asparagus is.  And

they are such a wonderful COLOR!


Best gardening wishes to you!

--Laura B., in Illinois


PS:  The mental picture I have of your red hens-and-chicks and the bright

yellow-green Romanesco seems like a WONDERFUL visual idea!  Post a picture here

when it all comes to pass, please!



I'm seriously considering getting a dozen 2 year asparagus roots and building a

small bed for them with the broccoli. All that together would look oddly







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Yes! One of my garden catalogs has the purple asparagus 1 year roots. They are

really tempting and I've got the perfect microclimate for them on the northern

side of the house. If I canned them in quart jars, there might actually be

enough for a meal with the husband person around. I made the bad mistake of

talking him into trying them about 40 years ago and he liked them. ARGH!


Then there was the other mistake - " Just try the beets, dear, you might like

them. "


I showed him the photo of the Broccoli Romanescu and he said " We're supposed to

actually eat that? " Now I know he'll not only love it, he'll eat the entire

crop. Ah well, veggies are more than just gorgeous garden ornaments.


Found some of those neat face stepping stones. What do you think - wild enough

for the garden of oddities and yums?


Jeanne in GA

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That is an awesome price for those seeds! The one review where the reviewer's

plants sprouted and died has many reasons for failure from wirestem to damping

off. The price of the seeds on is cheap enough that if you loose even 75%

of the seed, it isn't that bad. Has anyone purchased seed from before? I'm

trying to debate if it is better to buy from a higher priced place (The Cook's

Garden) which offers dependable quality or going with for Romanesco at a

really cheap price.


Or I could just buy both and " forget " to tell Carl that I bought from two

sources. Not that I'd ever do that!


cough cough.


I've got such a feeling that this is going to be one of those vegetable greats.

I just timed the sun path here and where I want to put the freaky garden will

put it in filtered shade about 3:30 in the afternoon, which is perfect since it

just gives the plants about 2 hours of intense full sun and 1 of lightly

filtered. For my hotter than hades area, that's pretty good.


Can't you just see that cultivar with bechamel and buttery crumbs on top?


ARGH, I'd better go make dinner before starting to eat the seed catalogs.

Tonight is tomato sammiches with lettuce and TVP bacon bits and pineapple upside

down cake for afters.


OOOoh, and I just found a gorgeous lettuce which is reddish purple/pinkish and

green. (Johnny's Selected Seeds - Skyphos) Free catalog, you want it, you really

really want it.


Jeanne in GA

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